Welcome to the website for the village of Lydford in Devon. Here you will find current information of goings on in the village and also information on things to see, places to stay, where to eat and why you should visit.

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Lydford Fair 2025
Events | News

Lydford Fair 2025

Lydford Fair will take place on the 5th of July this year, Please view the Lydford Fair Homepage for more information We are pleased to be able to announce that The Vikings, The dog show and the falconry show will all be present again at this years fair. Evening entertainment will be provided by the…


Trains from Okehampton

GWR have given notice that from Saturday 8th March to Friday 14th March there will be no train services between Okehampton and Exeter St Davids because of essential track work and to enable the new Okehampton Interchange station. Replacement buses will be provided. John Bright



There is flooding on the roads to tavistock, which will take time to clear, please drive slowly. There is flooding between the two Lydford gorge entrances and between Brentor and Tavistock.