Lydford Fayre 2024
We are pleased to announce Lydford Fayre will be on Saturday 6th of July, we are looking forward to welcoming back the Balloonists and the other regular features at the fayre.
Citizens Advice can provide free, confidential and independent advice to help you with a problem you may be having with a trader or business. Visit Citizens Advice online or call their consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133. For immediate, comprehensive advice on a range of consumer issues, visit the Heart of the South West Trading Standards…
Advanced warning of an inspection and remedial work to the railway bridge by the junction between the back road from Lydford to the Mucky Duck and the turning to Ingo Brake. The road is scheduled to be closed from Thursday 21st November to Friday 22nd November. The planned detour is via Tavistock and the A386.
There will be a meeting for the parish at the Nicholls Hall on Tuesday 14th May, starting at 6.30pm. Representatives from Nicholls Hall, Sports field, Lydford Foxes, Lydford primary school, Lydford Gorge and the Dartmoor National Park Authority have all been invited to attend and give a short presentation. This is an open meeting. It…
The pub walk will be taking place this Saturday the 13th, finishing at Lydford Sports Field with music and a good night out. Register at Bridestowe Village Hall for a 2pm start.
Beating the bounds is an ancient tradition intended to remind people of the boundaries that were important in their lives. This year the event took place on Saturday 20th May.
GWR have given notice that from Saturday 8th March to Friday 14th March there will be no train services between Okehampton and Exeter St Davids because of essential track work and to enable the new Okehampton Interchange station. Replacement buses will be provided. John Bright