Minutes – February 14th 2023

Minutes of the meeting held
Tuesday 14th February 2023 at 7:00pm

  1. Public Session (15 minutes)
  • Simon Thompson of NT Lydford Gorge informed the Council that it is anticipated that the
    Gorge will be fully reopened by 10.3.23
  • Councillors explained that there had been issues with local residents being refused free
    access to the Gorge. ST explained that free access has not been stopped. He agreed to
    research the problem and get back to Council
  • Cllr Southcott informed the Council that a new site for Speedwatch has been approved at
    the entrance to Granite Way.
  1. Present – Cllrs Cook (Chair), MacIntyre, Blackmore, Skeaping, Southcott (WDBC) + Sue Powne,
    Paul Brooke, Simon Thompson
  2. Apologies for absence
    Cllrs Grigg, Squires, Tainsh, Mott. Apologies accepted
  3. Declarations of Interest
  4. Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.
    (For information only)
    Cllr Skeaping reported that he had enquired of Mick Jones whether he would be willing to undertake
    repairs to the notice boards. The quote to repair was £200 + materials for both (AP1 – write to Jerry
    Locke re sharing cost between PC and Hall trustees.)
  5. Minutes of the meeting 10th January 2023
    Resolved to agree the minutes proposed Cllr MacIntyre, seconded Cllr Blackmore. All in favour.
  6. Matters arising from the meeting 10th January 2023
    (For information only)
  • Notice given to WDBC of withdrawal from contract re toilets.
  • Precept £8508 notification to WDBC
  • CCTV to be removed by donors 26.2.23
  • Clerk has been election trained
  1. Beating the Bounds 2023
  • Cllr Skeaping is on the planning committee for the event now
  • Paul Brookes to detail exactly what cover is needed under liability. (AP2 – Clerk to enquire
    of insurers).
  • All other organizations that organized such activities bought their own policies.
  • Local businesses have agreed to provide food & refreshments.
  • Routes have been decided. (AP3 – PB to supply routes and Clerk to produce route maps.)
  • Requesting that everyone taking part pre-registers although they will be able to register on
    the day.
  • Discussing ways of receiving donations.
  • Majority of permissions have been received, just awaiting DNP.
  • 56 –
  1. Public toilets
  • Closing meter readings required 26.2.23 (AP4 – Clerk to arrange and feedback to WDBC)
  • Jade has collected cleaning materials. Any Council materials to be removed?
  • Signs on toilets to be removed, together with those at the end of the Granite Way.
  1. Transition to incoming Council – May 2023
  • It was agreed that all appropriate recruitment initiatives have been taken. In the end it will
    probably come down to word of mouth.
  • Clerk will arrange for new signatories to replace those that may be lost at the end of the Council
  • Clerk to provide additional time for inducting / supporting new Councillors
  • Cllr Blackmore has assumed responsibility for inspecting and reporting on the defibrillator.
  • WDBC will lay on training on planning for new councillors.
  1. Finances
    Councillors resolved to approve the following payments
    i. J. Bright £340.38 February salary
    ii. HMRC £80.80 PAYE February
    iii. WDBC £400.00 Wallgate servicing
    Councillors approved to award £350 from the budget 2023-24 in response of the application from
    Dan Morrow (DMAT & Lydford Primary School) for funds to support the planned Coronation event in
    Lydford. May 2023 Approved – £350 from next year’s budget
    Proposed Cllr Cook, seconded Cllr MacIntyre. All in favour.
  2. Playground (standing item)
  • Cllr MacIntyre continues to face difficulties trying to find someone approved to make the
    recognized repairs to equipment
  • ROSPA Inspection due in March
  1. Actions taken under delegated authority
  • Response to tree works 23/0009 Pomeroys sent – no objections.
    Meeting closed 20:11
    Date of next meeting – Tuesday 14th March 2023
    Action Points:
    1 Clerk to contact Jerry Locke to explore
    sharing costs of repair.
    Sent 15.2.23 – no reply
    2 Clerk to contact insurers with Paul’s list of
    Awaiting details from Paul Brookes
    3 Clerk to produce route maps once Paul has
    forwarded route.
    Awaiting details from Paul Brookes