Minutes – July 12th 2022


Minutes of the meeting held on

Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 7:00pm

  1. Public Session (15 minutes)
    1. 11 members of the parish attended to voice their concerns over Dartmoor National Park’s proposal to charge for parking in the Lydford car park. A number of concerns were raised regarding the potential risks which might arise if parking is displaced from the car park into the roadway, about the additional costs to those who work nearby and have to commute to work and to those who worship in the Church nearby. Some wondered whether DNP actually owns the car park and if they are indeed able to charge for parking. 
    1. Parishioners were thanked for their views, which would be passed to DCC as part of the consultation. Councillor Mott reminded those present that the Council’s response would only count as a single response and that everyone should submit their own response using the form available through the DCC website.
    1. AP1 – clerk to write to DCC to voice summary of views expressed. (Before 21.7.22)
  • Apologies for absence

Cllr Grigg, Cllr Tainsh, Cllr MacIntyre. Accepted.

  • Declarations of Interest


  • Minutes of the Meeting 14th June 2022
  • Clerk advised the Council that an inaccuracy had been identified by a parishioner, in that the bench had been replaced by the owner of Treehaven and not the landowner as stated in the minutes. That amendment was accepted and the minutes were agreed. Proposed – Cllr Cook, seconded Cllr Skeaping. All in favour.
  • Matters arising from the meeting 14th June 2022 
  • The bench outside Downtown Farm has been repaired to a good standard thanks to the owner of Treehaven. Councillors are grateful to owner.
  • On a point of order Councillor Cook felt that the matter of changing the Union flag to the flag od Devon had been incorrectly raised under AOB. The correct procedure would have been to have raised an agenda item so that anyone interested could make comment before Councillors reached a decision. It was agreed that the question would be put on the September agenda to be properly raised. (AP2 – clerk to add Devon flag to September’s agenda.)
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Councillors Report (to be circulated)
  • Councillor Mott advised the Council that WDBC will be sending letters to those who are entitled to receive the £150 government grant but for whatever reason have not as yet received it. This letter will provide a guide to claiming the grant. 
  • There will be a new round of hardship grants from WDBC coming out in September. There was a strong take up of the previous round of grants.
  • Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)
  • Clerk confirmed that Dartmoor National Park and the National Trust locally are keen to be involved in any actions to bring EV charging to Lydford car park. Councillors suggested that local businesses – specifically Lydford Caravan and Camping Park and The Castle Inn – might want to be involved in the project.
  • AP3 – Clerk to contact Roger Stokes and Jared Lothian to invite them into the charger “working group”
  • Defibrillator casing
  • The defibrillator casing attached to the outside wall of Nicholls Hall is leaking water and needs replacing. 
  • It was proposed that Cllrs Blackmore and Cook research possible alternatives to a maximum of £600 and arrange an order to be placed. Proposed Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr Cook. All in favour. 
  • AP4 – clerk to write to possible sources of support funding from WDBC and DCC
  1. Public toilets (standing item)

No update

  1. Playground (standing item)
  2. The broken bolt on the swing has been replaced. The stepping posts on the obstacle course appear to be secure, no need to remove or replace them.
  1. DNP proposed car parking charges – Lydford CP
  2. Previously discussed – see Public Session, above.
  1. Finances
  2. Councillors resolved to agree the payments –
  1. J. Bright                         £13.95           Plaque for Jubilee bench (from Jubilee reserve)
    1. J. Bright                         £15.44           Printer cartridge
    1. WDBC                         £370.97           Toilets – electricity & water to May end
    1. J. Bright                       £312.71           July salary
    1. HMRC                           £73.80           PAYE July
    1. Jade Tennant              £588.50           Toilet cleaning June
    1. J Bright                            £3.90           Stationary

Proposed Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr Cook. All in favour.

  1. Actions taken under delegated authority
  2. Councillors noted the payment –

Payments made –

  1. Sue Powne                      £172.20           Balance of Jubilee funds (fund now closed)
  1. Planning Applications:


  1. Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.
  2. Cllr Skeaping asked that the minutes reflect the Council’s appreciation to the organizing committee for an excellent summer fayre which was so well attended and universally enjoyed.

Meeting closed 20:05

Signed                                      Chair to the meeting              Date 

Action points:

01ClerkSubmit feedback from meeting as the Council’s contribution to the consultation from DCC.Submitted 14.7.2022
02ClerkAdd question of flying Devon Flag as an alternate to the Union Flag to September agendaDuly added
03ClerkContact Roger Stokes and Jared Lothian to invite them onto the Rapid EV charger “working group”Invite sent 19.7.2022 – both have agreed to contribute.
04ClerkTo write to Cllr Philips (DCC) and Cllr Mott (WDBC) to request financial support with the purchase of new defib case.Application to WDBC submitted 19.7.2022. £100 grant approved.Email to Cllr Sanders 19.7.2022 – awaiting reply