Minutes – July 10th 2018


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 10th July 2018 at 7pm

Public Time

One member of the public attended this meeting.  


Cllrs Cook, Moriarty, Squires, Fowler, MacIntyre. Also  Mrs Redding (Clerk)

  1. Apologies

R Tainsh, N Skeaping, 

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held June 12th 2018

Some amendments were made to the minutes and minutes accepted. All actions from the previous minutes had been completed and were noted. 


  • Updates to actions from last meeting 12th June 2018 and further actions required
  • Email to D Janota regarding the Lydford Settlement plan which is inaccurate is unanswered. The Clerk will send another email (A1).
  • No response to Downtown Farm letter. No further action required from the PC.
  • PC confirmed the application for a licence to sell alcohol at the Caravan site in Lydford.
  • Castle Inn and camper vans – the land is not owned by anyone and no further action is required. One comment made from the parish. Cllr Skeaping will speak to pub landlord to keep area tidy.
  • Abandoned car has been moved to the Bridestowe road and is now burnt out.
  • Email sent to J Doswell regarding lorries unable to turn in Silver Street. To await response.
  • Reports from Outside Bodies

Playground and MUGA

  • Mr T Williams gave a report regarding the playground. All minor issues in the RoSPA report have been dealt with by Caledonian Play. The MUGA is still being discussed by the Multi Academy Trust in relation to funding. There is some sports funding available. A feasibility study is being carried out. Clerk to send a letter to the Head of the MAT (D Chapman) to ask about the use of public funding for developing the MUGA and express concern about the time it has taken to sort it out and also to mention concerns raised by the public regarding the proposed project management costs and to ask about the due diligence steps which have been taken to ensure that the work carried out is value for money (A2). 

Bus shelter committee –

  • No further progress has been made. The designs are in hand. 

Southern Link – 

  • Highways work now seems to be progressing faster than before. 
  • TAP fund has ceased and Communities Together fund is a replacement. Preference for people working together to create community cohesion, health and wellbeing etc. Not for lengthsmen but for innovative projects. 
  • Dartmoor National Park plan is progressing
  • DCC – Internal and External review on customer excellence to be carried out
  • Police report – 30% increase in crime figures. Mental health issues and lack of resources are causes in some part. 

DNPA – review of National Parks  

  • Local Plan draft Nov/Dec 2018

            Foxes Club has won 3 awards in their first year of operation

  • Fair Play award from DGML.
  • Club won Charles Norswothy award for FA cup for general attitude
  • Dr Pepper Award – best club overall in Devon. 
  • Borough Council Reports


  • Finances

7a – Bills for Payment

£536.58  (1297) Came and Company Insurance

£295.33 (1298) T Redding pay

£69.40  (1299) HMRC

7b Grant applications


  • Planning Applications

P1 0163/18 – Planning refusal Homefield – noted

P2 0323/18 – Planning application for infill – Holmleigh – supported by the PC

  • Correspondence
  1. NALC – Document storage. Filing cabinet in Nichols Hall to be utilised and a new key found.Cllr Fowler will discuss arrangements with the Nichols Hall Committee to store Parish Council archives.
  2. Marshall Internal Audit – the PC decided to separate the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations as per the internal audit recommendation.  
  3. N Oxton – Highways. The new proposed VAS sign does not meet the DCC design standard as the cheaper signs are speed activated devices. The Clerk to source another sign through research on approved list and contacting other PC’s (A3).
  4. Southern Link – Agenda and papers – discussed under Section 5 – Reports. 
  5. C Middler – Tor Brae – ideas for the use of the land – noted. 
  6. Downtown Farm Letters. Noted.
  7. Moving together. noted
  8. WDBC – News releases – noted
  9. CPRE Annual report – noted
  1. Agenda Items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Data Protection policy – The policy was acceptable.
  3. Document Storage – see item 9(1). The documents should be in a public building and was discussed above. 
  4. Internal Audit – discussed under Section 9
  5. VAS update – discussed under section 9. 

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 11th September 2018

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

Meeting closed at 20:36

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated    

A1Email to D Janota (DNPA) re:Lydford Settlement planEmail sent 29/07/18 revised plan sent. In correspondence Sept PC meeting
A2Letter to Head of MAT re: MUGA D ChapmanLetter sent 29/07/18No response 
A3 Research on VAS equipment. Email to other PC’s.Email sent BC has quotes from other companies