Minutes – May 8th 2018
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on Tuesday 8th May 2018 at 7pm
Public Time
The Clerk welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for questions from the public. One member of the public attended and there were no matters raised. Cllr Mott from WDBC was present.
- Election of Chair
The Clerk requested nominations and seconders for the position of Chair
Nominated: B Cook Nominator: L Fowler Seconder: N Skeaping
One candidate was nominated and therefore Mr B Cook was elected as Chair.
- Election of Vice-Chair
The Clerk asked for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.
Nominated: R Tainsh Nominator: A MacIntyre Seconder: L Fowler
There were no other candidates and R Tainsh was declared Vice-Chair.
Cllrs Fowler, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Squires, Skeaping, Tainsh and Cook. Also present Mrs T Redding (Clerk)
- Apologies
- Declarations of Interest
Cllr Skeaping declared an interest in Correspondence Item 10, Townsend House Treeworks
- To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th April 2018
The PC approved the minutes and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr B Cook.
- Updates from the meeting dated 10th April 2018
- Road Signs. Cllr Skeaping is still holding the road signs for Highways and the Clerk was asked to contact the representative to ask for these to be reinstated (A1).
- GDPR – Cllr Squires is reviewing to actions the PC is required to take and will be undertaking a course in June 2018 to ensure the PC is compliant. He will work with the Clerk to consider the PC responsibilities under GDPR (A2).
- Playground Report from RoSPA (in correspondence box). All minor issues have now been sorted out.
- VAS: The PC agreed to go forward with the new supplier (A3) and the clerk will contact the new supplier ELAN and will ask WDBC to confirm the amount which is left in the fund.(A4)
- Reports from Outside Bodies
- Borough Council Reports.
Cllr Mott offered to provide PowerPoint slides on the Planning in Principle
- Finances
The Clerk provided hard copies of the bank reconciliation, income, assets, expenditure and receipts documents to date as end of year accounts 2017-2018 and gave a general financial report and this was accepted by the PC as accurate.
- Bills for Payment
£267.58 (1289) Salary Clerk
£62.20 (1290) HMRC
£81.00 (1291) D Malley payroll services
£90.23 (1292) DALC Membership
- Grant Applications
- Planning Applications
PL1. Townend House Treeworks 18/0021– approved
PL2. Downtown Farm 0001/18 – rejection noted
PL3. Tor Brae 0185/17/FUL – appeal rejection noted
- Correspondence
- Pay Award Clerk – this notification from was noted and agreed Spinal column 19 – £10.10.
- General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) – in hand with Cllr Squires
- Community resilience newsletter. Cllrs Tainsh and MacIntyre will attend the next workshop
- Rural service network newsletter – Noted
- DNPA Local Plan review – Cllr Tainsh to contact D Janota with regards omissions to the Lydford settlement plan which has not been updated despite the Clerk and Cllr Tainsh having been in touch with DNPA.
- Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
- GDPR – Data protection regulations update (Data protection policy)
- Bus Shelter – update
- VAS update
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 12th June 2018
- Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair
The Clerk to request Highways for information regarding the white lines on the main street to be reinstated and the date for repair of the road at the top of the village which is now deeply scored (A1).
The meeting closed at 20.10
Signed ___________________ Chairperson Dated 2017
Action List May 2018 – Clerk update
Action | Detail | Notes |
1 | Road signs | Sent to J Doswell – forwarded to N Oxton – |
2 | GDPR | Cllr Squires has worked with the Clerk to develop the Data Protection Policy. New Data Protection policy for discussion |
3 | VAS – contact new supplier with questions | Contacted – response provided and sent to N Oxton for information and request for dates of post installation |
4 | VAS current amount remaining to check with WDBC | Contacted – response provided from WDBC – sufficient funds left for new VAS with ElanCity |
5 | Contact J Doswell (Highways) re road surface and white lines | Done and response received. |