Minutes – February 12th 2019


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 12th February 2019 at 7pm

Public Time

Three members of the public attended


Cllrs Cook, Moriarty, Squires, Fowler, Skeaping and MacIntyre. Also Dr Redding (Clerk)

  1. Apologies

Cllr Tainsh

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held 8th January 2019

Minutes were approved.   


  • Updates of actions from the last meeting 8th  January 2019 

Most actions have been completed. Clerk to follow up on the status of the VAS signage (A1).  Cllr Skeaping had no response from Highways regarding blocked drains and curbside vegetation. The Clerk will call Highways (A2) .   

  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports

Cllr Mott has a list of community grant schemes to forward to the PC by email (A3)

  • Finances

The Clerk presented finances up to the 31st January 2019 which was accepted.

The PC discussed the purchase of a storage cupboard for Highways funded equipment. An inventory will need to be done (A4). The PC agreed that this equipment would be made available to other Parish Councils. 

Banking was discussed with respect to the limitation of cheques. The Clerk will investigate TSB –  Internet Banking (A5). 

7a – Bills for Payment

£ 276.63 (1345) Pay/Expenses T. Redding  

£64.80 (1346) HMRC

£174.19 (1347) M Jones Bus shelter  

7b Grant applications

Village in Action is discussed under Correspondence

  • Planning Applications

Coppins – 00288/19 – It was reported that the notice was slow in being put up. Otherwise not objection the application was supported. 

Tree works – Pomeroys – 19/0003 – Application supported. 

  • Correspondence
  • Clerk and Councils Direct – noted
  • Villages in Action – grant request. The PC noted that there are few productions in Lydford and at present they felt that they could not support this application. Clerk to send a letter indicating that under current circumstances the PC are not able to support this application but will lobby the Council to support Villages in Action and will send a letter to WDBC suggesting that they could support the project. (A6)
  • Community Transport newsletter – noted
  • Local Plan – no comments from parishioners have been received
  • STEM Returners letter – Cllr MacIntyre to place the information on the website (A7)
  • Toilets – Cllr Cook and Fowler provided an update. Cllr Fowler and Cook had a meeting with C. Aubertin and colleague from WDBC. The agreement is as follows;
  • Lydford PC will run the toilets for a 6 month period (April to October) for one year then this will be reviewed. 
  • Lydford PC has asked for necessary repairs to be completed before taking on the toilets. WDBC agreed to carry out the repairs but may not be able to complete these before the takeover in March 2019. 
  • DNPA will lease the property to Lydford and WDBC will insure the building. 
  • Cleaning schedules have been sent as well as a risk assessment for information. 
  • The building will be open during the day but the timings will be discussed (9am to 6pm was suggested). 
  • Lydford PC may have a final meeting to clarify the agreement and what public liability insurance will cover. 
  • The volunteer cleaners have offered to attend the March PC meeting.
  • WDBC Newsletter – noted that the proposed hotel will not be built in Tavistock.
  • Selectra smart meter information with a request to promote the product – The PC decided not to place this on the website  
  • WDBC – News Releases – grants for parks were noted
  • Letter regarding tarmac outside the village hall – parishioners were encouraged to report the large holes in the tarmac to Highways as a trip hazard. Parishioners are encouraged to report this problem to My Devon.
  • Toilets information – no action
  1. Agenda Items from January 2019
  1. None
  1. Agenda items and date of next Parish Council Meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 12th March 2018

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

Cllr MacIntyre has opened a Facebook page for the PC and there are several suggestions which have been made. It was suggested that these comments could be highlighted and considered in the PC meeting.  One example was a question regarding Neighbourhood Watch in Lydford. Mr and Mrs Purnell from Lydford have volunteered to start a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. This will be noted in the Parish Magazine. 

The meeting closed at 20:20

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated    

A1VAS signageMeeting with Highways and home owner organised for 7thMarch
A2Call to Highways re curbside vegetationDone
A3C Mott to send details of grant schemesDone
A4 Inventory for Highways equipmentTBC
A5Internet BankingTBC
A6Letter to Villages in ActionDone
A7STEM information on the websiteInfo sent to A macIntyre