Minutes – April 10th 2018


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 10th April 2018 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public and Cllr Mott (WDBC) attended this meeting.  Mr Leigh-Tyrer spoke about the refusal of planning permission for Downtown Farm and about DNPA’s policy on affordable housing. Cllr Mott offered some advice on ways forward.


Cllrs Cook, Moriarty, Squires, Skeaping, Fowler.  

  1. Apologies

Cllrs Tainsh and MacIntyre. Also Mrs Redding (Clerk).

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held March 12th 2018

Some amendments were made to the minutes. All actions from the previous minutes had been completed and were noted. 


  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 12th March 2018
  • Bus shelter – the process of developing the bus shelter is ongoing.
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports

Cllr Mott spoke about the WDBC project on better use of food caddies and this was discussed. The new recycling regime was also discussed. She offered some advice on the new data protection rules and regulations. There will also be training on the 25th April on the new Permission in Principle planning initiative.

  • Finances

The Clerk had forwarded the financial spreadsheet which was accepted by the PC.

7a – Bills for Payment

£100  (1285) Tree Tops grant

£267.38 (1286) T Redding pay

£62.40  (1287) HMRC

£79.80   (1288) Playsafety – playground

7b Grant applications


  • Planning Applications

P1 – 0074/18 Begonia Cottage – permission noted

P2 180010 – No preservation order noted

P3 Addendum 0063/18 Homefield  – Council agreed to support the application on condition that this is not a separate dwelling or holiday let. The purpose was not clear.

  • Correspondence
  1. SLCC GDPR training noted.
  2. E James GDPR noted – Agenda Item for May PC meeting. Cllr Squires will commence picking out the main points to consider under the new data protection act.
  3. Elan City – VAS signage – discussions deferred to May PC meeting. 
  4. Mr Ellington – the comments are noted and a response will be made by the Clerk. Website updates are in hand. 
  5. Sea Moor Lotto – the PC will try to summarise this for the Parish Magazine. 
  6. S Link minutes and TAP application noted. The new TAP fund is going to be called Communities Together and will include other organisations who can apply for funding. 
  7. FORCE Cancer Charity – volunteers needed. The PC will put this information in the Parish Magazine.
  8. DALC Newsletter – Noted 
  9. DCC response to railway trespass – noted
  10. GDPR pack sent – see above items 1 and 2.
  11. RoSPA inspection – the report was noted as were the risk levels indicated and the manufacturers have been informed and will sort out the minor issues.
  1. Agenda Items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Data Protection 
  3. VAS signage 

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 8th May 2018

Please note that the APM will start at 6.30pm and the AGM will start at 7.00pm. All welcome.

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair


Meeting closed at 20:36

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated    

A1Inform Highways about the missing signageEmail sent J Doswell
A2Response to Mr Ellington   Email sent