Minutes – February 14th 2017


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 14th February 2017 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended and during public time, concern was raised about the proposed development 0184/17 Tor Brae. One member of the public noted that new housing was not in the development plan and the site was not a designated brownfield site. The PC responded that this application would be discussed at a later meeting. 


Cllrs Fowler, Cook, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Skeaping, Mills and Tainsh. Also present was the Clerk Mrs T Redding 

  1. Apologies


  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th January 2017

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Fowler. 

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 10th January 2017
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances

The Clerk provided an update on finances. 

Reserves Policy – There was a short discussion regarding a policy on the use of reserves and grant giving. The PC recognized the need to set this out clearly as well as the grant giving process. Cllr Cook agreed to re-write the proposed policy which will be discussed at the next meeting as an agenda item.

  1. Bills for Payment (Including those over £100 as per the transparency code)

£251.44 Clerk (1257)

£58.40 Inland Revenue (1258)

£50.00 Nicholls Hall (Playground event) (1259)

£100.00 St Petroc’s PCC (Burial Grant) (1260)

  • Grant Applications

The Playground Committee had previously requested a grant of £500. The PC decided to award this amount.  

  • Planning Applications
  • DNPA Planning Moorcroft Extension – approved

            1b.  Addendum – application for tree removal 17/0006 Olde Stone was supported.

  • Correspondence
  • Letter from Mr Middler regarding application 0185/17 Tor Brae. Cllr Fowler reported that she had spoken to Matt James of WDBC and the deadline for responses has been extended until after the March PC meeting (14thMarch 2017). The PC decided to put a note in the Parish Magazine and on the website to canvass public opinion so that in the response to WDBC the PC can represent the views of the parishioners (A1).  The PC noted that the previous application for this development had been refused by the Secretary of State and that some preplanning has been done.
  • Funding issues: 
    • MUGA. The Playground Committee requested that an application for the MUGA could be submitted to the TAP fund. The PC discussed this and decided that since there would be several requests for TAP funding from other councils for DAA night landing sites it could not support an application for TAP funding for the MUGA at this time. The Clerk had been in touch with WDBC and it was felt that the Community Access Fund would be a suitable fund to apply for and this will be taken forward by the Clerk (A2).
    • The Clerk will check with Mary Tavy PC regarding the TAP application for control of Japanese knotweed. (A3) 
    • The Clerk was asked to complete an application to the TAP fund for DAA night landing site (A4)
    • The Clerk will also apply for funding for equipment for the parish lengthsman from the Highways fund (A5)
  • Reserves Policy proposal from Cllr Cook – discussed under Item 7
  • Response from Sports Field Committee regarding DAA site – the PC decided to go ahead with TAP funding for the DAA night landing site.
  • NHS Consultation. The CCG report was discussed and the Clerk was asked to send a note of support for the responses to Okehampton Town Council (A6).
  • Homeless Strategy – noted
  • Lydford Memorial Listing. The notes provided by Mr Barkell will be forwarded to Historic England (A7)
  • Mayoral Award – noted. No suggestions. 
  • Rural Health Conference – noted
  • DALC conference – noted
  • Charges for waste – Noted
  • Services – Noted
  • Letter from DNPA – resignation of Mr S Belli – noted
  • Letter from Mrs Barkell regarding the graveyard extension for St Petrocs Church. This was discussed and it was suggested that the field opposite the church may be suitable. The Clerk was asked to write to  Mrs Barkell with this suggestion (A7).
  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Clerk salary review
  3. Revised reserves policy

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 14th March 2017

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

Meeting closed at 20.55

Signed ___________________ Chairperson             Dated                                2017

Actions February 2017

A1Note in the Parish Magazine and Website regarding planning application 0185/17Done
A2Application to community access fund for the MUGAIn hand
A3Check Mary Tavy TAP fund Japanese Knotweed.Done – email sent.
A4TAP fund application for DAACompleted and sent
A5Highways Fund application for Lengthsman equipmentIn hand
A6Note of support to Okehampton PC regarding CCG responsesDone email sent
A7Sent notes about War Memorial by H Barkell to Historic EnglandDone and response received