Minutes – March 8th 2016


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 8th March 2016 at 7pm

Public Time

Three members of the public attended including Cllr Moyse and Cllr Mott (WDBC). Mr Brookes     provided information about the planned Beating of the Bounds 2016 which will take place on Saturday 7th May at 9.30am. The walk will be about 13 miles long and the start and finish will be at the sports pavilion with the last leg going through the gorge and the village. Further information will be placed in the Parish magazine nearer the time. Mr Brookes requested some financial support from the PC for refreshments and other outgoings.  The PC agreed to discuss the request under Item 11.


Cllrs Fowler, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Mills, R Tainsh and Cook.  Also present Mrs T Redding (Clerk) 

  1. Apologies

N Skeaping

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th February 2016

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr L Fowler. 

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 9th  February 2016
  1. The Clerk provided an update on the actions from the previous meeting. Highways have been contacted regarding the VAS signs and the response had indicated that although the previous SCARFE assessment had found speeds to be generally within the limit there may be suitable places for a sign to be erected outside the assessment sites. The PC noted that the assessment had taken place before the operation of the village shop opposite the Dartmoor Inn. However the note from the Mr Jones of Highways suggested that possible sites for VAS signs could be identified for further consideration. The Clerk was asked to contact the Lydford Speed Watch group and ask them to give some thought to the placing of signs and to respond to the PC (A1).
  2. The Clerk also reported that a TAP fund application had been completed for lengthsmen services for Peter Tavy, Mary Tavy and Lydford PC’s. 
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports.

Cllr Moyse reported on the recent bid to central government for WDBC to procure the services of a private company to run general services commencing in April 2016. Cllr Mott   provided information on a waste survey being run by WDBC. The Clerk was asked access the survey and complete it on behalf of Lydford PC especially with regard to the recycling of some plastics (A2). 

  • Finances

The Clerk provided a short update on finances and this was accepted by the PC. 

  1. Bills for Payment

£238.62 Salary Clerk

£55.00   HMRC

  • Grant Applications


  • Planning Applications
  • DPNA movement of solar panels – supported
  • Skit House – erection of a pool house – supported
  • Correspondence
  • Tor Brae – Appeal dismissal for planning – noted
    • Dartmoor Forest Neighbourhood Plan – information noted
    • Neighbourhood Planning Roadshow – noted 
    • Lengthsmen services – noted
    • Training for councillors WDBC – date noted
    • Highways Conference – date noted
    • Note from Mr Ellington regarding VAS signage – noted
    • Scouts – application for funding – was really for Lydford on Fosse and was sent in error
    • VAS information regarding maintenance costs – noted
    • Response from Dartmoor Forest regarding their signs – noted
    • Thanks from Lydford PCC for a grant – noted
  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
  1. Beating the Bounds
  2. Playground Inspection report

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 12th April 2016

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

The PC agreed to provide funding towards the cost of Beating of the Bounds event up to £250. Cllr MacIntyre agreed to be the link Councillor for the organisation of the Beating of the Bounds walk. The Clerk was asked to see if she could get hold of a map of the village. 

The meeting closed at 19.56


Signed ___________________ Chairperson             Dated                                2016

Action List Jan/Feb 2016

1Contact Lydford Speedwatch re VAS possible  locationDone – email sent and response received
2Waste survey online to completeCompleted
3Contact DNPA re map of the villageDone – response in correspondence
4List of Dates for PC meeting on notice boardDone

Finance summary 8th March 2016

Balance 01/02/16£13,539.04     
Expenditure to 12/01/16    Income Jan  
Redding12/01/161198£240.62 Transform Fund£649.00
Inland Revenue12/01/161204£55.20   
Total  £834.24   
New balance 30/01/15£13,353.80     
OF THIS      
RESERVES £6,730.00    
Ancient spring 163.00£163.00     
Election reserve£800.00     
Parish Reserve£5,000.00     
General reserves£767.00     
PLAYGROUND balance £5,119.00    
PC Balance £1,504.80    
total £13,353.80    
bills to pay Feb 2016      