Minutes – January 12th 2016


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 12th January 2016 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended. There was a question about the progress of the TAP funded VAS signage. The Chair indicated that this item would be discussed in the meeting under Section 12 – Correspondence. 

  1. Present

Cllrs Fowler, Moriarty, Skeaping, MacIntyre, Tainsh, Mills and Cook.  Also present Mrs T Redding (Clerk) 

  • Apologies


  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th December 2015

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr L Fowler. 

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 8th  December 2015
  1. Defibrillators – the PC discussed the application for funding from the British Heart Foundation which now appears to be oversubscribed. Other possible funding sources may be found if the PC was willing to put in part funding. The Clerk was asked to contact the BHF to confirm that the fund had closed and ask about any new funding (A1). There are potentially other funding sources (SW Ambulance and Heartbeat Trust) and the Clerk was asked to look into this (A2).
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports.

Cllr Mott reported on the refuse which had been left at the entrance to Lydford Forest. This has been noted. 

  • Finances

The Clerk provided a short update on finances and this was accepted by the PC. 

  • Bills for Payment

£240.62 Salary Clerk

£55.00   HMRC

£242.77 A MacIntyre website costs. 

£120.00 A MacIntyre Website hosting costs

  1. Grant Applications

St Petrocs PCC requested a sum of £178 towards the burial fund and the PC decided to give £300. A vote was taken. The PC voted in favour with one abstention. 

The Clerk was asked to send a letter to St Petrocs to advise them of the grant (A3).

  1. Planning Applications


  1. Correspondence
  2. Mr Jones (Highways) responded with regard to questions about proceeding with  the TAP funded VAS signage. Mr Jones indicated that before the VAS signs could be erected another risk assessment would be required (SCARF) because the last one was carried out 18 months ago. The PC is also concerned about the speed of traffic passing the turn off for the village at the Dartmoor Inn. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Jones to enquire about the risk assessment and how to proceed (A4) and to forward the data collected on speeds on the A386 to Mr Ellington (Lydford Speed Watch) (A5). 
  3. The Clerk was asked to thank Mrs V MacConnel for the information regarding the 20mph speed limits (A6). DCC is conducting a study on the effectiveness of 20mph limits in rural areas and this will be completed in 2016 (Spring). 
  4. Planning Appeal Tor Brae – A planning appeal has been sent to WDBC regarding the new house construction next to Bolts House and this was copied to the PC by a parishioner.  Because the proposed house is officially outside the Lydford Parish boundary the PC cannot respond officially. However the PC felt that this needed a response because the appeal indicated that the DNPA would agree to the application if it was in Lydford Parish. The appeal seemed to infer that since it was very close it could to be considered as being in the parish. The PC decided to contact the DNPA. The Clerk was asked to contact J Rumble (DNPA) to highlight this issue (A7).
  5. CAB Devon – the request for support for a TAP funding application for a community event was discussed and the PC noted that the deadline had already passed. The Clerk was ask to respond to CAB to highlight this (A8).
  6. The PC was invited to a Devon Remembers Heritage Event – for 14th January. No Cllrs were available to attend.
  7. The PC discussed the role of the PC with regard to safety and maintenance of the playground. Cllr MacIntyre agreed to be the responsible officer for the PC.
  8. Invitation to the Patrons Lunch to commemorate the Queens 90th Birthday on the 12th June 2016 was received. The PC discussed this and noted that other groups in the village would probably take this forward. 
  9. Rural Services Questionnaire. The Clerk was asked to complete the questionnaire (A9).
  10. Defibrillators – Discussed under Matters Arising Section 5. 
  11. Community Helipads – a request from the Devon Air Ambulance Trust for location of suitable rural helipad sites. The Clerk was asked to contact DAA for clarification on what this would entail (A10).
  12. Healthy people – the PC agreed to put a link to this initiative on the website.
  13. Neighbourhood Plans- the PC decided to put a note in the next Parish Magazine regarding this issue (A11).
  14.  The Clerk reported that WDBC had responded to the emails and had agreed to fix the light in the carpark and upgrade the public toilets. The toilets will be closed over the winter period.
  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 9th February 2016

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

         Cllr Skeaping indicated a concern over the development at Skitwood 0131/14 (formerly the Sanctuary) on the A386. There appears to be a different development than was apparently agreed in the planning decision and the Clerk was asked to contact DNPA to highlight these concerns and to ask if there had been any agreed amendment to the footings (A12). 

The meeting closed at 20.48.

Signed ___________________ Chairperson             Dated                                2016

Action List Jan/Feb 2016

1Contact BHF re funding application and other part funded sourcesBHF emailed. The fund is closed but waiting on response re part funding
2Other sources of fundsIn hand
3Contact St Petrocs re burial grantDone
4Contact M Jones Highways regarding SCARF assessmentEmail sent 
5Data from Highways regarding speed to be sent to Lydford Speed watch Mr EllingtonSent and response included in Feb correspondence
6Mrs V MacConnel to be thanked for informationEmail sent 
7Contact DNPA (J Rumble) re Tor BraeEmail sent and response from J Burgess that they are looking into it
8CAB to be contacted re TAP fundsDone. Email response from Georgia Ainsworth in Correspondence February
9Rural Services QuestionnaireIn hand 
10Community helipad – more info needed. ContactEmail sent
11Note on Neighbourhood plans for the Parish MagazineDone
12Note to DNPA re construction at The Sanctuary 0131/14Email sent to J Burgess .