Agenda – July 13th 2021


From the Clerk:

 John Bright email:[email protected]

The Parish Council is summoned

To meet on

Tuesday 13th July 2021 at 7:00pm

At the Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Members of the public and press wishing to observe or participate in the public session are cordially invited to attend. Covid restrictions will be followed as per Government guidance. Note – the Rule of Six applies to members of the public attending. Risk Assessment is available on request. Matters for the Council to consider can also be brought to the attention of Councillors or emailed to the Clerk: [email protected].


  1. Public Session (15 minutes or at the discretion of the Chair)
  • Apologies for Absence
  • Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  

  • Minutes of the meeting held 4th May 2021

To resolve to agree the minutes

  • Matters arising from the meeting 4th May 2021

(For information only)

  • Reports from Outside Bodies
  • Borough Councillors Report (to be circulated)
  • Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)
  • Public toilets (standing item)

Ongoing issues of damage to the toilets – to discuss possible solutions, agree next steps and make resolutions as necessary.

  1. Playground (standing item)

To note safety inspection(s) conducted since previous meeting

  1. Outreach Post Office facility Nicholls Hall

To discuss issue raised by incoming sub-postmaster Mary Tavy P.O., consider possible solutions and make resolutions as necessary.

  1. Car wash fundraiser FOLS.

To consider the request from Danielle Otnes and any assistance that the Council might be able to provide.

  1. Finances

To resolve to approve the payments:

  1. J Bright                   £23.99             Toilet supplies
  2. J Bright                 £307.52             Salary July
  3. HMRC                                 £72.40             PAYE July
  4. Jade Tennant                   £555.00             Toilet cleaning June
  5. J Bright                     £7.49             Meeting PPE
  6. N Grigg                   £12.76             Toilet supplies
  7. DALC                                  £36.00             Councillor training
  1. Actions taken under delegated authority since last meeting:
  1. Payments made –

10.5.2021 – First Rescue Training Ltd (replacement defibrillator pads & battery) £142.80

10.6.2021 –

  1. John Bright (additional dog fouling signs) – £19.90
  2. Jade Tennant (toilet cleaning) – £573.50
  3. John Bright (salary June) – £307.52
  4. HMRC (PAYE June) – £72.40
  5. John Bright (Postage – audit) – £4.73
  6. John Bright (postage – VAT return + stamps) – £11.73
  7. John Bright (printer cartridges) – £14.98
  8. John Bright (Zoom subscription May) – £14.39
  • Other actions – 

Responses to DNPA planning applications:

  1. 0242/21 – Higher Beardon: construction of manege (approve)
  2. 0270/21 – Crossfield: erection of steel framed barn (approve)
  3. 0313/21 – Mouse’s Back: erection of new porch (approve)
  1. Campaign to re-open the railway line between Okehampton and Tavistock

For Councillors to discuss and agree a position on the Campaign.

  1. Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee 2022

To consider possible events for Lydford to celebrate the occasion.

  1. Road Safety Through the Parish

To consider whether Councillors are happy for the new VAS to remain in place

To receive an update on establishing a SpeedWatch group in Lydford

  1. Planning Applications:

To agree responses to applications:


  1. Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.

(For information only)

Signed  Clerk to the Council                     Date 6th July 2021

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 7th September 2021

Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Correspondence distribution:

01Nicholls Hall CommitteeUpdate to arrangements for booking the Nicholls HallTo all Councillors 6.5.21Main Hall booked 
02WDBCFurther information regarding request for variation to premises licence – Castle Inn, LydfordTo all Cllrs14.5.21
03WDBCGuidance on regulations governing “Pop-Up Campsites” 2021To all Cllrs 18.5.21
04WDBCInformation on Broadband Booster programmeTo all Cllrs 2.6.21
05Anthony PurnellExcrement found in garden of Nicholls HallTo all Cllrs 11.6.21
06Catherine Parsons (NT Lydford Gorge)News on re-opening of the GorgeTo all Cllrs 22.6.21
07DNP National Park ForumNext meeting postponed in light of anticipated new proposals on National ParksTo all Cllrs  22.6.21
08Lisa Bastin Devon CommunitiesOpening of booking for next Resilience Forum Event 9.7.21To all Cllrs 23.6.21
09Danielle Otnes (Friends of Lydford School)Request for Council assistance with planned fund raising carwash – car park Summer Holidays 2021To all Cllrs 1.7.21. Agenda item 12, July meeting
10Devon Communities TogetherForum on changes to funding in agriculture 19.7.21To all Cllrs 2.7.21
11Lesley Pinder (Parishioner)Offer of assistance with CCTV re public toiletsTo all Cllrs 5.7.21 Agenda item 9, July meeting
12Anthony Purnell (Parishioner)Enquiry as to Council proposals to celebrate Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022To all Cllrs 12.6.21 Agenda item 16, July meeting