Minutes – June 2024

Present – Cllrs Hulett (Chair), Cook, Gilpin, Lenton L, Lenton K. Cllr Mott (WDBC)

  1. Public Session (15 minutes)

Sue Powne – can we have some clarity on what’s happening 6th July (sports field). JG – nothing has been organised by way of picnic. Hannah Braithwaite-Smith is organizing an event for Lydford Foxes. Trustees will lay out tables should anyone want to take a picnic. 17th August – church fete.

2. Apologies for absence

Cllrs Skeaping, Moyse. – Accepted.

3. Declarations of Interest


4. Minutes of the meeting 14th May 2024

It was proposed that these be accepted as a full and accurate record of the meeting. All in favour.

5. Matters arising from the meeting 14th May 2024


6. Correspondence received

  • Verena McConnel – complaint about overgrown hedge, Moorside.

Devon Highways responded to the initial report by the Clerk to Devon Highways by saying that the matter had been addressed by an “adjacent landowner” and was now closed. Councillors felt that the hedge is still obstructing the highway and vision along the A386. It is also obscuring one of the traffic signs at the junction. The hedge has been photographed again and another report submitted to Highways.

  • Devon CC Highways are requesting information on HGV drivers’ use of the back road from Mucky Duck to Lydford. The question will be forwarded via the parish newsletter and online to parishioners.

7. The council and the coming year

Cllr Hulett asked for Councillors who would be willing to lead for the council on –

  • Public toilets: Cllr Mott is pressing both DNPA and WDBC in an effort to get both authorities to find a way to reopen the toilets in Lydford. Should her efforts prove successful Cllrs felt it important to ensure the council maintains a presence in any meetings. Councillor Cook was involved in the initial discussions transferring the toilets from WDBC to Lydford PC and volunteered to attend any meetings.
  • One of the requirements of the council’s newly adopted Playground policy is the conducting of monthly visual checks of the grounds and equipment. Cllr K Lenton reported that Sue Marsh visits the equipment very regularly and is willing to conduct these checks. She will report any findings through Cllr Lenton.
  • Dog mess – The new bin ordered for the sports field has not arrived yet. Cllrs have received reports of more mess being found in Skitt Lane. Online public campaigns have failed to make a difference, as have requests through these minutes and the parish newsletter. The only action now possible is for Councillors or parishioners who witness the fouling to identify and name offenders, and inform WDBC online so that a fixed penalty notice might be issued.

8. Council website

An update from Cllr Gilpin on progress in completing the council’s section of the new Lydford.co.uk website and discussions on further actions.

  • Cllr Gilpin informed the council that almost all of the agendas and minutes dating back to 2017 have now been uploaded onto the website.
  • Councillors felt that the new webpages were an ideal opportunity to keep parishioners updated on council activity. It was agreed that a page should be included showing what the council is currently working on and who is leading, and a brief outline of what the council has achieved in the recent past. Cllr Hulett will lead a review of current content and circulate proposals. (AP1)
  • As part of raising community awareness of the work of the parish council it was agreed that Cllrs Gilpin and Mott be given Administrator rights to the parish Facebook page. (AP2 – Cllr K Lenton to make the changes).
  • It was agreed unanimously that Cllrs’ “work” email addresses be included on the new council web page together with a brief outline on what they are currently working on and leading for the council. (AP3 – Cllr Gilpin to include information on website)

9. Playground

The cancellation of the summer fayre, which was planned to add proceeds to the council’s fund to cover repairs to the play equipment, leaves the council with limited funds at a time when repairs are being identified with increasing frequency.

  • Councillor Gilpin raised the question of what the council intends to do.
  • Cllr Hulett reminded the council that the term of the present management agreement expires in January next year. The council can give six months’ notice to the trustees of the sports field that they wish not to renew the agreement and that would see the end of its responsibility towards the playground.
  • Cllr Hulett informed the council that a few of the half round boards in the tunnel have become insecure and it needs repairing again. Cllr Gilpin agreed to try and repair it. (AP4)
  • Councillors pointed out that the barrier tape around the multigym had come away again and needs replacing. Cllr Hulett stated that he had some more tape and would attend to it. (AP5)
  • Councillors considered the merits of the three quotes received to repair the beam on the multigym. It was agreed that the council would like Jonathan Franklin to carry out the repair as per his estimate. (AP6 Clerk to order).
  • It was agreed that the council  will need to consider as a matter of some urgency what its intentions for the future of the playground should be, and what it should do about the contract which expires in January 2025. The matter should go to the July agenda for full consideration. The Clerk was tasked with producing a brief summary document for parishioners before July meeting (AP7 – Clerk to generate document and include item on July agenda).

10. Lydford Emergency Plan (Cllr Hulett)

    Cllr Hulett provided the council with an update on setting up the emergency boxes outside the hall and at the sports field as per the adopted emergency plan.

    • Almost all of the equipment has been ordered and received. The emergency response bags for designated responders will be issued once all of the equipment is in place. The plan will be published on the council webpages. It is anticipated that the plan will be live by September.

    11. Finances

    a. Councillors resolved to approve the payments:

        1. J. Bright                            £502.92           June salary + overtime October ’23 – May ‘24
        2. HMRC                              £121.40           PAYE June

        Proposed Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr L Lenton. All in favour.

        b. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 31.5.24

        Opening balance 1.4.24         £10,705.30                              Bank holdings at 31.05.24

        Add receipts                              £5,400.40                  Deposit Account           £13,063.59

        Less payments                          £2,856.47                  Current Account                £185.64     

                                                        £13,249.23                                                      £13,249.23

        c. Actions taken under the Scheme of Delegation

        • 15.5.24 Transfer to savings account £3,600.00

        12. Planning

          • Application 0208/24 St Petrocks, Lydford. Installation of air source heat pump.

          It was agreed that the council would support this application.

          13. Business not listed on the agenda, allowed by permission of the Chair.

          1. Chris Blackmore reported that the defibrillator was drawn on Sunday16th June and again on Monday 17th. The adhesive pads were used and will need replacing. CB will forward details for replacement. (AP8 – Clerk to order).
          2. Cllr Hulett has acquired a resuscitation training dummy from Cllr Cook (moving) and wanted to know what to do with it. It was suggested that Jo Rice might want it. Chris Blackmore will ask him.
          3. Cllr Skeaping’s request that the council press for fibre optic cable to be installed throughout the village to be moved to the July agenda. (AP9 – Clerk to add)
          4. Moretonhampstead PC request to organise PCs within the park to bring pressure to bear on DNPA and subsequently to DCC. It was agreed that the Chair respond supportively.
          5. Another batch of 20’s plenty will be coming but ground’s too hard to put in posts, awaiting rain to soften it.

          Meeting closed 20:43