Minutes – December 10th 2024
Present: Cllrs Hulett (Chair), Lenton K, Lenton L, Moyse, Skeaping, Cook, Gilpin
- Public Session (15 minutes) None
- Apologies for absence N/A
- Declarations of Interest
Cllr Gilpin previously declared a registerable interest (as defined by Table 2 of the Code of Conduct) in matters relating to item 6 as they directly relate to his interest as Chair of Trustees of Lydford Sports Field. Under Standing Order 12h(iii) the Proper Officer has granted a dispensation allowing Cllr Gilpin to remain in the meeting for his own information for the duration of the item and to answer any questions from Councillors, although he may not contribute to discussions or vote on the matters for decision. - Minutes of the meeting 12th November 2024
Councillors resolved to agree the minutes. - Matters arising from the meeting 12th November 2024
• Planning application 0379/24 Willsworthy Range mast has been refused.
• Complaints to Devon Highways online reporting facility have been acknowledged. A response to the complaint about misuse of the bay has received a standard, unhelpful response. The complaint about the bay having been painted in the wrong place has been acknowledged but not answered.
• Alex Rehaag is re-wording the questionnaire in response to Cllrs’ suggestions. Next discussion will be on how to distribute it to the village.
- Playground
- Councillors resolved to accept the quotation from Caledonian Direct to supply and fit the required materials to fix the damaged play equipment at a cost of £1,017.95 – Proposed Cllr Cook, seconded Cllr Hulett. All in favour with one abstention. (AP1 – Clerk to place order)
- Councillors decided to press on with discussions with the Sports Field Trustees with the aim of establishing a new agreement for the future maintenance of the playground. At the request of Jodie Austin of the Land Appeal the Clerk read an email to Councillors expressing hope that whoever decides to assume responsibility for maintaining the playground equipment, with the support of the funds being donated by the Land Appeal group, when repairs are required, they are carried out expeditiously so as to ensure the equipment is out of action for as short a time as possible. Councillors agreed whole-heartedly with the sentiment expressed. (AP2 – Clerk to organise the working group.)
- Budget 2025-26
Councillors accepted the budget lines as proposed, but with an inflation-related increase from 2024-25 of 2.5%, representing a closer figure to the anticipated average inflation for the current year. (AP3 – Clerk to adjust figures for Adoption in January.) Precept to be decided in January once the budget has been approved.
- Finances
a. Councillors resolved to approve the payments:
i. J. Bright £429.21 December salary
ii. HMRC £102.80 PAYE December
b. Grant application, Lydford Foxes
Councillors approved a grant of £170 to Lydford Foxes to support their purchase of pitch marking equipment. (AP4 – Clerk to coordinate funds and arrange purchase for shipping to Hannah Braithwaite Smith.)
Both proposed by Cllr L Lenton, seconded by Cllr Hulett. All in favour.
c. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 31.11.24
Opening balance 1.4.24 £10,705.30 Bank holdings at 31.11.24
Add receipts £10,858.64 Deposit Account £14,126.83
Less payments £7,424.97 Current Account £12.14
£14,138.97 £14,138.97
d. Actions taken under the Scheme of Delegation
The Clerk authorised Mick Jones to carry out repairs to the bottom step slab at the bus stop which has been broken. (The matter was urgent because of the possible safety risk, and the bill is unlikely to exceed £500. The decision was taken after consultation with the Chair.)
Both actions are noted by Councillors.
- Business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.
Complaints have been received about the timing of a recent closure of the back road to the Mucky Duck; notably that the posted signage stated that the road would be closed from 09:00 on the morning in question, whereas the operator on the day closed the road at 08:35, causing some inconvenience. (AP5 – Clerk to email Highways to ask them to stick to published times.)
Councillor Skeaping announced that, for personal reasons and after discussion with the Chair, he has decided to step down as a Councillor with immediate effect. The Chair expressed his regrets that Cllr Skeaping has chosen to step down, a sentiment shared by all those present. The Chair thanked Cllr Skeaping for his service to the parish and the council over 15 years and wished him well for the future.
Meeting closed 19:46