Minutes 14th January 2025

Present: Cllrs Hulett (Chair), K Lenton, L Lenton, Moyse, Gilpin. Cllr Mott (WDBC) Richard Drysdale (DNPA) 4 members of the parish.

  1. Public Session:

Mrs. Joan Kylie from Seanchai handed out a photocopy of a note posted through her door dated July 2024 and made an allegation against the author. The Chair assured Mrs. Kylie that the matter would be investigated by the council.

Note – the matter was investigated by the Clerk. There is no evidence of any breach of Standards (21.1.2025)

Richard Drysdale updated the parish on the implementation of parking charges. All of the necessary signs have now been installed. The pay and display machines have been installed and are ready to begin operation. Charging will go live on Monday 3rd February. Payment will be via card or Ringo app only – no cash payments will be possible. The Castle Inn will be issued with passes for the use of staff and visitors as required. Charges will apply from 10am to 6pm daily, with the exception of Sunday mornings, which will be free.

Richard explained that DNPA plans to use the proceeds from the car park to cover the salary of the local Dartmoor Ranger and to support the reopening of the public toilets which they own. Richard Invited the council to provide a representative to get involved in exploring how this might best be achieved.

2. Apologies: Cllr Cook, Cllr Southcott. Accepted.

3. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Gilpin previously declared interest in item 7

4. Minutes of the meeting 10th December 2024

Councillors agreed to adopt the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the meeting 10th December 2024 which are not part of the agenda items. (See also Action Points from meeting)

Awaiting the date from Caledonian Play for completion of repairs to playground. Since publication of the agenda the company has assured the council that repairs will be completed by the end of January.

The pitch marker has been delivered to Lydford Foxes.

6. Co-option of a Councillor to fill vacancy following the resignation of Councillor Skeaping. Councillors agreed that the vacancy should be filled with little delay. (AP1 Clerk to publish formal notice and inform WDBC Returning Officer).

7. Playground

  • Dog waste bin at the Sports Field.

WDBC have quoted £260 as the cost of an annual contract to empty the bin weekly. Councillors decided to proceed with this invitation, and agreed to accept Trustees’ offer to cover 50% of the cost. (AP2 – Clerk to contact WDBC in order to advance to possible agreement.

Councillors expressed their gratitude to Lesley Fowler for her efforts in keeping the bin emptied for the last 6 months. Cllr K Lenton will continue to keep the bin emptied until such time as the agreement with WDBC can be enacted. (AP3 –  Cllr Lenton to arrange flowers to be sent to Lesley).

  • Feedback from the working group. The group met on 13th January and settled on the principles of an agreement whereby the Trustees of the sports field would assume responsibility for maintaining and repairing the playground equipment. The Clerk will put those principles into words for circulation (AP4) for both parties to agree and sign. (AP5 – Clerk to add item to February agenda).

8. Budget 2025-26

  1. The Clerk circulated a draft budget following December’s meeting. There were to be no changes in budget lines other than an overall rise of 2.5% on all lines (except IT and Defib) to cover the expected impact of inflation. It was proposed by Cllr Gilpin that the figure quoted of £9,342 would need to be increased by £130 because of expenditure approved in item 7. Councillors resolved to accept Cllr Gilpin’s amendment and to approve the budget of £9,472 for the financial year 2025-26.

Proposed Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr Gilpin. All in favour.

b. Councillors decided to increase the council’s precept by 2.5% to meet the expected rise in costs caused by inflation. It was resolved to approve a precept of £10,158 for the year 2025-26, representing a real increase of 2.5%. Change in the tax base for Lydford means that the cost to homeowners is reduced by 1.9% compared to 2024-25.

Proposed Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr Gilpin, all in favour.

9. Current council projects

At the request of the Chair, Councillors discussed the present position of the projects which have been running this year:

  • Dog waste bin at School Road, end of Cycle Route 27. This bin has been repaired.
  • Repairs to the bus stop. Repairs have not as yet been completed, although the broken slab is now not considered to constitute a danger.  Cllr Hulett will make enquiries and report back.
  • Disabled parking bay – The council has not heard back from the Devon CC lead for Highways in response to its letter. AP6 – Clerk to write email to Meg Booth
  • 20’s Plenty campaign – Still awaiting action from Highways. No point in continuing with signs.
  • Emergency preparedness. – The team is fully prepared. The completed and adopted emergency plan to go on website (AP7 – Cllrs Gilpin and Hulett to ensure the plan is published).

10. Finances

  1. Councillors have resolved to approve the following payments:
  1. J. Bright                            £386.77           January salary
  2. HMRC                                £92.20           PAYE January
  3. Boyd Sport & Play Ltd      £324.00           Pitch marking equipment – Lydford Foxes

The Clerk informed the council that the £200.00 Localities Grant from WDBC to the Nicholls Hall had been received and asked Councillors for approval to transfer the funds to the Nicholls Hall account. It was resolved that this payment be approved.

Proposed Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr L Lenton. All in favour.

b. Direct debit – for information

£35.00 annual fee to Information Commissioner’s Office

c. Auditor contract

The internal auditor Penny Clapham has issued a new terms and conditions document under which her services will be supplied.  Councillors resolved to accept these new terms and conditions.

Proposed Cllr L Lenton, seconded Cllr K Lenton. All in favour.

d. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 31.12.24

Opening balance 1.4.24         £10,705.30                              Bank holdings at 31.13.24

Add receipts                            £11,053.30                  Deposit Account           £13,691.49

Less payments                          £7,962.98                  Current Account                £104.13

                                                £13,795.62                                                      £13,795.62

e. Actions taken by the Clerk under the Scheme of Delegation


Councillors noted the reconciliation and that no action has been taken by the Clerk under the Scheme of Delegation.

11. Business not listed on the agenda, by permission of the Chair.

Cllr Hulett raised a question posed to him by a parishioner concerning the route of the 118 bus now under new contract. The parishioner is concerned that the route no longer includes Parkwood Road. (AP8 – Clerk to contact Stagecoach for clarification.)

Cllr Moyse explained that she had made enquiries of Highways and been told that the village should have been gritted three times during the period when snow was on the ground. She felt that she had seen only one gritter lorry although other Cllrs felt that two had been seen. (AP9 – Clerk to contact Highways to ensure correct gritting frequency is applied).

Meeting closed 8:15pm