Minutes 11.2.25
Present: 2 members of the public
- Public Session (15 minutes) Nil.
2. Apologies for absence
Cllr K Lenton (work),
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Gilpin – ongoing interest in item 7 – Playground.
4. Minutes of the meeting 14th January 2025
After accepting an amendment to the list of actions, Councillors resolved to agree the minutes
5. Matters arising from the meeting 14th January 2025 which are not part of the agenda items. (See also Action Points from meeting)
- Precept request for 2025-26 of £10,158 has been accepted by WDBC
- No reply from WDBC on housing demand survey. Clerk to chase up (AP1 – Clerk to send further email to Alex Rehaag CC Cllr Mott)
- Email from Cllr Southcott – Highways will be relocating the disabled bay.
Councillors asked what the best way was to proceed given the conflicting emails from Meg Booth and Cllr Southcott. (AP2 – Clerk to forward Meg Booth’s email with a request for clarity).
6. Co-option of a Councillor to fill vacancy following the resignation of Councillor Skeaping.
Two potential candidates Elizabeth Ho & Anthony Purnell attended the meeting. To help Councillors decide, they were both asked to submit letters of introduction. The matter will be decided at the March meeting.
7. Playground
- Draft maintenance agreement
The proposed amendment by Cllr Cook – Item 1. Term: remove the words “…… on a twelve-monthly basis……” from page 2 of the draft agreement was accepted by the council: proposed Cllr Cook, seconded Cllr Hulett. All in favour. The duly amended agreement was accepted by the council. Proposed, Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr Lenton. All in favour. The agreement will now go to Trustees for their final approval before its adoption. (AP3 – Clerk amend and to forward to Trustees).
- Dog waste bin at the Sports Field
There has been no contact from WDBC since the council’s request for further information on setting up a contract for emptying the bin. (AP4 – chase via Cllr Mott)
- Safety inspections
Although the council was dissatisfied with last year’s safety inspection from RoSPA, it was decided on the grounds of cost and a lack of genuine alternative providers to continue with RoSPA as the council’s annual safety inspection provider.
8. Car park
Councillors discussed how matters relating to the car park have changed since charging has been introduced. It has been noted that almost all local visitors to the village are now parking in the road rather than in the car park with only very few cars presently using the car park during the day. The messages explaining free parking on Sunday mornings have not been made clear, and the charging machine shows parking charges applying 10am to 6pm daily. Richard Drysdale has been informed and is working to correct this.
Cllr Cook is working with DNPA on the possible reinstatement of the toilets. He stated that Richard was supposed to contact him in early February about the toilets but has not done so. Cllr Cook will chase him up.
9. Road conditions following recent rains
Councillors decided that at this point there is no need to deploy the Lengthsman as the drains in question are blocked below the gratings, and not by leaves and detritus above the grating. Lifting the gratings is beyond what the Lengthsman can do. It was decided that at this point the council will report blocked drains at the roadside by Ingo Brake bridge and outside Pulborough House (AP5 – Clerk to report blocked drains online to Devon Highways).
10. Planning
Councillors raised no objections to the following four applications for tree works –
- 25/0007 Works to trees subject to a TPO at Heatherlands (4 x Ash trees)
- 25/0008 Works to trees subject to a TPO at Beech Trees (1 x Beech tree)
- 0088/25/TPO Works to trees subject to a TPO at Moor View House (6 Sycamore trees)
- 0089/25/TPO Works to trees subject to a TPO at Moor View House (16 Beech trees)
(AP6 – Clerk to notify)
11. Councillors’ Emergency Response
Cllr Hulett proposed that the Emergency Plan be amended to show that to prevent putting themselves at risk responders should avoid attending emergency situations alone wherever possible. Seconded Cllr Lenton. All in favour. (AP7 – Clerk to amend & circulate) It was suggested that responders should carry cards identifying themselves. (AP8 – Cllr Moyse to contact Cathy Hall at WDBC to explore possibility for cards)
12. Finances
- Councillors resolved to approve the payments:
- J. Bright £386.77 February salary
- HMRC £92.20 PAYE February
- Cartridge People £35.91 Printer Ink
Proposed Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr Cook. All in favour.
b. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 31.12.24 was noted by the council
Opening balance 1.4.24 £10,705.30 Bank holdings at 31.01.25
Add receipts £11,253.30 Deposit Account £12,951.49
Less payments £9,006.95 Current Account £00.16
£12,951.65 £12,951.65
- Business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.
Cllr Hulett fed back some proposals from the village focus group which has been looking at what activities could be set up to enhance life in the village:
- A Village litter pick was suggested. This would require volunteers wearing Hi Viz jackets. The council would be happy to fund these.
- A guide for a local walking trail around the parish. There might be a need for funds to support publication costs.
- A group of volunteers to help maintain the pavilion at the sports field.
All of these are only suggestions presently and not requiring action from the council.
Meeting closed