Agenda 11.3.25

  1. Public Session (15 minutes)

An opportunity for parishioners and members of the public to make representations to the council.

2. Apologies for absence

3. Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting. 

4. Co-option of Councillor to fill the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Councillor Skeaping. (S79 Local Government Act 1972 refers).

There being only one candidate, Mr Anthony Purnell – parishioner.

Councillors to decide whether to co-opt.

5. Minutes of the meeting 11th February 2025

To resolve to agree the minutes.

6. Matters arising from the meeting 11th February 2025 which are not part of the agenda items. (See also Action Points from meeting)

  • Car park visibility splay – Highways will repaint it under the “Parish Re-mark” scheme. It is on a minor road, consequently not a pressing safety concern.
  • Discussions with the Affordable Housing office at WDBC have resumed. How might any survey be publicised and distributed?

7. Playground

  • Dog waste bin at the Sports Field

Any update from WDBC on an agreement for the weekly emptying of the bin.

8. Road conditions following recent rains

Flooding at the Mucky Duck, resulting in blockage to road from Brentor into Lydford.

To receive any update and consider possible options.

9. Planning

For discussion, and for the council to agree formal responses to the following application:

0073/25 – Hartswood, Lydford EX20 4BJ. Creation of field access tracks and retention of all weather corral, with associated works.

10. Council website. A quantity of information required by audit to be in place is not available through the new website. Councillors to discuss how this matter may be resolved.

11. Finances

    1. To resolve to approve the payments:
    1. J. Bright                            £386.77           March salary
    2. HMRC                                £92.20           PAYE March
    3. Caledonia Play              £1,221,54           Playground repairs
    4. Michael Jones                    £16.00           Repairs to bus shelter

    b. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 28.02.25

    for information

    Opening balance 1.4.24         £10,705.30                              Bank holdings at 28.02.25

    Add receipts                            £11,253.30                  Deposit Account           £12,396.49

    Less payments                          £9,555.03                  Current Account                    £7.08

                                                    £12,403.57                                                      £12,403.57

    c. Payments made by the Clerk under the Scheme of Delegation

    Cllr K Lenton £27.20 – repayment of cost of flower donation.

    12. Annual Parish Meeting

      When and how does the council wish to hold this meeting of the parish?

      (The Annual Council Meeting will take place as an adjunct to the usual May meeting).

      13. Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.

        (For information only)