Minutes 11th March 2025
- Public Session (15 minutes) Two residents from Mucky Duck (Brentor parish) came to follow up on item 8 – issues / concerns from recent flooding at the Mucky Duck. The residents have been struggling against the property flooding with increasing frequency for years and have been campaigning for effective flood alleviation plans to be put in place by Devon Highways, but without success. Flooding caused by the latest heavy rain rose to a depth of 2m in one of the properties. Simon Thompson reported that on a previous occasion the NT premises at the White Lady waterfall entrance had been flooded to a depth of over 30cm. Residents reported that whilst they had received supportive responses from Cllr Mott and members of the Flood Defence team at Devon Highways, and Geoffrey Cox MP’s office had been in touch with Cllrs Mott and Sanders, no progress has been made through any avenue with Devon Highways. The council promised its support and would write to Devon Highways on the matter, particularly as the blockage to the road impacts Lydford parishioners. (AP1 – Clerk to write to Highways).
Simon Thompson gave an update regarding access to the Devil’s Cauldron. There had been a collapse of the bank above cauldron platform due to the same flooding mentioned above. Consequently, the path is presently closed. It is expected that repairs will commence in the week beginning 17.3.25 and continue for a week, after which the footpath should re-open.
- Apologies for absence Cllr Cook (Illness).
- Declarations of Interest
- Cllr Gilpin – Playground, ongoing personal interest.
- Cllr K Lenton, Cllr L Lenton – pecuniary interest in planning item 0084/25 below.
- Co-option of Councillor to fill the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Councillor Skeaping.
Mr. Anthony Purnell, who declared himself eligible to act as a Councillor and not having been debarred from holding office, having stood un-contested for the post, was duly elected. Mr Purnell signed the acceptance of office document and took his place on the council.
- Minutes of the meeting 11th February 2025
After a spelling mistake and an error of geography were corrected the minutes were approved and signed.
- Matters arising from the meeting 11th February 2025 which are not part of the agenda items.
The Clerk updated the council on enquiries raised as a result of the last meeting:
- Car park visibility splay at the entrance to the car park – Highways will repaint it under the “Parish Re-mark” scheme. It is on a minor road, consequently not a pressing safety concern. (AP2 Clerk to contact DNPA to renew their sign requesting drivers to refrain from parking within the splay)
- Discussions with the Affordable Housing office at WDBC have resumed. How might any survey be publicised and distributed? The council discussed several options for distributing the questionnaire. (AP3 – Clerk to chase Affordable Housing for a copy of the draft questionnaire)
- Cllr Moyse stated that she had been unable to progress the possibility of having ID cards printed by WDBC. Cllr Southcott offered to have some printed if the council would send him names and an example of the design. A price can be worked out.(AP4 – Cllr Gilpin to send Cllr Southcott a suggested design. (AP5 – Clerk to forward names for the cards and research and purchase lanyards and badge holders.
- Playground
- Dog waste bin at the Sports Field
The Clerk has been in contact with WDBC and has provided the location of the bin, together with a request for the bin to be emptied weekly at the cost of £5 per week. Awaiting a response (AP6 – Clerk to chase)
- Road conditions following recent rains
Flooding at the Mucky Duck, resulting in blockage to the road from Brentor into Lydford.
Discussed under the public section at item 1 above.
- Planning
0073/25 – Hartswood, Lydford EX20 4BJ. Creation of field access tracks and retention of all weather corral, with associated works. The Clerk informed the council that this is an attempt to normalise an existing track and corral which have in large part been in existence for several years. The council raised no objections to the application.
0084/25 – Cornerways, Silver Street, EX20 4AQ. Change of use from agricultural land to domestic curtilage and erection of garage.
(Cllrs Lenton declared their interest and left the room). It was reported that previously it had been alleged that archaeological remains might be found beneath the field. Most Cllrs were unwilling to take a position until this could be established and asked that the matter be referred back to DNPA Planning. It was also suggested that a site visit be arranged (AP7 – Clerk to contact DNPA Planning).
- Council website. A quantity of information required by an audit to be in place is not available through the new website.
AP8 – Cllr Gilpin agreed to look into the problem, and to share a video with the Clerk on how to upload documents to the new website.
- Finances
a. Councillors resolved to approve the following payments:
i. J. Bright £386.77 March salary
ii. HMRC £92.20 PAYE March
iii. Caledonia Play £1,221,54 Playground repairs
iv. Michael Jones £16.00 Repairs to bus shelter
Proposed Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr Lenton
b. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 28.02.25
Councillors accepted the reconciliation and the notification of actions taken by the Clerk.
Opening balance 1.4.24 £10,705.30 Bank holdings at 28.02.25
Add receipts £11,253.30 Deposit Account £12,396.49
Less payments £9,555.03 Current Account £7.08
£12,403.57 £12,403.57
c. Payments made by the Clerk under the Scheme of Delegation
Cllr K Lenton £27.20 – repayment of cost of flower donation.
12. Annual Parish Meeting
Councillors were asked to consider when and how the council might wish to hold this meeting of the parish with the hope of attracting attendees from the parish.
The plan proposed was to hold the meeting as part of a “Bacon Butty” morning in the Nicholls Hall. This meeting to include presentations from invited agencies (police, DNPA, NT etc.) It was suggested that the meeting would be on Saturday 26th April.
The Annual Council Meeting will take place as an adjunct to the usual May meeting.
13. Urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.
Cllr Hulett raised a number of issues for discussion –
- Council to include its contribution to the Parish news on website (AP9 – Clerk to post)
- Complaints have been received by the council about parishioners having bonfires in the village to the nuisance of others. (AP10 – Clerk to include this point in the next newsletter)
- Buy a new flag for VE day (AP11 – Clerk to purchase a new flag as part of the contribution to the parish VE celebrations)