Parish councils act on behalf of the community they represent. Lydford Parish Council is the voice of the local community for planning applications and a focus for local consultation by other authorities such as West Devon Borough Council, Dartmoor National Park Authority and Highways.  

Parish councils have powers to provide some facilities themselves, or they can contribute towards their provision by others. 

In Lydford, the Parish Council meets once a month in the Nicholls Hall to discuss current issues. These meetings are open to the public who are encouraged to attend and participate in local democracy. Please use the form below to contact us and send us your views.

If the Parish Council is to make a meaningful contribution to life in Lydford it needs to know what’s important to you, the villagers. Please let us know if there are local matters of concern to you, either by email ([email protected]), via our Facebook Page or by speaking directly to one of your councillors. We promise to listen!

Please contact the Parish Council through our Parish Clerk or use the form below.
John Bright
24 Gt Fellingfield
Mary Tavy
PL19 9QQ
[email protected]

Your Parish Council

Steve Hulett
[email protected]

Vice Chair
Katie Lenton
[email protected]

Parish Clerk
John Bright
[email protected]

Mr Jonathan Gilpin
[email protected]

Mr Brian Cook
[email protected]

Ms Liz Lenton
[email protected]

Diana Moyse
[email protected]

Mr Anthony Purnell

County and District Councillors

Phil Sanders
Devon County Councillor
[email protected]

Caroline Mott
West Devon District Councillor
[email protected]

Terry Southgate
West Devon District Councillor
[email protected]

Member of Parliament

Geoffrey Cox
Member of Parliament