Next year’s Lydford Summer Fair will take place on Saturday, July 5th 2025 at the Lydford Sports Field. This will be a traditional village fair and we anticipate lots of fun, food and entertainment for all. The event has been split into 8 areas each with one responsible person who will be key to making the event a success. We hope to build on previous year’s successful fairs and also add a few new items this time. The following people have volunteered to lead key areas and we are very grateful for their commitment:
- Entrance Gate – Pip Hulett
- Parking – Steve Hulett
- Barbeque/Food – Paul Brookes
- Tea Room – Diane Brook
- Stallholders/IT – Jonathan Gilpin
- Bar/Alcohol – Mick Jones
- Evening Entertainment – Richard Hollingsworth
- Treasurer and Coordinator – Richard Hollingsworth
All proceeds raised from the Summer Fair will go to the Lydford Sports Field Charity which looks after the sports field, the building and the children’s play park. The charity relies on events like this and does not receive any direct funding from any sources. The Summer Fair is by far the greatest contributor to supporting future year’s maintenance of the field for the Lydford Foxes, the building and play equipment. Different usage for a small area of the land is also being considered.
Further volunteers will be needed in all the above areas and they will be involved on the day of the Fair itself and, in some cases, a short time before and after too.
If you are interested in volunteering in any of these areas, or if you have any suggestions, please send an email to [email protected] or call on 07500 737724
Saturday July 5th. Gates open from 11:00 to 16:00, evening entertainment from 18:30 to 21:30. Entrance £2.50 per person, children under 16 free.
Evening Entertainment Live music in the evening featuring “The Smokin’ Pilchards” – an alternative folk-stomping shanty machine with an infectious rhythm from Cornwall and the Midlands playing sea-shanty inspired folk and blues about murder, mischief and mis-adventure.
- South West Hot Air Balloon Club
- The Vikings
- Dog Show
- Birds of Prey display
- Live Music
- Dartmoor Ice Cream
- Burgers / Hot Dogs
- Cream Teas
- Fully Licensed Bar