Agenda – December 10th 2019
From the Clerk:
John Bright email:[email protected]
The Parish Council is summoned
The WI Room, The Nicholls Hall, Lydford
On Tuesday 10th December at 7pm
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend and are invited to raise matters of public interest – this period will be limited to 15 minutes duration.
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting. Members are also reminded that any change to their Declaration of Interests must be notified to the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the change.
- Minutes of the meeting held 12th November 2019
To resolve to agree the minutes
- Matters arising from the meeting 12th November 2019
- Reports from Outside Bodies
- Borough Councillors Report
- Public toilets (standing item)
Adoption of lease from WDBC – legal representation
- Finances
- To resolve to approve the payments:
- J Bright (Pay November) £ 249.28 Online pyt
- HMRC (PAYE November) £ 57.80 300003
- DALC (conference) £ 25.00 Online pyt
- DHF Products (toilet signs) £78.72 Online pyt
- Morwellham GF (Bench) £312.00 Online pyt
- WDBC (Service of Wallgate) £84.00 Online pyt
- WDBC (Water & elec. Toilets) £265.53 Online pyt
- Budget 2020
Spreadsheets circulated with agenda
To resolve council spending during the coming financial year, agree budget for 2020/21 and precept to be set.
- Planning Applications:
None received
- Correspondence
See items listed below
- Any other urgent business for discussion
By permission of the chairman.
Signed Clerk to the Council Date 3rd December 2019
Date of next meeting – Tuesday 14th January 2020
Correspondence distribution:
Correspondent | Subject / Content | Distribution method & date | |
01 | Clerk | Finances for current year and updated budget proposal for the coming financial year. (Printed copies to be available at the meeting). | Email to Councillors 18/11/19To agenda for discussion and agreement |
02 | DCC Highways Community Officer | Response to questions of whether LPC can deploy No Waiting / Parking signs and how to control speeding traffic through the village | Email to Councillors 30/11/19 |
03 | Okehampton TC | Invitation to attend environmental awareness session Okehampton Town Hall 18/1/20 09:00 | Email to Councillors 3/12/19 |