Agenda February 2025
- Public Session (15 minutes)
An opportunity for parishioners and members of the public to make representations to the council.
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.
4. Minutes of the meeting 14th January 2025
To resolve to agree the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the meeting 14th January 2025 which are not part of the agenda items. (See also Action Points from meeting)
- Precept request for 2025-26 of £10,158 has been accepted by WDBC
- Email from Cllr Southgate – Highways will be relocating the disabled bay.
6. Co-option of a Councillor to fill vacancy following the resignation of Councillor Skeaping
For consideration and resolution, depending upon the number of applicants.
7. Playground
- To approve the draft Agreement between the council and Sports Field Trustees
Any proposals to amend the Agreement as circulated will need to be circulated with this agenda for Cllrs’ considerations.
- Dog waste bin at the Sports Field
Any update from WDBC on an agreement between the council WDBC for the weekly emptying of the bin
- Safety inspections
Following dissatisfaction with last year’s safety inspection from RoSPA, Councillors have been exploring alternative provision. Councillors to discuss and resolve a provider accordingly.
8. Car park
Any matters arising since charging has been introduced. Councillors to consider.
9. Road conditions following recent rains
A few road drains within the village have become blocked, resulting in surface water which takes time to drain away. Highways will not respond unless the road has a speed limit of 40mph or higher, or the surface water is of such depth and spread that road users are forced to pass at least 1m from the nearside. Does the council wish to deploy the Lengthsman?
Councillors to consider and resolve accordingly.
10. Planning
For discussion, and for the council to agree formal responses to the following applications:
- 25/0007 Works to trees subject to a TPO at Heatherlands (4 x Ash trees)
- 25/0008 Works to trees subject to a TPO at Beech Trees (1 x Beech tree)
- 0088/25/TPO Works to trees subject to a TPO at Moor View House (6 Sycamore trees)
- 0089/25/TPO Works to trees subject to a TPO at Moor View House (1Councillors’ Emergency Response
11. Given the issue which arose out of the council’s recent response to a flooding incident, does the council wish to amend the Lydford Community Emergency Plan to ensure Members are not placed at risk of allegation. Councillors to receive proposal(s) and resolve on any changes.
12. Finances
- To resolve to approve the payments:
- J. Bright £386.77 February salary
- HMRC £92.20 PAYE February
- Cartridge People £35.91 Printer ink
b. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 31.12.24
for information
Opening balance 1.4.24 £10,705.30 Bank holdings at 31.01.25
Add receipts £11,253.30 Deposit Account £12,951.49
Less payments £9,006.95 Current Account £00.16
£12,951.65 £12,951.65
13. Any urgent business not listed on the agenda above, by permission of the Chair.
(For information only)