Agenda – November 2024

Members of the public and press wishing to observe, or to participate in the public session are welcome to attend. Matters for the Council to consider can also be brought to the attention of Councillors or emailed to the Clerk: [email protected].


  1. Public Session (15 minutes)
    An opportunity for parishioners and members of the public to make representations to the council. (Please note that decisions cannot be made on matters not listed on the agenda).
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Declarations of Interest
    In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.
  4. Affordable housing in Lydford
    To receive guidance from Alex Rehaag (Affordable Housing lead for WDBC) on how this might be achieved.
  5. Minutes of the meeting 8th October 2024
    To resolve to agree the minutes.
  6. Matters arising from the meeting 8th October 2024
    • Lydford Gorge – access for Lydford parishioners.
    • War Memorial cleaning by district council
    • 20’s Plenty signs – correspondence from Cllr Mott and from Miller & Son
  7. Playground
    Councillors to decide on the future of maintenance of the playground given:
    • The initial verbal offer from Cllr Gilpin as Chair of Trustees and the subsequent written offer from Richard Hollingsworth, a proffered agreement from Cllr Hulett and ensuing discussions
    • Playground reserves of £690.79
    • The existing agreement between the council and Trustees on responsibility for maintaining the playground reaches its full term on 14th January 2025. However, under the terms of paragraph 1 of the agreement it shall continue until such time as it is replaced or until the existing agreement is terminated. There is a 6 month notice period for termination.
    • Outstanding repair required to steps of the slide.
  8. Planning application 0379/24 erection of mast on land at Wilsworthy Range (Peter Tavy parish land). Consultation requested by Planning Officer because the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment has identified a limited impact upon Lydford parish. Councillors to consider and agree a response.
  9. School Defibrillator (Cllr L Lenton)
    For discussion & information
  10. Disabled parking bay
    To consider future council action in light of information from Cllr Sanders & others
  11. Budget 2025-26
    The first part of the budget planning needs to be to identify any major expense which might be incurred in the coming financial year. – Councillors to consider / suggest as appropriate.
  12. Finances
    a. To resolve to approve the payments:

i. J. Bright £523.09 November salary + backdated pay increase
ii. HMRC £126.20 PAYE November

b. Christmas Tree grant 2024
To approve the council grant to support Nicholls Hall Trustees in the purchase of the village Christmas tree

c. Clerk overtime
4 hours in excess of contracted hours, period April to October 2024.
To approve payment in December salary.

d. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 30.10.24
for information

Opening balance 1.4.24 £10,705.30 Bank holdings at 30.10.24
Add receipts £10,558.64 Deposit Account £14,536.83
Less payments £6,719.68 Current Account £7.43
£14,544.26 £14,544.26

e. Actions taken under the Scheme of Delegation
Councillors to note.

        6.11.24 - £650.00 from savings acc to current acc

  1. Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.
    (For information only)