Agenda – July 11th 2023


From the Clerk:

 John Bright

website: email:[email protected]

 The Parish Council is summoned

to meet at the Nicholls Hall, Lydford on

Tuesday 11th July 2023 at 7:00pm

Members of the public and press wishing to observe, or to participate in the public session are welcome to attend. Matters for the Council to consider can also be brought to the attention of Councillors or emailed to the Clerk: [email protected].


  1. Public Session (15 minutes) 
  • Apologies for absence
  • Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  

  • Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.

(For information only)

  • Minutes of the meeting 13th June 2023

To resolve to agree the minutes.

  • Matters arising from the meeting 13th June 2023 

(For information only)

  • Consideration of Lydford Resilience Plan delayed until October meeting.
  • Preferred website option seems to be Netwise ( Potential costs to be circulated separately.
  • Housing in Lydford (Cllr Skeaping)

To consider the proposal to encourage affordable housing in the village.

  • Notice Boards outside Nicholls Hall

Both boards have been found to be beyond repair. To receive an update and consider proposals for replacement. (Cllr L Lenton, Sue Powne)

  • Traffic through Lydford village.

To consider any further actions, following information received from Cllr Skeaping re 20’s Plenty campaign and Cllr Grigg re changes to the speed limit in Mary Tavy. Speedwatch.

  1. Update from Dartmoor National Park Forum

To receive an update from Diana Moyse on the recent meeting of DNP Forum

  1. Finances
    1. To resolve to approve the payments:
  1. J. Bright                            £340.58           July salary
    1. HMRC                                £80.60           PAYE July
  • Banking reconciliation 30.6.23 – for information

Opening balance 1.4.23         £10,015.25                              Bank holdings at 30.6.23

Add receipts                              £5,164.56                              Deposit Account         £12,000.00*

Less payments                         £3,059.70                              Current account               £120.11*

                                                £12,120.11                                                                  £12,120.11

* £500 to be transferred from Deposit to Current account.

  1. Planning
    1. Councillors previously agreed responses to the following applications.
  2. 23/0040           Castle Inn        Fell 4 Ash Trees & 4 Beech Trees
  3. 23/0043           Beech Trees   Remove 1 central stem from Beech Tree with TPO
  • The following application has been made. DNP requires no response.
  • 0267/23           Bridge House  Application for certificate of lawfulness (Internal alterations to 

restore the house to a single dwelling)

  • To note DNP response to previous application.
  • 0202/23           West Pulborough Barn – extension above existing lean-to. Refused
  1. Motion to exclude members of the public from the subsequent part of the meeting (S.1(2) Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960)
  • “That members of the public be excluded from this section of the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be conducted, namely the consideration of co-opting Diana Moyse to be a Councillor for Lydford Parish.”

Signed  Clerk to the Council                     Date 4th July 2023

Correspondence distribution:

01Cllr SkeapingFeedback from inaugural 20’s Plenty campaign meetingCirculated to Cllrs. Agenda item for July meeting.
02Cllr GriggFeedback from meeting with Mary Tavy Councillor on successful speed variation.Circulated to Cllrs. Agenda item for July meeting.
03Diana MoyseLetter in support of volunteering for co-option onto Parish CouncilCirculated to Cllrs. Part 2 agenda item for July meeting.
04DNP PlanningApplications for tree works. 23/004023/0043Circulated to Cllrs. Response required by 7.7.23. To agenda for noting.
05DNP PlanningApplication 0202/23 Extension to the rear of West Pulborough Barn, Silver Street – refusedCirculated to Cllrs. To agenda for noting.