Agenda – July 9th 2024


From the Clerk:

 John Bright


 The Parish Council is summoned

to meet at the Nicholls Hall, Lydford on

Tuesday 9th July 2024 at 7:00pm

Members of the public and press wishing to observe, or to participate in the public session are welcome to attend. Matters for the Council to consider can also be brought to the attention of Councillors or emailed to the Clerk:


  1. Public Session (15 minutes) 

An opportunity for parishioners and members of the public to make representations to the council. (Please note that decisions cannot be made on matters not listed on the agenda).

  • Apologies for absence
  • Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  

  • Minutes of the meeting 19th June 2024 

To resolve to agree the minutes.

  • Matters arising from the meeting 19th June 2024
  • Overgrown hedge, Moorside – School Road J/W A386
  • Correspondence received

To agree actions

  • None received
  • Playground

To consider any future council responsibility for the upkeep of the site and equipment.

  • Offer from the Sports Field Committee to assume responsibility for future maintenance and repair of the playground.
    • Dog waste bin has been installed.
    • Repairs to the jungle gym – update.
    • Council notice board at the sports field – in need of repair, usage, keyholding.
  • Defibrillator
  • Responsibility for routinely checking the readiness of the equipment?
  • Training?
  • Remembrance Sunday

To agree how this council will contribute to the village Remembrance ceremonies.

  1. Full fibre broadband throughout the village (Cllr Skeaping).

What can the council do to bring fibre to properties throughout the village?

Presently full fibre accessibility is only available to properties above the green distribution box.

  1. Newly painted parking bay


  1. Finances
    1. To resolve to approve the payments:
  1. J. Bright                            £368.44           July salary
    1. HMRC                                £87.40           PAYE July
    1. Cartridge People                £37.78           Clerk’s office supplies
  • Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 31.6.24

for information

Opening balance 1.4.24         £10,705.30                              Bank holdings at 31.06.24

Add receipts                              £5,478.07                  Deposit Account         £12,411.26

Less payments                         £3,725.41                  Current Account                 £46.70      

                                                £12,457.96                                                      £12,457.96

  • Actions taken under the Scheme of Delegation 

       for information

  • 18.6.24            Transfer from Savings Acc to Current Acc – £500.00
  • 20.6.24            Transfer from Savings Acc to Current Acc – £230.00
  • 01.7.24            Payments to S Hulett – emergency eq’t     – £226.62
  1. Planning
  2. Nil
  1. Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.

(For information only)

Signed  Clerk to the Council                     Date 2nd July 2024