Minutes – April 11th 2023


Minutes of the meeting of the Council

Tuesday 11th April 2023 at 7:00pm

Present: Cllrs Grigg (Chair), Blackmore, Squires, Tainsh, MacIntyre, Cook, Skeaping. Cllr Southcott
(Borough Councillor) Paul Brookes. Elected Members K. Lenton, L. Lenton, Hulett.

  1. Public Session (15 minutes)
  2. Apologies for absence
    Cllr Mott – Accepted
  3. Declarations of Interest
  4. Urgent business, by permission of the Chair.
    Clerk advised the Council that discussions have been continuing between Dartmoor National Park
    and St Austell Brewery regarding operation of the car park and toilets opposite the Castle Inn.
    Further to those discussions, he and Cllr Skeaping are to meet with the manager of the Castle Inn
    on Friday 14th April.
  5. Minutes of the meeting 14th March 2023
    It was resolved to accept the minutes as a full and accurate record.
    Proposed – Cllr Skeaping, seconded Cllr Blackmore. All in favour.
  6. Matters arising from the meeting 14th March 2023
  7. Beating the Bounds 2023
    Organisers still await approval from Forestry England for walkers to cross their land as part of the
    route, all other approvals are in place. Documents supporting the walk, including certificates, have
    been produced. (AP1 – Clerk to arrange printing). All the walks have now been reconnoitered.
    Evacuation plans have been generated to allow injured or unwell participants to safely gain access
    to transport. Registrations have commenced. Meeting planned 18.4.23.
  8. Finances
    The Clerk explained to Councillors the ongoing issue regarding uncertainty of demands for water
    apparently provided, inability to identify the water meter for checking, communications with WDBC
    and a lack of response.
    a. Councillors resolved to approve payments i – viii but declined to pay the invoices from WDBC
    (items ix and x)
    i. J. Bright £340.58 April salary
    ii. HMRC £80.60 PAYE April
    iii. DALC £102.45 Annual subscription
    iv. ROSPA £90.00 Annual inspection fee
    v. J Bright £99.60 Website fees
    vi. J Bright £40.00 Laptop repair
    vii. Nicholls Hall £90.00 Hall hire fees 2022-23
    viii. DM Payroll Services £120.00 Payroll administration 2023-24
  • 4 –
    ix. WDBC £230.50 Recharge water & electricity 11/22 – 2/23**
    x. WDBC £760.03 Recharge water & electricity 8/22 – 11/22**
    ** Declined. (AP2 – Clerk to write to WDBC again proposing solution. Cllr Southcott to contact the
    appropriate offices in WDBC).
    Proposed – Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr Tainsh. All in favour.
    b. Councillors received the closing reconciliation for financial year 2022-23 and summary of
    income and expenditure, noting the current reduction in reserves of £1476, with a further
    potential reduction of almost £1,000 for invoices from WDBC (above).
    c. Councillors approved the opening of an instant access savings account with Unity Trust Bank.
    The two currently authorised signatories duly signed the application.
    Proposed – Cllr MacIntyre, seconded Cllr Squires. All in favour.
  1. Playground (standing item
  • Follow up on ROSPA report received. Cllr MacIntyre has received a quote from Jamie who
    installed the original equipment, of £125 plus materials to carry out repairs to the tunnel. The
    stepping stones will be removed rather than replaced as they appear to be of little use. All other
    defects identified in the ROSPA report have been rectified. It was agreed that Cllr MacIntyre
    would forward the estimate to the Clerk to arrange for the tunnel to be repaired. (AP3)
  1. Planning
    To respond to applications –
  • 0124/23 Bella Mead, Silver Street Two storey replacement dwelling
    Councillors felt that despite a few minor alterations, the present application was in material
    terms exactly the same as the previous application 0392/22. Councillors had received a
    number of representations from parishioners impacted and saw no reason to change their
    opinions with the new application. Councillors voted by a majority to object to the application
    on the grounds that –
    1) The proposed building would overlook and be overbearing to existing neighbouring
    2) The proposed removal of a comparatively cheaper two bedroom property to be replaced
    by a larger, more expensive property would reduce the variety of housing stock available
    within the village.
    Support – 1, against – 5, neutral – 1
  1. Transition between outgoing and ingoing Councils following election 4.5.23 –
    a. Councillors agreed that the following meetings should be held on May 16th.
    • Parish Council meeting
    • Annual Parish Meeting
    • Annual Council Meeting
      It was suggested that the Annual Parish meeting be roundly advertised and that hot
      drinks and a cold buffet be provided in an attempt to encourage attendance. (AP4 –
      Clerk to arrange)
  2. Bank signatories
    Cllrs Grigg and Skeaping to become signatories for the incoming council (form duly signed
    by current authorized signatories).
  3. . Induction for new Councillors – Clerk has sent an induction pack to all incoming elected members. An induction meeting to be arranged at the Castle Inn one morning this month. (AP5 – Clerk to arrange meeting).
  4. Councillors departing – Cllrs Blackmore, Cook, MacIntyre, Squires, Tainsh
    Cllr Grigg expressed his sadness at the loss of so many experienced Councillors and thanked them all for their efforts on behalf of the village over the previous years. Cllrs – CB, SS, RT, AM, BC and thanked them for their efforts.

Cllr Squires reported that he has a lot of public highways equipment in his garage. Because he is stepping down from the council, he will also be stepping down from the hall committee and will need replacing. (AP6 – Cllr Grigg to take the place of Cllr Squires). Cllr Cook reported that someone will need to take over the running of the Lydford Speedwatch group. Cllr Cook has the names and contact details of the volunteers ready for whoever takes over. Cllr Blackmore stated that he will happily look after the defibrillator even though he’s leaving the council. (AP7 – Clerk to try and find some storage within the village.)

Actions taken under delegated authority.
Councillors noted the following actions taken by the Clerk under the Scheme of Delegation

Payments to Lydford Coronation Celebrations (£350 approved 14.2.23) and Beating the Bounds
Lydford (£150 approved 10.1.23)
Meeting concluded 19.40.

Signed Date

Action points

1Clerk to arrange printing of Beating the Bounds
documents as per Paul Brookes’ request
Posters printed 20.4.23. Certificates to be
printed after 16.5.23 when numbers are known.
2Clerk to write to WDBC again proposing solution.
Cllr Southcott to contact the appropriate offices in
Emails 12.4.23 & 14.4.23 to WDBC. The meter
has been located and is showing that there is a
leak after the meter. Emma Widdicombe will be
consulting to try and get the recharging sorted
as suggested.
Credit notes received covering charges for water
usage. Invoices now cover only electricity
recharge. To May agenda for payment.
3Cllr MacIntyre to forward the Playground repair
estimate to the Clerk to arrange for the tunnel to be
Email to Jamie@Caledonianplay 14.4.23 asking
for clarification on the quote supplied.
4Clerk to arrange buffet provision for Annual Parish
Meeting 16.5.23
Arranged for 15 people.
5Clerk to arrange induction meeting for incoming
Held 25.4.23
6Clerk to inform Jerry Lock that Cllr Grigg will take
the place of Cllr Squires on the Hall committee.
Email sent 12.4.23. Acknowledged.
7Clerk to try and find some storage within the village
to store council materials.
Request to be included in newsletter 20.5.23