Minutes – April 12th 2016


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 12th April 2016 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended. Concerns were raised regarding the damage to the road surface caused by the road sweepers at the top of the village near Moorview. It was noted that the road sweepers were contracted by WDBC and that DCC would need to be contacted to repair the damage. The Clerk was asked to look into this and to contact WDBC and DCC (A1). Cllr Skeaping noted that the sweepers had not cleaned the drains despite a request for them to do so. The sweepers are unable to clean the gullies and this needs to be done.  The PC agreed to discuss the request under Item 11. Other matters raised included the broken bollard at the entrance to the Granite Way.


Cllrs Fowler, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Mills, R Tainsh and Cook.  Also present Mrs T Redding (Clerk) 

  1. Apologies


  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th March 2016

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr L Fowler. 

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 8th  March 2016
  1. Beating the Bounds. .
  2. Playground Inspection Report. Cllr MacIntyre provided a short report on the playground inspection. A video was taken of the site and all is in order. It was noted that the walkway between the turrets bows slightly and Mr Williams responded that the working party due on the site on the 16th April would look at this.
  • Reports from Outside Bodies

Playground Update – Mr Williams gave an update on the funding for the playground. He suggested that a TAP application may be suitable for the playground and may be supported by other parishes. The Chair informed the meeting that the TAP fund applications are only considered in December and March and that there may be changes to the criteria under which the fund is distributed. It was recommended that Mr Williams should prepare an outline application as well as draft letters to other PC’s prior to the Southern Link meeting in December.

  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances

The Clerk provided a short update on finances and this was accepted by the PC. 

  1. Bills for Payment

£238.62 Salary Clerk (1212)

£55.20   HMRC (1213)

£77.00 SLCC (1214)

£50.00 Cash for  £2 coins for Beating the Bounds (1215)

£250.00- Beating the Bounds Mr Brookes (1216)

£145.00 – Playground mats Mr Williams (1217)

  • Grant Applications


  • Planning Applications
  • Bridge House, permission granted – noted
  • Skitt House – 0147/16 application supported
  • Skitt House planning application 0097/16 withdrawn – noted
  • Tor Brae – update. The PC noted the receipt of the letter and will respond accordingly at the appropriate time.
  • Correspondence
  • VAS signs – potential sites have been sent from the Speedwatch group. The suggested sites were discussed and the preferred sites included site a. Opposite the Dartmoor Inn  northbound and site f. southbound. See Appendix A for photos. The Clerk was asked to send the report with the preferred sites to Highways (A2) and to place a report in the Parish Magazine (A3). It was noted that the sites are suggested only and the final decision will be made in agreement with Highways.
    • Letter from B Grieg regarding VAS – noted 
    • Milton Abbot Church poster – PC agreed to put this on the notice board
    • Online drainage maps from Highways – noted
    • Note regarding toilet signs for Lydford – noted
    • Sourton PC note about WDBC – noted
    • Best kept village competition – noted
    • DNPA Map of Lydford – These are available but at cost. The Clerk was asked to respond to DNPA to find out the cost of an A0 map of the village (A4)
    • T Williams – TAP funds for the playground (see Item 5)
    • Vacancy Dartmoor Forest PC – noted
    • Southern Link Minutes – noted
    • SLCC Magazine – noted
  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
  1. Update on responses for Neighbourhood Plan
  2. Dog fouling – raised by a member of the public. To be discussed by the PC at the next meeting.

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 10th May 2016. This will be the AGM for the Parish Council preceded by the APM at 6.30pm with refreshments from 6pm.

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

          Drains at Oaten Hills are blocked. The Clerk was asked to report this (A5)

The meeting closed at 20.30


Signed ___________________ Chairperson             Dated                                2016

Action List Jan/Feb 2016

1WDBC and DCC road damage by sweepersemail sent
2VAS report to Highwayssent and response that M Jones is away until 21st April
3VAS report in Parish magazinedone
4A0 map of the villageemail requesting prices sent to DNPA
5Blocked drains at Oaten HillsMy Devon notified

Finance summary 12th April 2016

  Cheque number Amount   
Balance 01/03/16£13,353.80     
Expenditure to 30/03/16    Income MAr/Apr 
Total  £293.62   
New balance 01/04/16£13,060.18     
OF THIS      
RESERVES £6,730.00    
Ancient spring 163.00£163.00     
Election reserve£800.00     
Parish Reserve£5,000.00     
General reserves£767.00     
PLAYGROUND balance £5,119.00    
PC Balance £1,211.18    
total £13,060.18    

Appendix A – VAS Signage Report – preferred sites