Minutes – April 9th 2019


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 9th     April 2019 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended. 

Concern was raised about the likely increase in traffic through Lydford due to the new housing development on the edge of Tavistock. The estate agent has advertised the route to the A30 as being through Lydford. It was felt that there was not much the Parish Council (PC) could do at present as this is a public road and motorists will discover the route regardless of any signposting. However, should any increase in traffic begin to cause issues, the PC will revisit solutions such as traffic calming measures

The PC was informed that the school is not in a position to build the MUGA using their PE budget and the money raised by the Playground Committee.  It was decided that some of the funds will be retained by the PC for the maintenance and inspection of the playground and the remainder will be offered to village organisations on a matched funding basis for infrastructure projects.


Cllrs Cook, Fowler, Skeaping, Moriarty, Squires and MacIntyre

  1. Apologies

Cllr Tainsh; Dr Redding (Clerk)

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held 12th March 2019

Minutes were approved.   


  • Updates of actions from the last meeting 12th  March 2019 
  • Actions – A1, A2 and A3 have all been completed (see table below).
  • Cllrs Fowler and Cook gave an update on the public toilets which were opened under PC management on April 1st 2019. An agreement with WDBC is in place. There have been some teething problems but these are being gradually sorted out. 

The PC would like to give special thanks to;

  1. Allison and Valerie Carr who are cleaning the toilets on a voluntary basis;
  2. Jodie and Jonathan at Lydford House Hotel for funding the installation of a people counter so that the PC can assess the usage of the toilets vis a vis costs; 
  3. Robbie Evans (Lydford based plumber) for turning out late on a Sunday evening to deal with a flooding cistern; 
  4. Jared and Hannah at the Castle Inn, Lydford for their support in opening the toilets each morning. 
  • Cllr Cook gave an update on the bus shelter which is progressing well. The PC would like to give continued thanks to Mick Jones for his work on the shelter.   
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports


  • Finances

7a – Bills for Payment – approved

£667.33 (1351) Tinhay – Bus Shelter

£ 276.63 (1352) Pay/Expenses T. Redding  

£64.80 (1353) HMRC

£66.00 (1354) Nicholls Hall rent

£82.20 (1355) Playsafety – playground inspection

7b Grant applications


  • Planning Applications


  • Correspondence

PL1 to P9 were all noted.

P2 – Cllr Squires is interested in attending future Southern Link meetings.

  1. Agenda Items from March 2019


  1. Agenda items and date of next Parish Council Meeting

The PC Clerk, Dr T Redding has tendered her resignation. The PC would like to note that Theresa has done a fantastic job over the last 4 years and will be missed. The PC wishes to record its thanks to her. An advert for the post has been placed in the Tavistock Times and on the website/facebook.

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 14th May 2019

Please note that this meeting will commence with the Annual Parish Meeting (APM) at 6.30pm followed by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Parish Council at 7pm. 

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

Cllr MacIntyre outlined how much easier the PC’s financial transactions would be if it moved to internet banking.

The outgoing Councillors Mrs Fowler and Mrs Moriarty were thanks for their service to the PC of 8 and 12 years respectively. 

The meeting closed at 20:20

Signed ___________________ Chairperson                        Dated