Minutes – February 13th 2018


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 13th February 2018 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended this meeting.  


Cllrs Cook, Moriarty, Squires, Skeaping, Tainsh.  

  1. Apologies

Cllr Fowler, MacIntyre. Mrs Redding (Clerk)

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on January 9th 2018

Correction: Cllr Tainsh was present at the meeting

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Cook. 

The Clerk updated the PC on the actions from the previous minutes:

 A1 Potholes in the Carpark opposite the pub have been filled. For future reference DNPA are responsible for the car park.

A2 List of actions for lengthsman to be carried forward as agenda item to next meeting. 

A3 Devon Air Ambulance – see correspondence

A4 Localities Fund – email sent to Cllr Sanders.

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 9th January 2018


  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances

7a – Bills for Payment

£267.58 (1328) Pay to Clerk

£62.20 (1329) Inland Revenue

7b Grant applications

See correspondence and urgent Items for grant applications received

  • Planning Applications

17/0082 Tree works at Pomeroys – no objection

18/0010 Tree works at Castles Reach – no objection 

0138/18/HHO Extension to side porch, Burley view – support 

Downtown farm application – Clllr Tainsh to draft letter clarifying supporting remarks to Council were for local rather than affordable needs as defined by DNPA (A1).

Tor Brae – agenda item for next month 

  • Correspondence
  1. L. Ley, Treetops – Ms Ley talked about Treetops (ages 2-5) preschool and extended services (2-12) breakfast, after school and holiday clubs. Treetops is a pre-school feeder for Lydford school and provides afterschool care for some Lydford school children. Treetops is creating a garden area on some additional land and is seeking funding. (Sourton and Bridestowe Parish Council have given grants). Voted to give grant but amount to be decided at next meeting. 

2. Correspondence – D.Haydon – Peninsula Task Force / West Devon Borough Council – letter to be written requesting consultation with local parish council and requesting clarity on trespass on parishioners land (A2). 

3a&b. Okehampton TC – Response to GWR – Consultation response to be sent supporting the Okehampton Exeter route but requesting additional consultation for any further Okehampton to Tavistock (A3). 

4            Invitation to Mayors Civic Dinner – noted

  • Minutes Council Together – noted
  • Email to P Sanders – response received
  • WDBC – noted
  • Air Ambulance –try in Lydford Parish Magazine.(A4) 
  • SLCC – Data Protection information – Cllr Macintyre to respond by next month
  • Missing signs – Cllr Skeaping to investigate
  • Devon Communities together – noted
  • Rural Services Network – noted
  • Healthwatch – Voices
  • Banijay UK – publicise in magazine (A5)
  • Training on Code of Conduct – Cllr Squires conditionally agreed to attend and report back. 
  • CPRE documents – noted
  1. Agenda Items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Bus Shelter – Bus Company is happy to stop at new position on the verge near the 30mph sign; Highways agree; Water company to be contacted for permission. Planning application will be required. 

The date of the next meeting will be Monday 12th March 2018

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair
  1. Letter regarding the Ancient Spring – over 10 years since initial renovation; some additional work needed. 
  2. Parish Council Noticeboard key not working which has lead to items not being posted – Cllr Skeaping to investigate

Meeting closed at 20:50 

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated    

A1Letter from Cllr Tainsh re Downtown FarmIn correspondence box for March meeting
A2Letter to DC regarding the railway and trespass on parishioners land  Letter sent 02/03/2018 
A3Response to GWR – B CookCompleted
A4Devon Air Ambulance – status of potential new siteNote on the website requested
A5BanijayNotice on notice board and website