Minutes – February 9th 2016


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 9th February 2016 at 7pm

Public Time

Four members of the public attended. Mrs Grieg provided a note of support for the VAS signage on behalf of Lydford Speedwatch and made some suggestions in relation to 20mph speed limit outside the primary school. 

  1. Present

Cllrs Fowler, Moriarty, Skeaping, MacIntyre, Mills and Cook.  Also present Mrs T Redding (Clerk) 

  • Apologies

R Tainsh

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th January 2016

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate with a minor alteration and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr L Fowler. 

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 12th  January 2016
  1. SW Air Ambulance – a response was received from the Air Ambulance service which indicated that the cost of setting up a helipad would be borne by the PC. It was decided that since the village is within a large parish such a construction would not be of benefit at this time. The Clerk was asked to send a letter to the SW Air Ambulance to this effect (A1).
  2. BHF – the next round of grants for defibrillators will be in April/May 2016. The Clerk will contact BHF for notification about the next round of funding (A2).
  • Reports from Outside Bodies

Mr Williams from the playground committee thanked the PC for the grant of £500 towards the playground.

  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances

The Clerk provided a short update on finances and this was accepted by the PC. 

  • Bills for Payment

£240.62 Salary Clerk

£55.00   HMRC

£300 grant to Lydford PCC for maintenance of the churchyard

  1. Grant Applications


  1. Planning Applications
  2. Tree maintenance Pomeroys – Supported
  3. Bridge House Lodge 0024/16 – Supported
  4. Skit House application for construction of a dwelling- Supported
  1. Correspondence
  • Car park signage – the PC agreed to fund the erection of a car park and WC sign at the entrance to the village. The Clerk was asked to contact Highways to move this forward (A3).
  • VAS Signage – the Clerk has contacted Highways twice re the SCARFE assessment and is awaiting a reply. The Clerk agreed to contact Dartmoor Forest PC to ask about the SCARFE assessment for their VAS signage (A4) and to try and contact Highways again (A5). The Clerk was also asked to contact Milton Abbot PC regarding the maintenance costs of the signs (A6). 
  • Information concerning a TV programme for B & B owners. The PC agreed to place the poster on the notice board. 
  • Request from Mary Tavy for support for school signage through TAP funds. The PC agreed to support this after a vote. Votes: 4 in favour; 1 against; 1 abstention. The Clerk will contact Mary Tavy PC to confirm support (A7)
  • Information from the CAB regarding a TAP fund application to hold an event in Tavistock. The Clerk was asked to clarify information from the CAB with regard to which PC’s have supported this event and what amount was needed (A8). 
  • Information from the Boundary Commission – noted

10) Sandbag policy – the Clerk was asked to inform WDBC that there was no such policy for Lydford

11) Transparency Code information – Noted

12) Funding grants for flood alleviation – Noted

13) TAP request from Horrabridge PC for support for a TAP fund for VAS signage. Since Lydford already has TAP funding for this the Clerk will put them in touch with Mary Tavy PC (A9).

14) Letter from S Powne regarding the provision of containers for plastic recycling from WDBC. Mrs Powne requested support from the PC who agreed to contact WDBC to look at the possibilities of having a container in Lydford (A10).

15)Peter Tavy PC requested support for a TAP fund application for lengthsmen services. This was agreed and the Clerk will contact Peter Tavy to confirm (A11).

16) Request from WDBC for names of volunteer snow wardens. The Clerk will contact WDBC to inform them that Lydford does not have volunteer wardens (A12).

  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 8th March 2016

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

The meeting closed at 20.48.

Signed ___________________ Chairperson             Dated                                2016

Action List Jan/Feb 2016

1Note to SW Air Ambulance re HelipadEmail sent
2Note to BHF re future fundingDone – notification of new round in April received
3Contact Highways re signs for the car park and WCDone – Highways responded and will attend to this shortly
4Contact Dartmoor Forest PC re SCARFEDone – DFPC indicated that the VAS sign was being organised by DNPA and did not know if a SCARFE assessment had been done
5Contact Highways re SCARFE Assessment (3)Done – no response so far
6Contact Milton Abbot re maintenance costs of VAS signsDone – response received
7Contact Mary Tavy re support for school signage TAP applicationDone
8Contact CAB re event in TavistockDone – CAB responded and they will not be applying to TAP since they do not have Tavistock TC support
9Contact Horrabridge PC re TAP fund. Done have put them in touch with Mary Tavy PC.
10Contact WDBC re plastic recycling containersIn hand
11Contact Peter Tavy PC re TAP fund for lengthsmen servicesDone and application will be submitted soon. Lydford will be included for 10 days of lengthsmen services
12WDBC Snow WardensDone