Minutes – January 10th 2023


Minutes of the meeting held at the Nicholls Hall on

Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 7:00pm

  1. Public Session (15 minutes)

Paul Brookes asked whether the Parish Council would agree to the be the named organizer for the event Councillors agreed that the committee currently working on the problem could be made a Council working group. Paul asked further whether the Council’s existing public liability insurance would cover the event,(AP1 – clerk to check with insurers) and whether the committee could use the Council bank account to hold and distribute funds related to the event – Councillors agreed. (AP2 – clerk to set up separate line). 

  • Apologies for absence
  • Declarations of Interest


  • Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.

(For information only)

Councillor Cook asked whether Councillors could recall why the proposal made by a parishioner to install bike racks within the village was not proceeded with. Councillors recalled that the racks were declined because of cost and a lack of suitable Council owned or operated location.

  • Minutes of the Meeting 15th December 2022

To resolve to agree the minutes

Agreed Cllr Squires, seconded Cllr Blackmore. All in favour.

  • Matters arising from the meeting 15th December 2022 

(For information only)

  • Clerk election training booked for 2.2.23 via Zoom
  • Election timetable received today, will circulate to Cllrs soonest.
  • Public toilets

Councillor Sanders informed the Council that DNP will not undertake to fund the toilets going forward but are in discussion with St Austell Brewery about a way ahead. Asset transfer is a possibility but not one favoured by DNP. There was a strength of feeling of disappointment amongst Councillors that they had been unable to continue keeping the toilets open, and a suggestion that should a way be found to keep the toilets open, the Council might be willing to contribute.

After considerable discussion it was resolved that –

  • “Lydford Parish Council shall immediately give notice to West Devon Borough Council of its intention to terminate the contract between them, by which the parish council operates the public toilets in Lydford, on 28th of February 2023. From 1st March 2023 the parish council will not be responsible for any costs arising from any supply or operation of the toilets, but will continue to work with stakeholders in the village to try and find a way that the toilets can be opened again without the entire financial burden falling to the parishioners of Lydford.”

Proposed Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr MacIntyre. All agreed.

AP3 – Clerk to write to Jade to thank her for her work, and to Granite Way Cycle Hire, Parish Magazine, Oke Links to explain the Council’s decision.

  • Budget
  • To resolve to set the council budget for 2023-24 at £8,508

Proposed Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr Cook, all in favour.

  • Precept
  • To resolve to set the Council precept for 2023-24 at £8,508

Proposed Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr MacIntyre. All in favour.

  1. Finances

To resolve to approve the payments:

  1. J. Bright                            £340.58           January salary
    1. HMRC                                £80.60           PAYE January
    1. WDBC                              £760.03           Recharge – toilets, electricity & water to 23/11/22

It was agreed to pay i & ii but not iii which should be deferred pending a check on the water meter feeding the toilets. (AP4 – Clerk to notify WDBC)

At the end of this financial year, the ancient spring reserve line to be subsumed into general reserve.

Councillors to agreed to pay £350 to the Beating the Bounds committee in response to their grant application. With £200 from this year’s budget, £150 from next year’s budget.

Proposed Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr Cook. All in favour. 

  1. Reports from Outside Bodies


  1. Planning

To provide parish opinion on applications –

  • 1 Prince Charles Terrace – Extension & alterations to existing dwelling – supported
  • Lydford Caravan & Camping Park – replacement of existing office/shop with improved office/shop plus Warden accommodation – support with the proviso that it is only used for the residence of an employee.
  1. Playground (standing item)
  2. Repairs to equipment Cllr MacIntyre still trying to find someone to carry out work.
  1. Actions taken under delegated authority

To note actions taken by the Clerk under the Scheme of Delegation

  • Nil

Meeting closed 20:08


Action points:

01Clerk to check Council public liability insurance to confirm whether it will cover the Beating the Bounds event.Provided the event is organised by the Council, the event is covered. – Committee have decided to proceed with their own one day liability insurance which will provide a better level of cover.
02Clerk to set up Beating the Bounds account within the Council accounts. Completed. Funds received from LPC and Lydford Commoners.
03Clerk to write to Jade to thank her for her work with the toilets, to Granite Way cycle hire that the toilets in Lydford will not open in April, and to use various media outlets to explain the Council’s decision on the toilets.Completed. No feedback from any source.
04Clerk to notify WDBC that the latest recharge invoice will not be paid, pending checking of water meter.Completed.