Minutes – January 14th 2020

Minutes of the  Meeting of Lydford Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th January 2020, 7.00pm in the WI Room of the Nicholls Hall, Lydford.

Present:  CllrSquires (Chair); Cllr Cook; Cllr. MacIntyre;  Cllr. Skeaping; Cllr Blackmore; Cllr Grigg; John Bright (Clerk); Cllr Southcott (Borough Councillor); 1 member of the parish.

Public Discussion:

Tony Williams, Chair of the Playground Committee submitted details of the final disbursement of MUGA funds raised by the committee and held in the Parish Council’s bank account. The committee made 4 grants:

            £2,500 to Lydford Foxes

            £3,700 to Lydford Sports Field

            £500 to Lydford PCC

            £1,000 to Lydford Parish Council

The remaining unallocated funds (£1,427.99) to be donated to Lydford Parish Council, to be used to aid future projects within the village. 

These proposals were accepted with gratitude by Councillors. Clerk to create online payments. (AP1)

Meeting commenced 7:10pm

1) Apologies for absence:

Cllr Tainsh; Cllr Mott. Accepted.

2) Declarations of interest: 

None declared.

3)   Minutes of previous meeting:

The published draft minutes of the meeting of 10th December 2019 were approved by all and signed by the Chair as a true record. Proposed – Cllr MacIntyre, Seconded – Cllr Grigg. All in favour – duly signed by the Chairman.

4)  Matters arising from previous meeting:

Following some research, there was some indication that the flagpole outside the Nicholls Hall may belong to the Council. To avoid further doubt it was resolved to formally adopt the flagpole and place it on the asset register of the Council. Proposed Cllr Grigg, seconded Cllr MacIntyre, majority in favour by show of hands. Clerk to investigate sources of appropriate flags. (AP2)

5) Reports from outside bodies:


6) Report from Borough Councillor:

Cllr Southcott asked for feedback on the new white recycling bags. 

Cllr Mott is still looking for volunteers to help with the SpeedWatch initiative. 

7) On street parking in the vicinity of Lydford Gorge

Cllrs noted with approval the NT’s proposal that visitors arriving by public transport be offered a discount on their entrance fee to the Gorge site.

Methods of controlling parking on high demand days were discussed. Putting out no parking cones in anticipation on such days was the preferred method, although this can only be done under an approved Traffic Control Order. Clerk to liaise with DCC Highways over the different types of Traffic Orders available. (AP3) Cllr Blackmore to liaise with NT staff on the same matter, (AP4).

8) Emergency Planning

In the absence of Cllr Tainsh, this matter was deferred to February (AP5). Cllr MacIntyre informed Cllrs that he and Cllr Tainsh are looking to make the Nicholls Hall a Place of Safety, equipped with a green energy generator.

9) Climate Emergency

Cllrs agreed to the declaration of a Climate Emergency. Clerk to draft a declaration for February’s meeting (AP6)

Various practical measures for encouraging behaviours to reduce Lydford community’s carbon footprint were discussed:

  • Car Sharing app
  • Soft Plastic recycling at Tesco
  • Providing recycling station(s) within the village
  • Charging station for electric vehicles
  • Supporting only planning applications which reduce climate impact

Cllrs were very keen to hear parishioners’ suggestions for reducing the community carbon footprint, and acknowledged with thanks those already received from Jodie Austin.

10) Public toilets (standing item): 

Cllrs considered the suggested installation of a box for visitors’ donations. Whilst some felt this might be counterproductive and attract criminal attention, Cllr Grigg to explore options (AP7)

11) Finance:

a) Payments: 

The following payments were approved –

  • J Bright (Pay December)                      £ 249.28                      Payment online

HMRC (PAYE December)                     £ 57.80                        Cheque 300004

J Bright (Expenses)                              £ 35.69                        Payment online

b) Cllrs resolved to sign the direct debit for continued registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Proposed – Cllr Grigg, seconded – Cllr MacIntyre, all in favour by show of hands.

12) Planning Applications

None received.

13) Correspondence:

Previously circulated. 

14) Other Business by permission of the Chair


Meeting closed 20:15

Next meeting Tuesday 11th February 2020


AP1Clerk to arrange disbursements of Playground Committee fundsCompleted 17th January 2020. To February agenda for ratification.
AP2Clerk to find suppliers of flags.Details to February agenda
AP3Clerk to liaise with DCC Highways on forms of Traffic Control OrdersEmailed 15.1.2020
AP4Cllr Blackmore to liaise with staff from NT Lydford Gorge on parking control ideas. 
AP5Emergency Plan to February agendaAdded 16.1.2020
AP6Clerk to draft Climate Emergency declaration and circulate ready for February’s meeting2 options emailed to Councillors 30.1.2020
AP7Cllr Grigg to investigate suitable donation box for the public toilets.