Minutes – January 8th 2019
Minutes of the Meeting
held on Tuesday 08th January 2019 at 7pm
Public Time
The Chair opened the meeting. Cllr Mott attended from WDBC. No members of the public were present.
Cllrs Cook, Moriarty, Squires, Fowler, Skeaping and MacIntyre. Also Dr Redding (Clerk)
- Apologies
Cllr Tainsh
- Declarations of Interest
- To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held 11th December 2018
Minutes were approved.
- Updates of actions from the last meeting 11th December 2018
Most actions have been completed.
DNPA Local Plan 2018 – 2033. DNPA is consulting on the draft new Local Plan between 3rd December 2018 and 4th February 2019. Parishioners can download the draft plan and find out how to comment using the web link below:
DNPA has also provided Lydford PC with some hard copies of the Plan. The Clerk will place a note in the parish magazine to let parishioners know where they can view a copy (A1). Copies are with Cllr Cook, Cllr Fowler and the Clerk.
- Reports from Outside Bodies
- Borough Council Reports
Cllr Mott has forwarded the Superlink meeting minutes. These have been forwarded to all Lydford Councillors.
- Finances
The next finance report from the Clerk will be at the February 2019 meeting.
7a – Bills for Payment
£ 276.63 (1343) Pay/Expenses T. Redding
£64.80 (1344) HMRC
7b Grant applications
- Planning Applications
- Correspondence
- Toilets – the PC has investigated collaborating with other parishes but decided this will not be feasible since the decisions have been made regarding toilets in Lydford. The Clerk will respond to Geoff Browne and S Cox (Dartmoor Forest PC) thanking them for their correspondence and informing them of Lydford PC’s decision (A2). Cllr Fowler has emailed C. Aubertin (WDBC) regarding insurance of the toilet building and other matters but has not yet had a response. Cllr Mott was asked to follow this up with WDBC (A3). The PC does not want to take on a building in poor condition and would want WDBC to pass on the asset in good condition. The PC will organise to meet with the cleaners who have volunteered to clean the toilets. Cllr Fowler to contact the volunteers and Cllr MacIntyre will attend (A4). The question of whether or not the current WDBC insurance would cover the toilets at little extra cost was discussed. Cllr Mott offered to report back with this information (A3).
- Planning Consultation – document regarding the move to online consultations for WDBC. Noted
- Superlink minutes (5/12/18) – noted
- Highways – a report on drainage issues in Lydford was sent to T Lee (Highways). Cllr Skeaping to forward the related correspondence with Highways to the Clerk.
- Letter from T Wyatt regarding historical information (Passmore). It was decided to forward this to H Barkell for a response. Cllr Fowler offered to take this forward (A5).
- Courses – noted. No action.
Addendum items
- VAS – moving forward slowly. N Oxton (Highways) will be setting up a site visit and will inform the Clerk of the date.
- Bus shelter – the measurements for the footings will be taken on 9th January 2019.
- Agenda Items from December 2019
- Clerks salary – pay review. The Clerk left the room for the discussions. The PC agreed for the Clerks salary to increase 2 stages from present level. The PC also thanked the Clerk for the work completed over the last year.
- Agenda items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
- Letter from parishioner – The PC agreed with sentiments in the letter and would like to thank the parishioner for the letter which was supportive of the PC efforts regarding the public toilets. The PC will note that it has made representation to WDBC already regarding the toilets but without success.
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 12th February 2018
- Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair
Council elections in May 2019 – this will be noted in the Parish magazine in order to inform and encourage parishioners to join the Parish Council since there may be vacancies. Notice of the Election will be published on the 21st March 2019 and polling day will be the 2nd May 2019. The PC would like the community to note that without 7 Councillors, the PC will not operate as a sole council (A6).
The meeting closed at 20:05
.Signed ___________________ Chairperson Dated
Action | Details | Notes |
A1 | Note in parish magazine regarding location of hard copies of Dartmoor NP Local Plan | Completed |
A2 | Emails to other PC’s regarding toilets | Completed |
A3 | Cllr Mott to gather information regarding toilets e.g. insurance from WDBCCllrs to meet WDBC | Meeting between PC and WDBC on 22nd January completed |
A4 | Cllrs Fowler and MacIntyre to meet with volunteer cleaners | Completed |
A5 | Email to H Barkell re wartime information. Cllr Fowler to action. | Completed |
A6 | Information re Council election in May 2019 to be put in the Parish Magazine | Completed |