Minutes – January 9th 2018


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended this meeting. Questions were asked about the potholes in the pub car park which appear to be getting worse. Highways and WDBC have informed the parishioner that they do not own the carpark. The PC suggested that the potholes were reported online and that the PC would see if the organisation responsible for repairing the potholes could be identified (A1).   There was also a question about the location of the bus shelter. 


Cllrs Cook, Fowler, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Squires and Skeaping.  Also present Mrs Redding (Clerk)

  1. Apologies


  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th December  2017

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Cook. 

The Clerk updated the PC on the actions from the previous minutes:

  • The Clerk was requested to ask the Lydford lengthsman to provide a list of work completed and work yet to complete (A2).  Cllr Skeaping  reported that the work on the ancient spring had been completed.
  • Bus shelter –The Clerk has written to the bus company (Tor and Torridge) to ask about the preferred site for the shelter at the top of the triangle. To date there has been no response. Cllr Cook has written to Highways and has also been informed by DNPA that the shelter required planning permission. The PC was also informed that the proposed location was close to an ancient site which would need investigation for any potential impact. Further discussion is noted in Section 10 of these minutes.
  • Night landing site – The Clerk was asked to see what the status of the night landing site was currently (A3). 
  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 12th December 2017


  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances

The Clerk updated the PC on the finances. 

7a – Bills for Payment

£36.00 (1323) CPRE

£267.38 (1324) Pay Clerk 

£62.40 (1325) Inland Revenue

7b Grant applications

The PCC requested a grant towards burial costs and the PC agreed to pay £300 which is the full amount in the budget for 2016/17.

A letter from S Holland requested a donation towards the World War 1 100 year celebrations in 2018. The PC decided to donate £100 towards the event.

  • Planning Applications
  • Pomeroys   tree removal – approved
  • 0585/17 Spring Barn – application has been withdrawn
  • 0001/18 Downtown Farm retrospective planning permission. The PC voted unanimously in favour of the application
  • Correspondence
  1. Consultation on the provisional local government financial settlement. The PC noted that the precept could be increased without a referendum. 
  2. Highways – Devon Highways News Update – noted especially roadmap details.
  3. Community Lottery – noted. 
  4. Data protections regulations 2018 – Cllr McIntyre and Tainsh will look into this regarding data held by the PC.
  5. Southern Links meeting minutes – noted
  6. Heart of the Southwest Partnership – noted. 
  1. Agenda Items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Burial ground – Cllr Tainsh provided a comprehensive report regarding the alternatives for the extension of the burial ground which included; 
  3. leaving the decision for 10years at which time the cemetery becomes the responsibility of the PC;  
  4. recycling the graves within the cemetery; 
  5. finding another place for the cemetery. 

Cllr Tainsh noted that there are still more options to consider and more discussion to be had between the PC and the PCC before a decision can be made.

  • Bus Shelter – The PC has recently been informed that the bus shelter requires planning permission. There have also been concerns about the location site at the top of the triangle from English Heritage. The PC decided to seek an alternative site.

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 13th February 2018

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair


Meeting closed at 21.05

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated                                

Action list January 2018

A1Potholes in the car parkThese have been sorted out
A2Lengthsman – list of actions so far to be completed.   
A3Devon Air Ambulance – status of potential new siteEmail correspondence 
A4Localities fund – status to be confirmedEmail sent to Cllr Sanders