Minutes – June 11th 2019

Minutes of the  Meeting of Lydford Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th June 2019, 7.00pm in the WI Room of the Nicholls Hall, Lydford.

Present:  CllrSquires (Chair); Cllr. Grigg; Cllr. Tainsh; Cllr. Cook; Cllr. MacIntyre;  Cllr. Skeeping; Cllr Blackmore;  Borough Councillors Mott & Southcott, 5 members of the public; John Bright (Clerk).

Public Discussion:

Councillors were encouraged to press Devon County Council to review their policy of refusing to establish a 20mph zone through the village because of the safety concerns raised by many residents, particularly those whose frontages abut the road or who have to use the roadway where there is no footpath. Cllr Skeaping described the outcome of previous meetings with DCC on this matter. Cllr Tainsh explained that DCC will be publishing a review of their policy on 20mph zones later in June. Once this is known the council will be in a position to know better how to move forward on this matter if possible. Campaign possibilities surrounding the collection of data to support an argument to DCC were discussed. Cllr Mott stated that she was looking for volunteers to help with a ward-wide Speedwatch group. Any interested parties should get in touch with her directly: [email protected]

Cllr Mott gave examples of speed restriction signs within the village which are partially obscured by overgrowth and stated that Police will not prosecute offenders for speeding in such circumstances. She called for all landowners to ensure that they clear any signs affected by plant growth from their properties.

1) Apologies for absence:


2) Declarations of interest: 

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to

declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such

interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  Members are also reminded

that any change to their Declaration of Interests must be notified to the Monitoring Officer at

West Devon Borough Council within 28 days of the change.  

None declared.

3)   Minutes of previous meeting:

The published draft minutes of the AGM of 11th May 2019 were amended to show the correct date, after which they were approved by all and signed by the Chair as a true record. 

4)  Matters arising from previous meeting:

  • Alison Marshall will not be willing to act as internal auditor for this financial year. An alternative has been found – to July’s agenda for discussion (AP1)
  • Mick Jones has designed the sign for the bus shelter informing users of the public bus service that the bus stops at the War Memorial. The Council took the opportunity to thank Mick for the quality of his work in building the shelter. Cllr Cook has emailed the bus company to make their drivers aware of the possibility that bus users might be waiting in the bus shelter on inclement days and that they should allow them time to get from the shelter to the bus stop.

5) Reports from other bodies:


6) Report from Borough Councillor:

Subject to Parish Council support and planning permission two affordable local housing schemes are being planned for West Devon provide 29 homes for local people. The effectiveness of these schemes will be reviewed with the view to perhaps providing more in the future.

Grant funding in West Devon has been reviewed. It has been decided that individual members of the council will each have £500 to award annually. Whilst not a large sum of money Cllr Mott suggested that it could be used to provide small grants locally.

Following a review of current waste collection services – 25% of all waste collected is food. Cllr Mott reminded parishioners that new food recycling containers are available. In October the Council will widen the types of plastics that they will collect for recycling, to include such things as inkjet cartridges. Further announcements will be made nearer the date.

Following the introduction of the new contractor for collecting waste, parishioners are asked to report any missed collections through the West Devon BC website, so that the quality of the new service can be evaluated.

12) Planning: (Item advanced at the suggestion of the Chair)

The Chair recognised that members wanted to speak on one of the applications and advanced this agenda item to allow them to be heard.

  1. 0226/19 Mill Cottage – construction of an extension. Parishioners objected to the proposed extension on the grounds that it was larger than the original dwelling, and that the proposed roofing material was not in keeping with the character of the village and existing structures. After considerable discussion it was agreed by a majority to approve the application with the proviso that the materials for the roof be changed to reflect the rest of the village.
  2. 0248/19 Lydford Gorge (NT) – replacement of footbridge. It was agreed to support this application.

7) Public toilets:

Cllr Grigg informed Cllrs that following a letter from a parishioner Luke Rees from WDBC will be sending someone to look at the timing of the lights outside the toilets following complaints that the lights are coming on at inappropriate times. The locks securing different access points have now been changed and the cisterns serving the urinals are now operating correctly.

Cllr Cook reported that on average approximately 50 people are using the male toilets and 60 people are using the female toilets daily.

Cathy Aubertine has emailed requesting feedback on the recent handover of the toilets from WDBC to Lydford PC. It was agreed that the response should be that whilst the toilets were in good decorative order there were a number of issues with plumbing, security etc. which the PC has had to repair at parishioners’ expense and inviting WDBC to offset those costs. (AP2)

8) Speed limit within the village:

Much had already been discussed in the public session. 

The Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) planned for the A386 has taken over 4 years to bring to fruition. Cllr Cook – everything has been agreed and the funding is in place. The delay appears to be with Highways. Neil Oxton from Highways Dept has left and we no longer have a point of contact. Cllr Mott will attempt to find out who his replacement is. (AP3). Clerk to write to Janice Young from WDBC informing her that the TAP Fund application will be completed in the next month if she could keep the fund open. (AP4)

9) Update and review of Council policies:

A number of the principle policies for operating the Council have not been reviewed. Clerk to obtain draft replacements from DALC and circulate for discussion prior to next meeting (AP5)

10) Council banking arrangements:

Councillors expressed a dissatisfaction with the current banking arrangements provided by TSB, particularly the lack of internet banking and online payment facilities. Lloyds plc and Unity Bank offer such facilities for business customers. Cllr MacIntyre to research the different options and report back (AP6)

11) Finance:

  1. Payments: the following payments were approved –
  1. HMRC (PAYE) £107.60                      1381
    1. T Redding (Pay) £299.60                   1380
    1. J Bright (Pay) £167.59                        1382
    1. J Bright (Toilet tissue) £48.60            1379
    1. Tinhay (Bus shelter) £151.34             1384
    1. Evans plumbing (Toilets) £138.30     1377
    1. Michael Jones (Bus shelter) £67.18   1385
  •  Grant Applications:
    • None received.
  • There appears to be shortfall between the 2019/20 budget set at £9541 and the agreed precept for the year of £9263. Agreement was given to transfer £278 from reserves to cover this shortfall but Cllrs would want to understand the origins of this shortfall. Clerk to circulate budget & precept materials before July meeting (AP7)

13) Correspondence:

Cllr Squires to attend new Chairs’ course

Cllr Grigg to attend New Councillor training

14) Any other business:

Cllr Grigg raised the matter of the poor condition of the 6 Home Guard benches in the village. Cllr Skeaping will carry out a visual inspection of all 6 benches and report back at the next meeting (AP8) Clerk to circulate PC asset register (AP9)

Meeting closed 20:35

Next meeting Tuesday 9th July 2019


AP1Addition to June agendaAgenda to be published 1.7.19
AP2Feedback to Cathy Aubertine WDBCEmail 14.6.19
AP3Cllr Mott to find contact at Devon HighwaysTo July meeting
AP4Write to WDBC extend TAP funding appn.Email 14.6.19
AP5Circulate model Code of Conduct & S/OEmail 14.6.19
AP6Research future banking provisionCllr MacIntyre to report to July meeting
AP7Circulate budget & precept informationEmail 14.6.19
AP8Cllr Skeaping visual inspection of seatsTo report July meeting.
AP9Cicrulate PC asset registerEmail 14.6.19