Minutes – June 12th 2018


Minutes of the Meeting 

       held on Tuesday 12 June 2018 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended. Mr and Mrs Leigh-Tyrer raised the topic of tenancy at Down Town Farm, the forthcoming meeting at the DNPA, and the future of the tenants. They presented correspondence to the DNPA which was tabled. This is discussed in correspondence in item 5 below.


Cllrs Fowler, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Squires, Skeaping and Tainsh .  

  1. Apologies

 Cllr Cook, Mrs Redding (Clerk)

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th  May 2018

The PC approved the minutes and they were signed by the Acting Chair, Cllr L Fowler.

4.         Updates from the meeting dated 8th  May 2018

  1. Settlement Plan – No contact made as yet with J Danota. Clerk to email (A1)
  2. Road Signs – No further progress
  3. VAS –  Correspondence ongoing
  4. GDPR – Cllr Squires has attended training on GDPR and undertook an audit of electronic and paper data held by the Clerk. A proposed Council Privacy Policy has been drafted. Councillors discussed the security of paper records, the duration of data retention, and Privacy Policy. Paper records may be stored in a locked cabinet in the Nicholls Hall if it can be made secure. Electronic records are password protected. Further discussion at next meeting with Mrs Redding present.
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances
  • Bills for Payment

£267.38 Payroll (1293) (T Redding)

£62.40 (1294)  HMRC

£11.99 Stationery (1295) (T Redding)

£49.77 External Hard Drive (1296) (T Redding)

b) Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 

The accounts were reviewed and were approved by the Parish Council. AGAR Sections 1 and 2 and were signed, dated and minuted by the Acting Chair 

  • Grant Applications


  • Planning Applications


  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. GDPR – Data protection regulations update (Data protection policy)

            The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 10 July 2018

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair
  1. Abandoned Car. Abandoned has been seen near the school for a  month. Not taxed/MOTd. Reported to police and WD council. No response as yet. Action. Cllr Tainsh to Email police and  council as reminder (A5)’
  2. Cllr Skeaping asked that the Council note the recent end of season party for Lydford Foxes and congratulate the teams success and progress.
  3. Parishioners have raised the issue of tractors being driven at unsafe speeds through the village centre. LPC to request that farmers to take extra care. 
  4.   Delivery Vans in Silver Street are unable to turn to exit. Clerk to raise issue with highways (A6).

The meeting closed at 20.45


Signed ___________________ Chairperson             Dated                                2018

Action List May 2018 – Clerk update

A1Contact D Janota with regard to updates on settlement planD Janota emailed
A2Letter to DNPA meeting re Downtown FarmSent by email 
A3Application Supported. Cllr Fowler will let Naomi knowTbc
A4Email DNPA and have informal discussion with Castle Inn re camper vansTbc
A5Email to WDBc re abandoned carCllr Tainsh Tbc 
A6Write to highways regarding number of large vehicles going down Silver St and being unable to turn roundEmail sent to J Doswell