Minutes – June 13th 2017
Minutes of the Meeting
held on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7pm
Public Time
Two members attended. New residents to the village who have moved to live next to the A386 spoke about their concern for safety due to the speed of cars on the A386 after near misses when they were leaving their driveway. They asked about installation of a VAS sign on the northbound carriageway and the re-instatement of the white lines to prevent overtaking near their driveway. They would be attending a meeting with Highways on Friday 16th June with the Clerk.
Cllrs Fowler, Cook, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Skeaping and Tainsh.
- Apologies
Apologies from Cllr Tainsh
- Declarations of Interest
- To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th May 2017
The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Cook
The Clerk updated the PC on the actions from the previous minutes.
- Matters arising from the Minutes dated 9th May 2016
- Reports from Outside Bodies
- Borough Council Reports.
- Finances
7a – Internal and External end of year figures and audit
The Clerk provided an update on finances and reported on the internal audit report. The internal audit report will be circulated through correspondence to all Councillors and will be available for parishioners to view during the financial review period.
The Clerk also presented The Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements Section 1 and Section 2. The Parish Council considered the findings of the review and the statement of accounts and approved the Annual Governance Statement and then the Annual Accounting Statements for 2016-2017 by resolution and documents were signed.
7b – Bills for Payment
£267.38 (1277) Pay Clerk
£62.40 (1278) Inland Revenue
£66.00 (1279) Nicholls Hall room rental
£132.40 (1280) Internal Audit fees
£10.00 (1306) ALCC fees
£500.00 (1307) Lydford Foxes Grant
7c. Grant Applications
Lydford Foxes requested a grant for £500 for the leader training courses and start up for the club. This was agreed unanimously by the PC.
- Planning Applications
- Spring Barn – application has been withdrawn – noted
- Conditional planning agreement for Castle House – noted
- Wilsworthy View – planning notice noted
- Correspondence
- Audit papers –see section 7a
- Letter of grant application from Lydford Foxes – £500 grant agreed
- Correspondence regarding VAS signage and white lines on the A386 from Mr Ellington and Mr and Mrs Wooster. The PC discussed this and will wait for a report from the Clerk as to the outcome (A1)
- Development Management Paper WDBC – noted
- Road Warden scheme information – noted
- Transparency fund website assistance – noted but it was decided that since the Lydford website was up and running this was not a necessary input at present
- Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
- Milennium seat and Oriol – these are in need of maintenance. The clerk was asked to get some quotes for any repairs needed (A2).
- Merger – Nicholls Hall and Sports field committees – The PC was asked their opinion about the merger of Nicholls Hall Committee and the Sports Field Committee. The PC generally thought it to be a good idea although there was a question about how the finances would be organised. The Clerk was asked to respond accordingly (A3)
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 11th July 2017
- Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair
Bus Shelter – there was a discussion over the possible re-instatement of the bus shelter outside Lyneaste. The base of the previous shelter is still present and there is a willingness in the community to get involved in the design. The Clerk was asked to find out if planning permission was needed and if there was a possible source of funding that could be applied for.
Meeting closed at 20.25
.Signed ___________________ Chairperson Dated 2017