Minutes – June 14th 2016


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 14th June 2016 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended including Cllr Mott (WDBC).


Cllrs Cook, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Skeaping and Tainsh.  Also present Mrs T Redding (Clerk) 

  1. Apologies

L. Fowler, K Mills

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th May 2016

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Vice-Chair, Cllr Cook. 

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 9th  February 2016

The Clerk provided an update on the actions from the previous meeting. 

  • Japanese knotweed, The Clerk has been contacted by a parishioner regarding this notifiable weed which has been found growing near to the entrance to Lydford Forest. The Clerk contacted Highways who responded that this was not under their remit. Despite it being notifiable. The Clerk was asked to contact DNPA to find out who would be responsible for its removal (A1).
  • Lengthsmen: The Clerk has been given a name and contact details of a Lengthsman. Cllr Skeaping offered to ask S. Taylor if he is qualified to do the work since he has local knowledge (A2)
  • Mr Oxton from Highways sent an email to inform the PC that the SCARFE assessment had agreed to suitable places for two VAS signs to be erected on the A386 (Site C and F). The PC agreed to go forward with the suggested sites and the Clerk was asked to respond and find out about the next steps to take (A3). The Clerk was also asked to inform Lydford Speedwatch about the progress (A4).
  • The Clerk informed the PC that the recent application for a defibrillator for the village had been successful. There is a training element to the package and Cllr MacIntyre offered to contact someone with regards to the training (A5). The Clerk will contact BHF for the next steps (A6)
  1. Friends of Lydford School request for funding towards the cost of erecting a fence around the playing field. The PC agreed to support the group with funding although the Clerk was asked to clarify if this was within the PC remit (A7). 
  2. Lydford Map. This has been ordered and an invoice was being sent from DNPA.
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports.

Cllr Mott reported that the Localities Officers would be interested in hearing about the dog fouling areas and could help. The Clerk was asked to contact WDBC re this issue (A8). Cllr Mott also informed the PC that the Localities officers were also collecting information about local events. The website details the type of support the Council can supply to local events and more information can be found here http://www.westdevon.gov.uk/eventspolicy-telluswhatyouthink

Cllr  Mott was asked about recycling waste and she informed the PC that the issue of paying for green waste collection had gone before  a hub committee and was now being discussed in the full council. 

  • Finances

The Clerk provided an update on finances, including the accounts and bank reconciliation for the financial year 2015-2016.  The account statement was approved by the Parish Council. The annual governance statement was also approved.

  1. Bills for Payment

£238.42 Salary Clerk (1224)

£55.20   HMRC (1225)

£457.43  Came and Company Insurance (1223)

  • Grant Applications

Mr MacIntyre  asked about potential grants for the football club. The Clerk requested a letter of application from the club before this could be decided. 

c. Benches – Cllr MacIntyre provided a report on the status of the benches with regards to wear and tear. Of the five benches three are in satisfactory condition and two require repair.  Mr Browne informed the PC that he and Mr Leigh-Tyrer from Downtown Farm would repair the benches for the community. The PC gave their thanks to Mr Browne and Mr Leigh-Tyrer for this generous offer.  

  • Planning Applications


  • Correspondence
    • Hartswood Planning Approval – noted
    • Skitt House Planning refused – noted
    • Letter from Federation Schools re finances – noted  (see Agenda Item 4a)
    • Moor Than Meets the Eye – poster to display – agreed
    • Mr Etherington – letter regarding the budget – the new budget and the actual spend 2015-16 would be placed on the website and a letter sent to Mr Etherington (A9)
    • Affordable Homes. Information provided by DNPA regarding homes on Dartmoor. The information provided noted that any development with a minimum of 5 houses would be required to make a contribution to the local community under the Section 106 Agreement
    • Email from Mr Browne suggesting that parishioners could be sent an electronic version of the Minutes/Agenda/Events or a link from the website. Although the PC thought this a good idea Clllr MacIntyre noted that this might be quite time consuming to set up. The PC agreed that this could be included in the Agenda Items for the next meeting.
  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Email database

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 13th July 2016

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair


Meeting closed at 20.47

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson            Dated                                2016

Action List May/June 2016

1Contact DNPA regarding Japanese KnotweedEmail sent 
2Cllr Skeaping to contact S Taylor re lengthsmen work…..
3Respond to Highways re-VAS signageEmail sent, telephone call to follow-up at later date. Follow up call made and costs will be sent to the Clerk for consideration.
4Inform Speedwatch regarding VAS signsEmail sent to B Greig and R Ellington
5Cllr MacIntyre to contact possible trainers for the defibrillator… 
6Contact BHF for the way forwardCheque sent to BHF. All equipment arrived defibrillator and training equipment 
7Check PC Powers for giving grants to Friends of schoolsChecked and confirmed as acceptable
8Provide contact details for Localities Officers re dog fouling and support for events and possible lengthsmen workDetails in minutes and magazine. WDBC to be contacted
9Contact interested parishioner re budgetEmail to be sent. Waiting for info to be on website first.

Finance summary to 2nd June 2016

MAY/JUNE 2016 Cheque number Amount   
Balance 29.04.16£16,327.60     
Expenditure to 25.05.16    Income May/Jun 
Brookes BtB05.05.161216£250.00 Dep£87.19
Mrs Redding (Mar)12.05.261210£238.62   
Mrs Redding (Apr)12.05.161212£238.42   
Total  £935.77   
New balance 25/05/16£15,479.02     
OF THIS      
RESERVES £6,230.70    
Ancient spring 163.00£163.00     
Election reserve £800.00     
Parish Reserve£5,000.00     
General reserves£267.70     
PLAYGROUND balance £5,619.00    
PC Balance £3,629.32    
total £15,479.02    
Chq NP