Minutes – June 14th 2022


Minutes of the Parish Meeting 

At the WI Room, The Nicholls Hall, Lydford

On Tuesday 14th June 2022 at 7.00pm

Present: Cllr Grigg (Chair), Cllr Squires, Cllr Cook, Cllr Tainsh, Cllr Blackmore, Cllr MacIntyre, Cllr Skeaping. Cllr Southcott (WDBC), Rob Taylor (DNP), Simon Thompson (NT, Lydford Gorge – replacing Catherine Parsons).

  1. Public Session (15 minutes)

Rob Taylor updated the Council on matters of interest to the Council from DNP. Specifically – DNP are administering the Farming and Protected Landscapes programme locally. Grants are available towards improvements in the land which will result in at least one climate, nature, people or place outcome. Grants are by refund of costs, up to £5K and are available to all who own or are responsible for land, not just farmers. 

There is facility now to report problems with public rights of way within Dartmoor Nation Park – https://www.dartmoor.gov.uk/enjoy-dartmoor/outdoor-activities/report-a-path-problem

Following the gales earlier this year, trees near the footpaths at Ingo Brake have come down or have been so weakened that they will need to be taken down. The footpath remains open but at users’ risk. These works will be carried out soon but visitors are advised to exercise caution in the area until they are completed.

Rangers are now wearing their body-worn cameras. Community Protection notices will be issued to those who do not comply with the instructions of a ranger.

  • Apologies for absence


  • Declarations of Interest


  • Minutes of the Annual and Parish Meeting held 10th May 2022

Cllrs resolved to accept the minutes.

  • Matters arising from May meeting 

(For information only)

There are now 6 volunteers for Lydford Speedwatch. Councillor Cook will be organising a date for all of the group to meet and receive practical training from Councillor Southcott (AP2), after which the group will be operational. Cllr Southcott thanked Cllr Cook for his efforts in collecting and organising volunteers.

Cllr Tainsh asked whether the primary school might be involved in some way when Speedwatch is operating. Cllr Southcott stated that this could be possible in the future, and that in other areas the police do involve schools where speeding is a problem. There are street signs coming which will warn drivers that Lydford is a Speedwatch area.

  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Councillors Report

Because any information from WDBC is circulated by emails through the month, there is no longer a need for such a report. Instead, Cllrs will be invited to ask questions on the information already issued.

  • Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)

Simon Thompson stated that the National Trust are presently building a national strategy to install rapid EV chargers in their car parks. When it comes on stream he will inform the Council. DNP have already written to the Parish Council outlining their intentions to install a charger in the car park at Lydford at some stage in the future. Cllr Tainsh suggested that DNP, NT and LPC work together on a coordinated approach. (AP1 – Clerk to write to NT & DNP to begin dialogue).

  • Public toilets (standing item)

Cllr Grigg reported that everything is operating correctly, with no defects or damage to report.

  1. Playground (standing item)

Simon Thompson shared some of the issues faced by NT with their play area at Lydford Gorge. They are having to remove large parts because there are insufficient funds presently to replace them. Work to maintain the play area in Lydford is continuing.

  1. Finances

Councillors resolved to approve the payments:

  1. J Bright                      £16.04         Toilet supplies
  2. J Bright                    £312.91         Salary June
  3. HMRC                        £73.60         PAYE June
  4. Jade Tennant         £604.50         Toilet cleaning, May

Proposed Cllr Tainsh, seconded Cllr Squires, all in favour.

  1. Actions taken under delegated authority since last meeting

Councillors noted payments made:

  1. Sue Powne               £200.00         Grant from LPC re Jubilee celebrations
  2. Sue Powne               £251.64         Jubilee party supplies
  3. Severn C Products  £184.37         Children’s’ Jubilee mugs
  4. Devon Contracts      £594.00         Jubilee Picnic Bench

Payments ii – iv made from Jubilee funds held by LPC

  1. Planning Applications:

0151/22 Holmeleigh – change of use of land, replacement of existing stable and garage block with stable, carport and log shed, and associated works.

Councillors agreed to support the application.

  1.  Damage to bench outside Downtown Farm

Cllr Skeaping reported that a tree had fallen and damaged to bench outside Dowtown Farm. The tree has been removed by the landowner, who has agreed that he will replace the bench. Cllrs agreed that the owner should be allowed time to make the change and that Cllrs will monitor the quality of any replacement.

  1. Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.

(For information only)

Cllrs discussed the letter from DNP outlining proposals to charge for parking in the car park, and the potential implications for the village. It was agreed that the Council would delay any formal response until an action plan was received and they understood exactly what was being planned.

Cllr Grigg suggested flying the Devon flag on its pole outside the hall. Councillors agreed to trial it.

Meeting closed 7.55pm

Signed                                               (Chair)            Date

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 14th June 2022

Nicholls Hall, Lydford

 Action agreedOutcome
AP1Clerk to write to NT & DNP to begin dialogue over rapid EV charging in the village.Email sent 30.6.2022
AP2Councillor Cook to organise a date for all of the Speedwatch volunteers to meet and receive practical training from Councillor Southcott