Minutes – March 12th 2018


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 12th March 2018 at 7pm

Public Time

Two members of the public attended this meeting.  


Cllrs Cook, Moriarty, Squires, Skeaping, Tainsh, MacIntyre, Fowler.  

  1. Apologies

Cllr Mott (WDBC)

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on February 13th 2018

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Cook. 

The Clerk updated the PC on the actions from the previous minutes:

 A1 – letter from Cllr Tainsh with regards Downtown Farm was placed in the Correspondence box for discussion

A2 – A letter to DCC regarding trespassing on parishioners land and the link to the railway consultation has been sent – no response so far.

A3 –  The PC response to the GWR consultation has been sent.

A4 –  Devon Air ambulance – potential sites are still being sought. The site requirements were placed on the website and a request will be placed again in the parish magazine.

A5 –  Banijay – village TV programme – a note was placed on the notice board with contact details.


  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 13th February 2018
  • Bus shelter – the bus company have agreed to stop in the favoured location for the shelter. Permission from the water board to build over their site needs to be re requested. A planning application is required and Mr Jones has offered to do this. The site will be close to the 30mph sign but will not obscure it.
  • Road signs missing from the granite way – the Clerk was asked to notify Highways and indicate the location of the signs.
  • Ancient spring –  work is being organised 
  • Lock on Parish Notice board – Cllr MacIntyre offered to fix the door.
  • Data protection for the PC – Cllr MacIntyre will check on the courses available.
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports

Box Clever – recycling of cardboard is now operating. WDBC is highlighting this on the website.

  • Finances

The Clerk presented the financial spreadsheet which was accepted by the PC.

7a – Bills for Payment

£267.38 (1330) Pay to Clerk

£62.40 (1282) Inland Revenue

£66.00 (1283) Nicholls Hall rental

£30.30 (1284) Stationery 

7b Grant applications

Tree tops – The PC agreed to give a grant of £100

  • Planning Applications

   P1 – 0074/18 Cornerways  – Application for access. The PC agreed to support the application.

  • Correspondence
  1. DNPA Link member – This is now Cllr Sanders.
  2. Tor Brae – see Agenda Item
  3. Letter regarding Down Town Farm – R Tainsh – got reply to letter and forwarded to D Janota regarding local plan. Further correspondence to be sent to D Janota with an additional note on updating the playground location. Cllr Tainsh offered to contact DNPA (A1).
  4. WDBC Training courses – Planning Workshop  27th March at DNPA Parke – no Cllrs available
  5. Southern Link Training Courses – Cllr Squires will attend on the 22nd March 2018 for new Councillors training. The Clerk will attend the finance workshop 26th April 2018 and will report back (A2). 
  6. S Link – TAP grant has been fully distributed. 
  7. G Wooster – Valedown VAS – Clerk will ask the VAS company to set the speed limit to 40mph (A3)
  8. Devon Communities Together – training. No Cllrs can attend and the course was considered to be rather  expensive
  9. RoSPA training – noted
  10. HAGS – noted
  11. Selectra – Smart meters – noted
  12. S Wonnacott – Car Scheme – the scheme has funding from WDBC – The Clerk was asked to write to Mrs Wonnacott to say that due to budget restrictions the PC cannot give a contribution this year but will consider this for next year (A4).
  13. Rural Vulnerability Service – noted
  14. WDBC – Savings schemes noted
  15. Street Scene – information noted
  16. CPRE – Pack given to L Fowler for further reading
  17. Glasdon Street furniture – noted.
  1. Agenda Items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Tor Brae – Planning Appeal – the PC discussed this appeal although it was noted that previous correspondence regarding this application has been forwarded. It was agreed that since PC has registered opinion previously and the view has not changed the minutes of the meeting where this application was discussed will be attached to a letter and sent to the appeal hearing (A5).
  3. Tree tops – grant decided – £100. 
  4. Lengthsman work – list of work to be completed to be sent to the Clerk.  

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 10th April 2018

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair
  1. Cllr MacIntyre – noted that he has a small amount of money from fundraising for the skatepark. The PC decided to ask if any parishioners would like to take this idea forward. A note will be put in the magazine (A6).

Meeting closed at 20:15 

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated    

A1Letter to D Janota re affordable housing and update on playground location in Parish ProfileCompleted by Cllr Tainsh
A2Reports from Training attended  April meeting 
A3VAS sign speed limitEmail sent to company and details of how to change this online has been sent to the Clerk. 
A4Response to S Wonnacott re car schemeCompleted
A5Response to appeal application – Tor BraeCompleted and sent online
A6Note in Parish magazine regarding skatepark financesDone