Minutes – March 12th 2019


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 12th    March 2019 at 7pm

Public Time

One member of the public attended


Cllrs Cook, Fowler, Skeaping and MacIntyre

  1. Apologies

Cllr Tainsh; Cllr Moriarty; Cllr Squires; Dr Redding (Clerk)

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held 12th February 2019

Minutes were approved.   


  • Updates of actions from the last meeting 12th  February 2019 
  • VAS signage  – awaiting updates
  • Highways –potholes and blocked drains were reported. Cllr Skeaping reported that a small pothole had been filled but blocked drains were not considered to be ‘a fault’ as reported. The drains will be inspected in April.
  • Grants (Cllr Mott) – the funding opportunities were not relevant to the Foxes and the information was passed on to Treetops.
  • Equipment Inventory – ongoing
  • Banking – ongoing   
  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports

Cllr Mott reminded the PC that the Southern Links meeting was on the 21st March and that this was the last opportunity for PC’s to apply for Community Together (formerly TAP) funding.

  • Finances

7a – Bills for Payment – approved

£ 276.83 (1348) Pay/Expenses T. Redding  

£64.60 (1349) HMRC

7b Grant applications


  • Planning Applications


  • Correspondence

PL1 Treeworks – noted

  1. Letter re Elections – noted
  2. Neighbourhood Watch – the scheme is registered. Information is on the Facebook page and Cllr MacIntyre has helped parishioners register
  3. CPRE – renew and review next year
  4. CPRE – AGM and seminar – noted
  5. North Bovey Conservation Group – Dark Sky Status. A letter of support to be sent (A1). 
  6. Bulk Buy heating scheme. Clerk to forward information to Cllr MacIntyre to put on the website (A2).
  7. Clerk vacancy – noted
  8. Back2Back productions – the information to be placed on the noticeboard (A3)
  9. 9a,b,c – News releases – Noted
  1. Agenda Items from January 2019
  1. None
  1. Agenda items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Bus shelter – the base and foundations have been completed. Thanks to Mick Jones for his work so far.
  3. Toilet update – WDBC are still discussing a short lease for Lydford with DNPA. It was decided to keep the Wallgate wash/dryer units at approximately £300 pa for the trial year. The pub landlord has offered to lock up at night. Cllr Cook outlined the options for the people counters being offered to the PC by Lydford House Hotel. The repairs may be completed by the end of March. A parishioner has offered to paint the exterior. Cllrs Cook and Fowler will attend another meeting with WDBC on the 19th March.
  4. Devon Air Ambulance – Night Landing Site. There is a possibility that the funding will have to be declined as no suitable site has been identified despite the PCs best efforts.
  5. Repair of the Homeguard bench – ongoing

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 9th April 2018

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair


For information Cllr MacIntyre informed the meeting that one of the Foxes’ coaches is doing a sponsored skydive to fund a defibrillator for the sports field. Another asset for the village. 

The meeting closed at 20:20

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated    

A1North Bovey Conservation Group –Dark Sky Status letter of supportDone
A2Back2Back productions note on noticeboardDone
A3Bulk heating information to Cllr MacIntyreDone