Minutes – March 14th 2023

Minutes of meeting held at the Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 7:00pm

Present: Cllrs Grigg (Chair), Squires, Cook, Skeaping, Blackmore. Cllr Southcott (WDBC) 4
members of the public.

  1. Public Session
  • Simon Thompson from NT Lydford Gorge presented a paper to the Council (appendix i) in
    response to a previous question regarding Lydford residents’ access to the site free of charge.
    Members of the parish will be issued with an annual pass on proof of residency which will allow
    free access to the Gorge.
  • Jonathan Gilpin for the Recreation Ground committee asked whether the playground was
    inspected and was told that inspection was due to take place very soon. The outcome of the
    inspection will be discussed at the next meeting.
  1. Apologies for absence
  • Cllr Sanders – DCC
  • Cllr Mott WDBC
    Both accepted
  1. Declarations of Interest
  • Nil
  1. Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.
  • Cllrs were asked whether the public signs relating to the toilets at the Granite Way and outside
    the toilet block had been removed. (AP1 Cllr Grigg to remove them.)
  1. Minutes of the meeting 14th February 2023
  • These were approved and signed.
  1. Matters arising from the meeting 14th February 2023
  • Toilet keys returned to WDBC
  • Invoice for final recharge for toilets – water and electricity still outstanding (£760 +) – sent in final
    electricity reading but could not find a water meter.
  • Hall trustees have agreed to pay half of the cost of repairing both notice boards
  1. Beating the Bounds 2023
  • Paul Brookes provided an update to Councillors on the progress of the working group planning
    the activity in May.
  • It has now been established that the Council’s existing insurance will satisfactorily cover the
    event and its organisers.
  • Approval has now been received from all owners across whose ground the routes pass, except
    for Forestry Commission England.
  • All those who complete their designated routes will be issued with a certificate and a
    commemorative coin.
  • 60 –
  1. Finances
    The Council resolved to approve the payments –
    i. J. Bright £340.58 March salary
    ii. HMRC £80.60 PAYE March
    iii. DALC £36.00 Election training – Clerk
    Proposed Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr Squires. All in favour.
  2. Playground (standing item)
  • Councillors noted the defects to equipment that have been identified. It was agreed that Cllr
    Blackmore will tape off the defective equipment (AP2) until such time as an authorized repairer
    could be found (AP3)
  1. Planning
    Councillors noted the responses to previous applications –
  • Tree works 23/0009 Pomeroys – DNP has not protected the trees
  • Application 0007/23 1 Prince Charles Terrace – DNP have granted conditionally
  • Application 0005/23 Lydford Caravan Park – DNP have refused the application
  1. Actions taken under delegated authority
  • Nil
    Meeting closed – 7.30pm Date of next meeting – Tuesday 11th April 2023
    Actions arising from meeting:
    1 Cllr Grigg to remove toilet signs from Granite Way and
    toilet block
    2 Cllr Blackmore to tape off defective play equipment to
    prevent use.
    3 Clerk & Cllr MacIntyre to locate approved play equipment
    repairers nearby