Minutes – May 10th 2016


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 

held on Tuesday 10th May 2016 at 7pm

Public Time

The Clerk welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for questions from the public. Four members for the public attended and there were no matters raised.

  1. Election of Chair

The Clerk requested nominations and seconders for the position of Chair

Nominated: L Fowler         Nominator: N Skeaping          Seconder A MacIntyre

Nominated: B Cook            Nominator: L Fowler               Seconder: C Moriarty

Candidates left the room and Councillors voted 3 to 1 in favour of L Fowler.  L Fowler was declared Chairperson.

  • Election of Vice-Chair

The Clerk asked for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair. 

Nominated: B Cook            Nominator: K Mills                 Seconder: A MacIntyre

There were no other candidates and B Cook was declared Vice-Chair


Cllrs Fowler, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Mills, Skeaping and Cook.  Also present Mrs T Redding (Clerk) 

  • Apologies

R Tainsh

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th April 2016

The PC approved the minutes with minor alterations and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr L Fowler. 

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 12th  April 2016
  1. Beating of the Bounds. P Brookes reported that 44 people started the walk and 22 adults and 7 children under the age of 16 (as well as numerous dogs) completed the 14.6 miles walk and collected certificates. The tea, cakes and burgers were appreciated by all and the PC recorded their thanks to P Brookes for organising an enjoyable day. The next event for Beating the Bounds will be in 2023.
  2. Update on responses to the report on the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr MacIntyre reported that the online report had generated 120 hits, of these 80 had read the report and 3 had ‘liked’ the report. There were no comments left on the site. The PC decided that in the light of the lack of responses to the report online, or to the Clerk it would not pursue the development of a Neighbourhood Plan further. The item would be reviewed again in 6 months time.
  3. Dog Fouling. This is mainly a problem on the ancient paths and footpaths such as the Granite Way despite a notice displayed on this path. The PC discussed the item and decided that since bins do not seem to work more signs would be ordered from the Council (A1) and a note regarding this issue would be placed in the Parish Magazine report (A2).
  • Reports from Outside Bodies

Cllr MacIntyre reported there were no matters as a result of the playground inspection. 

  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances

The Clerk provided a short update on finances and this was accepted by the PC. 

  1. Bills for Payment

£238.62 (1219) Salary Clerk

£55.00   (1220) HMRC

£66.00   (1221) Nicholls Hall rent

£417.74 (1222) Came and Company Insurance

  • Grant Applications

Considered in correspondence

  • Planning Applications
  1. 0234/16 – Rear roof elevation and rebuilding Bridge House – no objections
  2. Approval of application 0089/16 Noted 
  3. 0196/16 Hartswood Barn change of use – no objections
  4. 0264/15 Springers loft conversion – no objection
  • Correspondence
  • SLCC AGM – noted
    • Broadband update – noted
    • DALC newsletter –  information noted about TESCO funding – passed to playground committee
    • Came and Company newsletter – noted 
    • Healthwatch magazine – noted
    • Lengthsmen services update on TAP funding – noted. The PC will respond confirming agreement of the proposed payment plans to Peter Tavy PC. The Clerk was asked to find names of qualified lengthsmen  who could do the work (A3) and to contact S Taylor (A4)
  • Additional correspondence
  1. Letter from B Grieg concerning lack of volunteers for Speedwatch and requesting publicity from the PC. PC agreed this could be placed on the website. The Clerk will put a notice together for the website (A5) and will also note this request in the Parish Magazine report (A6). It has also been suggested to Speedwatch that they could contact the Parish Magazine editor directly.
  2. Letter from the Vice Chair of Governors for the Dartmoor Federation of Schools requesting a grant towards the total cost of erecting a fencing around the new playground at Lydford Primary School.  The request was discussed by the PC and it was decided that although the PC agreed to give support, as per the PC financial protocol, a letter would be sent to the Chair of the Dartmoor Federation of Schools to request information on capital reserves in the first instance (A7). The Clerk was asked to respond to Mrs Skeaping.
  3. The Clerk has sent an email to Highways providing suggested sites for the VAS signs. There has been no response to date despite a follow up email. The Clerk was asked to find out if there was another contact who would respond (A8).
  4. The DNPA sent an example of a map they could produce of the village. The Clerk was asked to contact DNPA to see if an A0 map can be produced to include more of the village (A9).  
  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
  1. School Grant Application
  2. Lydford Map

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 14th June 2016

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

The Chair raised the issue of the benches in Lydford which are in disrepair. After some discussion it was decided that the benches could be repaired. Cllr MacIntyre offered to organise a working party to look at the benches and Cllr Mills offered to approach suppliers for quotes to do the work. Cllr Skeaping read a response from WDBC services department regarding litter on the A30. The letter noted that members of the public can report litter on the WDBC website. 

The meeting closed at 20.17


Signed ___________________ Chairperson             Dated                                2016

Action List May 2016

1Dog fouling signs from DCCDone
2 Note re dog fouling in P MagazineDone 
3Names of qualified lengthsmen  Done –  response from Peter Tavy PC
4Contact S Taylor by letterDone
5Speedwatch note for websiteDone
6Speedwatch note for magazineDone in magazine report
7Letter to Federated schools Chair and copies to Mrs SkeapingDone and copies sent/reply received
8VAS signage another contactBeen in touch with N Oxton and agreed to another SCARFE assessment for the end of May 2016-TBC
9AO map of the village to sort outAO map ordered from DNPA
Accounts May 2016 Cheque number Amount   
Balance 01/04/16£13,060.18     
Expenditure to 30/04/16    Income April 
Mrs Redding 12.04.161212238.42 Precept£3,229.00
HMRC12.04.16121355.2 PLayground£137.19
SLCC annual subs12.04.161214void   
cash for beating bounds12.04.16121550   
P Brookes Beating Bounds12.04.161216250   
T Williams12.04.161217145   
Total  £738.62   
New balance 30.04.16£15,687.75     
OF THIS      
RESERVES £6,730.00    
Ancient spring 163.00£163.00     
Election reserve £800.00     
Parish Reserve£5,000.00     
General reserves£767.00     
PLAYGROUND balance £5,111.37    
PC Balance £3,846.38    
total £15,687.75