Minutes – May 14th 2019

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Lydford Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th May 2019, 7.15pm in the Nicholls Hall, Lydford.

Present:  CllrSquires; Cllr. Grigg; Cllr. Tainsh; Cllr. Cook; Cllr. MacIntyre;  Cllr. Skeeping;  Borough Councillors Mott & Southcott, 2 members of the public; Theresa Redding (Clerk) John Bright (incoming Clerk).

Cllr. Cook took the chair for items 1) & 2)

Public Discussion:


1) Election of Chair:

Cllr. Squires was proposed for the position of Chair for the coming year by Cllr. Skeaping, seconded by Cllr. Cook. All in favour.

2) Election of Vice Chair:

Cllr Squires proposed Cllr Cook for the position of Vice Chair. Seconded by Cllr. Tainsh. All in favour.

Cllr Squires thanked the outgoing Chair and the outgoing councillors present for their work for the parish and their contribution to the work of the Parish Council. The outgoing Clerk Theresa Redding was thanked for her work for the council over many years. Cllrs Grigg and Blackmore were welcomed onto the Council.

3) Apologies for Absence:

Cllr Blackmore

4)   Declarations Of Interest: In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to

declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such

interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  Members are also reminded

that any change to their Declaration of Interests must be notified to the Monitoring Officer at

West Devon Borough Council within 28 days of the change.  

None declared.

5)   Minutes:

Minutes of the of 9th April 2019 were approved by all and signed by the Chair as a true record. 

6)  Matters arising from previous meeting:

Cllr Tainsh raised the question of reducing speed in the village to 20mph following a technical report into its feasibility by the Department of Transport. To June Agenda. (AP1)

Following the handover of the public toilets to the Parish Council for a one year trial period, a number of plumbing issues were identified. Cllr. Grigg volunteered to act as point of first contact in all matters relating to the toilets and was approved to act on behalf of and with the authority of the council on matters arising between meetings, in consultation with the Chair if necessary. Toilets to be made a standing agenda item. (AP2)

The bus shelter was discussed. It is a designated stopping point only for the school bus, public buses (118) will still stop at the War Memorial. Councillors wanted to inform bus users and so avoid any confusion in the future. 

Articles in Parish Magazine and on Parish Facebook page.(AP3)

Sign to be placed in the bus stop to remind users of 118 bus as to where the bus stops.

To June Agenda to consider what communication – if any – needs to be had with Dartline Buses (AP4)

Cllr Cook assumed responsibility for the public defibrillator

7) Reports from other bodies:

Cllr Tainsh – Lydford Primary School

There has been a recent review of the school ethos provision. The school is looking to address issues of parking by parents at start and end of the day. To further its links with the community it will be approaching the Parish Church to forge closer links between the two bodies. There is a drive to improve the sustainability of the school. A summary of all of the school’s proposals and actions will be placed on the community noticeboard outside the hall. 

8) Report from Borough Councillor:

Cllr Caroline Mott introduced her newly elected colleague Cllr Terry Southcott and assured councillors that one or other will be attending future Parish Council meetings.

Following the introduction of the new contractor for collecting waste, parishioners are asked to report any missed collections through the West Devon BC website, so that the quality of the new service can be evaluated.

There are 15 newly elected WDBC councillors. They may take a month or so to find their feet and start operating effectively. Patience and understanding is requested.

TAP / Communities Together funding is no longer available and new possibilities are being discussed, including the suggestion of there being a fund dedicated to supporting the work of Parish Lengthsmen.

9) Finances:

The Chair began by thanking Theresa for her tremendous work in support of the Council over her time as Clerk. She will be sorely missed.

The Council accepted the internal auditor’s report and the Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability return. Clerk reported that the documents will be placed on the website and forwarded to the external auditors. Feedback from the auditor was that everything is in order, with the following exceptions:

  • The Council website does not comply with Transparency Code legislation – regrettably the auditor opened an old version of the website which is still available. The current Council website is fully compliant. There are discussions about how to overcome the website problem.
  • The Council’s Financial Organisation rules are currently amalgamated with Standing Orders. Currently recommended best practise is that they be separated although this is not a requirement.
  • The Council has no grant giving policy. Again there is no requirement for one, but it is recommended as best practise.
  • The Council has no Complaints Policy and no Publication Scheme, both of which should be in place. To June meeting for consideration.(AP5)

9a) Bills for Payment:

The following payments were approved –

CPRE membership renewal                £36.00             (1360)

Stationary (printer ink)                       £74.97             (1361)

Payroll Services contract renewal      £81.00             (1362)

Bus shelter materials                          £7.09               (1363)

Toilet supplies (paper)                        £25.50             (1364)

Insurance                                            £556.04           (1365)

Tindle Newspapers (clerk advert)      £201.60           (1366)

Stationary (printer)                             £93.47             (1367)

Evans Plumbing (toilets)                     £120.50           (1368)

Payroll (clerk)                                      £299.60           (1369)

DALC (membership renewal)             £92.33             (1370)

Alison Marshall (Audit fee)                 £132.40           (1371)

HMRC (clerk)                                       £70.40             (1372)

Travis Perkins (bus shelter)                £15.36             (1373)

Travis Perkins (bus shelter)                £207.69           (1374)

N Grigg (toilets – padlocks)                £24.00             (1375)

The matter of the Council’s banking arrangements was considered. New signatories need to be added to the existing TSB mandate. Transferring to another provider to be considered in June.(AP6)

10) Planning:

Planning Applications – Dartmoor National Park has asked for comments from the Parish Council.

  1. Application 0176/19 Moor Lodge. Replacement of existing garage. Decision – Support
  2. Application 19/0019 Removal of Sycamore tree from The Coach House. Decision – Neutral view

11) Correspondence:

  1. From Dartmoor National Park – the current Dartmoor Way is being surveyed over the next year.
  2. A parishioner asked if the pond liner below the old spring could be replaced as the pond is drying out. The pond liner is fine, but the spring runs dry during periods of no rainfall, meaning that the pond naturally dries out by evaporation.
  3. DALC informed the Council of upcoming courses for councillors.
  4. A parishioner asked the Council what they intend to do about the large increase in traffic anticipated as a result of residents of the new development at Butchers Park wanting to join the A30. The council resolved to monitor traffic flow when the development is occupied and make decisions according to their findings.
  5. Advanced notice was received from Highways about resurfacing work and subsequent rolling road closures due to take place 28th to 31st May. There will be access for residents and visitors to the village. A letter drop to all residents will take place in advance of the closures. Full information will be on the Parish notice board and on the Facebook page.

12) AOB:

Following recommendations from the clerk, the Council resolved to use the services of Alison Marshall as internal auditor for the next three years.

Cllr Squires offered to act as link to the Nicholls Hall committee

The coaches of the Little Foxes have been asked to remind parents about the need for considerate parking near the field as residents are encountering problems with passage and access, and verges are being damaged.

Concerns have been raised about the parking of camper vans on the bridle path behind the Pub. 

Next meeting – Tuesday 11th June 2019, 19:00, Nicholls Hall Lydford

Meeting closed 20:50


Email Circulation

AP1Addition to June agendaAgenda published 4.6.19
AP2Creation of standing itemAgenda published 4.6.19
AP3Articles re bus shelterParish magazine and Facebook page updated
AP4Consideration of action re busesAgenda published 4.6.19
AP5Follow up from auditAgenda published 4.6.19
AP6Research future banking provisionResults to June meeting