Minutes – November 14th 2017


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 at 7pm

Public Time

One member of the public attended this PC meeting and had a request for the PC to support the 100th Remembrance Celebrations in 2018.  The PC suggested that the parishioner prepared an application for a grant to fund the proposed activities.  


Cllrs Cook, Tainsh, Fowler, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Squires and Skeaping.  Also present Mrs Redding (Clerk)

  1. Apologies


  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th September 2017

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Cook. 

The Clerk updated the PC on the actions from the previous minutes. All actions had been completed prior to the meeting:

  • The armillory has been repaired and thanks have been sent to Mr Mills for doing this voluntarily. The structure still needs painting and the Clerk was asked to contact the lengthsman with a request to paint it. It was agreed that the MiIlennium bench would be stored overwinter.
  • The lengthsman reported that most of the work has been completed. The PC requested that the Clerk contacted the lengthsman to ask for the street signs to be tidied up as well as other work to be undertaken around the village (A1)
  • The Clerk was asked to check with the lengthsman regarding the need for winter salted grit (A2).
  • A letter has been sent to Highways regarding the general state of repair of the roads in Lydford but to date there has been no response.
  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 12th September 2017

A representative from the Compassionate Neighbours Scheme was unavailable to attend the October meeting so the Clerk will ask if they wish to attend the next meeting in December (A3). 

A playground inspection has been carried out by Cllr MacIntyre and Mr Williams and they found all equipment to be in good condition.

The Clerk reported that there has been no response from Cllr Sanders to a request for funding from the localities fund to cover the shortfall in funds for the second VAS sign on the A386. The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Sanders again (A4).

The work on the ancient spring has not yet been completed. Cllr Skeaping agreed to find out if this work was to be carried out imminently and, if not, the Clerk will ask the lengthsman if he can complete the work (A5).

Cllr MacIntyre reported that there was to be a meeting on the 23rd November at the school to discuss the progress on the location of the MUGA.

Bus Shelter – the Clerk reported that the PC had been granted TAP funds for the shelter. Cllr MacIntyre planned to talk with the members of the football club regarding their preferences for a location (A6). There was a suggestion that there may be a need for more than one shelter in the village (Agenda Item for discussion at the December meeting)

  • Reports from Outside Bodies

Cllr Squires provided a report on the Town and Parish Council conference regarding Highways (Skanska) and future funding. The general opinion was that as funding is reduced there is a need for communities to take a self-help approach. This included areas such as the road warden scheme, snow wardens and the Neighbourhood Highways Officer. The Clerk was asked to find out the name of the local NHO (A7). The PC agreed to place the website address for Report a Problem at DCC on the Lydford PC website (A8).

  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances

The Clerk updated the PC on the finances. The Clerk provided information on spending against budget and presented a draft budget. It was decided that the budgeted amount for travel expenses may need to increase since Councillors were attending more meetings. The Clerk was asked to find out the current mileage allowance for the PC and it was agreed that the Clerk would make minor changes to the proposed budget and present it for approval at the next meeting in December (A9).

The PC agreed to engage A. Marshall as internal auditor for another year. 

7a – Bills for Payment

£78.00 (1319) SLCC

£267.38 (1320) Pay Clerk 

£62.40 (1321) Inland Revenue

£54.00 (1322) RBL Poppy Wreath

7b Grant applications

A letter has been received from Tree Tops playgroup. The PC asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks and this request will be discussed at the December meeting (A10).  

  • Planning Applications
  • Castle Inn – 0417/17 location of the tank – noted
  • Bracken House – 0400/17 extension application granted – noted
  • Correspondence
  • Needs Survey for Housing in Lydford – there was a discussion on housing needs in Lydford. The general feeling was:
  • The DNPA would update the needs survey when there is a potential project in mind since the survey has a shelf life
  • It should be triggered by a request from the public not the PC and there has been no request to date
  • The information provided doesn’t define the word ‘need’ well
  • One Council – Update. The proposal was turned down and has now gone to the Secretary of State. The PC noted the information.
  • Invitation to networking event – Noted but no Cllr is available to attend.
  • Notification of Designation Decision – Lydford War Memorial is now listed. The Clerk was asked to check on the insurance situation (A11).
  • Views on Neighbourhood Policing – noted.
  • Snow Wardens and winter service – update to records requested. The Clerk was asked to do that (A12). 
  • Minutes of meeting for Councils Together – noted.
  • Dog Control Orders – noted.
  • Training for Councils from Southern Link. The PC filled in the request for training requirements for the Clerk to return (A13).
  • Letter regarding ideas for reduction of speeding in Lydford from Mr R Ellington. The Clerk was asked to thank Mr. Ellington for his letter and to inform him that the PC would be considering this matter further in the future (A14).  
  • Date of the Dartmoor forum meeting is the 15th November. The Clerk will attend and provide feedback (A15).
  • Fire rescue service consultation – noted.
  • Request for Lydford PC to join the CPRE – The PC considered the request and decided that it would be a good idea to join. The Clerk was asked to complete the application (A16).
  1. Agenda Items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Burial ground – Cllr Tainsh reported on this item but will provide a more detailed update in December
  3. Training DVD’s for the defibrillator – will be placed in the WI Room in Nicholls Hall for public to use. The Clerk was asked to make a note of this in the magazine and to canvas for any parishioner interested in a training session (A17).
  4. Night Landing site – the DAA has decided that the sports field was not a suitable site. The Clerk was asked to make a note of this in the Parish magazine with a request to the public to suggest other suitable sites (A18).  

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 12th December 2017

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

Meeting closed at 21.15

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated                                

Action list November 2017

A1Note to lengthsman regarding work around the village and to paint the armilloryEmail sent
A2Ask lengthsman to check and order grit if necessary 
A3Note to Compassionate Neighbours schemeEmail sent and apologies returned. Perhaps in January
A4Localities fund informationEmail to Cllr Sanders sent. Form will be sent again
A5Ancient Springs workCllr Skeaping to organise
A6Preferred location of bus shelterCllr MacIntyre to follow up
A7Info on Neighbourhood Highways OfficerJohn Doswell is the officer
A8Report a Problem site to be placed on the Lydford website Cllr MacIntyre to upload
A9Update to budget for December meetingUpdated
A10Letter to Tree Tops re funding 
A11Insurance for War MemorialIt is covered by Came and Co for circa £8000
A12Winter service and snow wardens update 
A13Training requirements form to returnReturned to J Royston
A14Respond to Mr Ellington with thanks for his letterEmail sent
A15Dartmoor Forum attendance by ClerkClerk attended and will report back
A16CPRE ApplicationCompleted
A17Defibrillator DVD/training note in the magazineDone
A18Request for DAA landing site in magazineDone – response from A Carr received and forwarded to DAA