Minutes – November 14th 2023



Minutes of the meeting held on 

Tuesday 14 November 2023 at 7.00 p.m

Present:  Cllrs Skeaping (Chair), Hulett, Lenton K, Lenton L, Gilpin and Moyse.

               Cllr Philip Sanders (DCC) part time and Cllr Caroline Mott (WDBC)

In the absence of the Clerk, Cllr Moyse agreed to take notes of the meeting.

  1. Public Session (15 Minutes)

            There were no parishioners in attendance.  Cllr Sanders advised that a new Head of Planning had been appointed (Dean Kinsella) and that Alex Gandy had handed his notice in at the DNPA.  Unfortunately with other officers working part time this will reduce the capacity of the Planning Department and applicants must be aware of delays.  This also means that there will not be any pre-app advice given.  85% of applications are approved by the Authority.  Cllr Sanders also advised that the new computer system does not do what it was intended to do, causing added time problems for officers.  Cllr Gilpin asked what come back applicants had if their application was not dealt with during the statutory time.  Cllr Sanders advised that they could always ask for an extension of time.

  • Apologies for Absence


  • Declarations of Interest


  • Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 October 2023

The Minutes were adopted by all as being a true record of the meeting.

  • Matters Arising from the meeting on 17 October

Cllr Gilpin agreed that all safety measures on refurbishment works to the playpark equipment had been agreed with the contractors.  He asked for a budget of £500 to complete the works.  Further discussion on the way forward would be held at a future meeting.  The play area was well used.  Grant funding should be available to help future equipment issues.  Cllr Mott advised that there was community funding available from WDBC.  Councillors were advised that the dog bin had disappeared with the obvious results.  Cllr Mott pointed out that as it was a play park, no dogs should be allowed to exercise across it.

With regard to the new notice boards, Cllr L Lenton was questioning the colour of the green surrounding of the boards.  The apostrophe had been removed from the lettering.

  • DNPA Forum

Cllr Moyse had attended and would forward notes to Councillors.

  • Field Gateway Opposite Sharp Tor Bungalow

The Clerk would be asked to contact the Highways Department over this issue.

  • Cllr Grigg

He had resigned as a Councillor and there was now a vacancy on the Council.

  • Parish Council Website

It was agreed that this should be more up to date and Cllr Gilpin agreed to help the Clerk, rather than managing the site.  It was especially important that the Minutes were on the website for the community to view.

  1. Relocation of Bench on Gorge Hill

Cllrs Hulett and Skeaping would go on site and consider where it could be moved to.

  1. Amalgamation of Sports Field and Hall Trusts

Councillors were advised that the Hall Trust did not wish to proceed with this.

  1. The Clerk

Councillors agreed that the Clerk should be paid for more hours as they felt he was now working them anyway. The Chairman would speak to him to discuss the number of hours he should be paid for.  It was felt that the PC should consult residents on whether they thought this extra expense should be added to the precept requirement.  Cllr Gilpin felt that problems of funding would be helped by a donation from the Lydford Fair monies next year.  

  1. Finances

Payments were approved as was the banking reconciliation as at 31 October 2023.  The budget would be considered at the next meeting.

  1. Certificate of Lawfulness to Station a Mobile Home at Elim Lydford

Councillors agreed that there was currently no mobile home on site.  They felt a planning application should be made.

  1. 20s Plenty Signs

Cllr Mott would order the signs and the PC would decide with local co-operation where they should be sited.

  1. Thermal Imaging Camera   

Cllr Southcott had advised that WDBC would make a loan of equipment to parish councils of a thermal imaging camera. It’s intended for use by residents who are interested in conducting a thermal survey of their properties, but it needs a Councillor to arrange the loan from WDBC and assume responsibility for the camera.  Councillors felt that there would be no requirement in Lydford.

The Meeting Closed at 8.08 p.m.