Minutes – November 15th 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Lydford Parish Council

Tuesday 15th November 2022 at 7.00 pm

Present – Cllrs Grigg (Chair), Squires, Skeaping, MacIntyre, Blackmore, Tainsh and Cook. Cllrs Mott and Moyse (WDBC), Simon Thompson (NT). One member of the parish.

  1. Public Session (15 minutes)
  • Simon Thompson (NT, Lydford Gorge) gave Councillors an update on planned works and closures taking place over the winter period.
  • Councillor Moyse (WDBC) asked whether Councillors were aware of the proposed boundary changes affecting parishes on the southern edge of Dartmoor.
  • Councillor Mott (Mayor, WDBC) informed the Council that DCC HaTOC committee had approved the order allowing DNP to charge for parking in a number of its car parks across Dartmoor, including at Lydford. Unfortunately she was not able to say what the National Park’s plans are for Lydford car park. Cllr Mott also wanted to thank the village for hosting her Mayor’s Civic Service recently, particularly those who helped at the church and the Nicholls Hall.
  • Apologies for absence
  • Cllr Southcott (WDBC)
  • Declarations of Interest


  • Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.

(For information only)


  • Planning Applications:

The Chair agreed to suspend Standing Orders in order to receive a representation from Jade Tennant about the application 0392/22 relating to Bella Mead, Silver Street. 

Following the presentation and subsequent discussion Councillors resolved by a majority vote to object to the application on the grounds that the completed proposal would overlook and create a loss of privacy to the neighbouring properties. (AP1 – Clerk to compose response to DNP)

  • Public toilets (standing item)

Following initial discussions at the previous meeting, Councillors received representations from a number of parishioners expressing their concerns at the cost of keeping the toilets open. A number of options were discussed –

Keeping the toilets open but with a reduced cleaning regime of perhaps only three times a week

Cancelling the contract with WDBC and returning the keys to them

Discussing with DNP whether they would be willing to take over the running of the toilets

The matter has become pressing because of the need to agree next year’s budget. Councillors agreed that it should be placed on next month’s agenda (AP2 – Clerk to add to December agenda) and the opinions of parishioners be canvassed (AP3 – Clerk to publicise)

  • Flag flying protocol

After discussion the protocol as amended was adopted by the Council (AP4 – Clerk to finalise and publish).

  • Minutes of the Meeting 11th October 2022

The minutes were agreed as written

Proposed Cllr Grigg, seconded Cllr Squires. All in favour

  • Matters arising from the meeting 11th October 2022 
  • Beating the Bounds 2023 – Cllr Grigg updated the Council on the initial planning meeting. Cllrs were informed that whilst only £200 remains in the current budget for grants, £400 was returned to reserves from last year’s grants budget.
  • Cllr MacIntyre has taken steps to contact the installer of the play equipment to arrange repairs.
  • Cllr Skeaping to contact a parishioner who may be able to repair the two notice boards
  1. Installing a bleed pack in Lydford for public use

After discussion it was agreed that there was no need for a bleed pack (usually costing over £500) in a quiet village such as Lydford.

  1. Reports from Outside Bodies

Cllr Squires updated the Council on the latest meeting of the Trustees of Nicholls Hall.

  1. Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)

It was agreed to remove this item from future agendas.

  1. Playground (standing item)

Cllrs MacIntyre and Blackmore agreed to lead for the Council on matters relating to the playground.

  1. Finances

Councillors resolved to approve the following payments –

  1. J. Bright                              £38.00           Wreaths for Remembrance Day
    1. J. Bright                            £312.71           November salary
    1. HMRC                                £73.80           PAYE November
    1. Jade Tennant                   £574.10           Toilet cleaning October

Proposed Cllr MacIntyre, seconded Cllr Blackmore. All in favour.

Councillors noted that the recently agreed national pay award for local government employees would mean an increase of £406 in staffing costs for the present financial year.

  1. Actions taken under delegated authority

Councillors approved the acceptance of Penny Clapham as the Council’s internal auditor for the current financial year.

  1. Request by Lydford Primary School for Council to vary its meeting time

Councillors felt that it was more appropriate to move the December Council meeting to the Thursday 15thDecember, aqvoiding any possible clash with the primary school who have their Christmas show on Tuesday 13th. (AP5 – Clerk to update website and inform Head Teacher).

Meeting closed 8:20 pm

Date of next meeting – Thursday 15th December 2022

Action Points:

01Clerk to compose response to DNP objecting to planning application.Completed 18.11.22
02Clerk to add question of continuing to fund public toilets to December agendaCompleted 30.11.22
03Clerk to publicise Cllrs requests for parishioners’ views on continuing to fund toilets in LydfordCompleted Facebook entry 17.11.2022Article in Lydford Newsletter 17.11.22Website updated 17.11.22
04Clerk to amend flag protocol as agreed and publish to Council websiteCompleted & published 30.11.22
05Clerk to update website of change of date for December meeting and inform head teacher of Lydford SchoolCompleted 17.11.22