Minutes – October 10th 2017


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 7pm

Public Time

One member of the public attended. 

The Chair of the PC welcomed Mr S Squires as the new co-opted Councillor. R 


Cllrs Cook, Tainsh, Fowler, Moriarty, MacIntyre, and Skeaping.  Also present Mrs Redding (Clerk)

  1. Apologies


  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th July 2017

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Cook. 

The Clerk updated the PC on the actions from the previous minutes. All actions had been completed except a list of traffic calming measures. After a short discussion on traffic calming measures for the village the clerk was asked to provide some information in the next Parish Magazine detailing the actions so far regarding traffic issues and to ask the parishioners for suggestions (A1). 

Since there has be no response from the DAA regarding the night site at Lydford the Clerk was asked to phone the DAA directly to find out what was happening (A2).

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 11th July 2017


  • Reports from Outside Bodies


  • Borough Council Reports.

Cllr Mott provided the following information:

  • There is now a consultation on the single council proposal. The PC response is covered under Section 9 Correspondence
  • In relation to planning training Cllr Mott will send the slides from the workshop.
  • Finances

The Clerk updated the PC on the finances. There was a discussion on the status of the MUGA. The clerk was asked to contact the playground committee to get an update (A3). 

7a – Bills for Payment

£267.58 (1314) Pay Clerk 

£62.20 (1315) Inland Revenue

7b Grant applications

Compassionate Neighbours – have requested support. A discussion can be found in section 9 Correspondence.

  • Planning Applications
  • Moorcroft  – planning application accepted. Noted
  • Bracken House – application for extension – approved
  • Correspondence
  • One Devon Consultation – Cllr Cook attended the recent consultation meeting and noted that many of the operational departments are already shared between the councils already. The discussion centred on the current gap in funding for WDBC (approximately £0.8 million) and the potential for council tax levels to rise as a result of the amalgamation of councils. The consultation report will to go to Parliament by October 2017 for a decision to be made in 2020. The PC decided to respond to the online consultation with a note that the PC represents parishioners who have concerns on practical matter such as, where departments will be located. Since this information is not detailed in the consultation documents then the PC is unable to make a representative comment at this time. 
  • Twinning – The town of Aubeterre sur Donne has made a request for twinning with Lydford. The Clerk was asked to write a note in the Parish Magazine asking for  the opinion of parishioners (A4)
  • Compassionate Neighbours Scheme (CNS). CNS is requesting a donation for the work they intend to carry out in the surrounding parishes including Lydford. The Clerk was asked to respond to CNS with  request for an outline of costs and how a grant would be used as well as an invitation to attend the next meeting (A5)
  • Lengthsmen services – The Clerk was asked to contact the lengthsman to find out what work had been completed and what could be completed by the end of September.  A TAP fund application for lengthsmen services is expected to be completed for the next round of funding 
  • Bus Shelter – A copy of a TAP fund application for the bus shelter was noted.
  • Letter regarding the potholes in Lydford. The Clerk will also report this online.
  • Parish Councillor vacancy.  There have been 2 applications for the position. The Chair will take this forward and will talk to both applicants and will report back to the PC.
  • Annual report for DALC – noted 
  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Bus Shelter – there is an issue over the water pipes for SW water. Highways has rejected the proposed position of the shelter in the area of the bench. The Chair will go back to Highways to ask about the original location. 
  3. Burial ground – Cllr Tainsh reported on this item. It was suggested that the Church owned some land in Lydford which could be used for the burial ground if necessary.  Cllr Tainsh will liaise with the PCC to run through the details of the information gathered so far and to dicuss a possible way forward.
  4. Playground Inspection – Cllr MacIntyre will continue to carry out inspections of the playground and will report to the PC. The Clerk will also ask the Playground committee if they are also carrying out inspections (A6).  RoSPA will also carry out an annual inspection in March 2018.
  5. VAS  – The Clerk reported that there was a shortfall in funding for the second VAS sign by approximately £1500. This could be covered by the localities fund and the Clerk was asked to contact WDBC regarding this possibility (A7) and also to look at other companies who could provide a quote for supply of the sign. 

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 10th October 2017

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

Ancient Spring – it was reported that the channel near the path was getting deeper and needs some attention. Cllr Skeaping offered to take this forward. 

Millennium bench and Oriol – Cllr Skeaping and MacIntyre offered to seek quotes for the repairs.

Meeting closed at 21.15

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson            Dated                                2017 

Action list September 2017

A1Magazine report on  traffic calming actions taken by PCDone
A2Call DAA regarding the night landing siteTBC
A3Update on the MUGAEmail sent
A4Note in the Magazine regarding TwinningDone
A5Compassionate Neighbours scheme to contactDone – email sent inviting CNS to the next PC meeting
A6Playground inspectionsEmail  sent to Playground Committee
A7Contact WDBC re localities fundDone – WDBC to respond shortly