Minutes – October 13th 2020

Minutes of the  Meeting of Lydford Parish Council held online on Tuesday 13th Octobber 2020, 7.00pm 

Present:  CllrSquires (Chair); Cllr. MacIntyre;  Cllr. Skeaping; Cllr Tainsh; Cllr Blackmore; Cllr Cook; John Bright (Clerk); Cllrs Mott & Southcott (Borough Councillors).

Meeting commenced 7:00pm

1) Public Discussion:

There being no public present it was resolved to proceed directly to the agenda items.

2) Apologies for absence:

Cllr. Grigg. Accepted.

3) Declarations of interest: 

Cllr Skeaping for item 14.

4)   Minutes of previous meeting:

Approved as a true record. Proposed – Cllr Cook, Seconded – Cllr MacIntyre. All in favour. The agreement to be noted on the published minutes.

5)  Matters arising from previous meeting:

  • Clerk has written an article on traffic concerns through the village for the Oke Links magazine.
  • There have been a small number of comments received about the positioning of the VAS.
  • DNP have confirmed that their £500 grant can be used towards the additional costs of keeping the public toilets Covid-secure.

6) Reports from Outside Bodies

Cllr Squires – Nicholls Hall. Trustees have re-opened the hall for a limited number of users.

7) Report from Borough Councillors:

A report from Cllr Mott had been previously circulated to Councillors. Briefly –

8) Covid-19 crisis

Cllr Tainsh updated the Council on her communications with Devon Communities Together over the Council’s action plans relating to any Covid outbreak in the village.

9) Climate Emergency (Standing Item)

Cllrs Squires and MacIntyre continue to investigate the feasibility of installing a charging point for electric vehicles (AP1). Cllrs Mott & Southcott shared sources of information to assist with the study.

10) Public toilets (Standing Item)

Councillors agreed to a proposal from Jade Tennant that she reduce her cleaning to once per day; this is in line with current guidance that cleaning should be proportional to usage, and there is very little use of the toilets at present. The potential cost for cleaning the toilets for the whole of the 2021 season was discussed. Initial calculations were that cleaning alone would cost over £5,000. Ways to reduce this were considered, as was the possibility of installing a “donate-on-entry” system as a way of reducing the cost to the parish. Clerk to investigate possibilities and report to next month’s meeting (AP2).

11) Grant Application

Councillors considered an application for funding from the Okehampton Community Bus. They were uncertain as to the demand and usage of this service in Lydford and asked the Clerk to ascertain more details for next month’s meeting (AP3).

12) Remembrance 2020

It was agreed that the Council would take an organisational and supporting role in the village Remembrance. Cllr MacIntyre has updated the Order of the Day in line with Covid guidelines and will circulate it to all parties involved in the planning of Remembrance Day activities (AP7). Clerk to replace existing Union flag with new before Remembrance week begins (AP8). 

13) Finances

a) Payments: 

Cllrs resolved to make the following payments –

  1. J Bright                               £14.39           Zoom subscription (monthly)
    1. J Bright                             £599.00           Replacement Council laptop
    1. J Bright                                 £6.44           Office supplies
    1. Jade Tennant                   £752.50           Toilets cleaning
    1. J Bright                             £299.82           October pay
    1. HMRC                                £70.40           PAYE October
    1. Neil Grigg                           £20.91           Toilet supplies
    1. J Bright                               £25.99           Toilet supplies

Councillors declined to authorise the payment of £381.92 to Devon Highways for the installation of the VAS pole as they were of the mind that the waiver of this fee had been agreed with Highways as a sign of goodwill because of the delay of over 18 months that they had caused. Clerk to research through previous correspondence and communicate with Highways. (AP4)

All payments to be made online.

  • Disposal of Council Asset

Councillors resolved to dispose of the previous Council laptop securely and in line with DALC guidance as it was beyond economic repair. (AP5)

  • The quarterly accounts, as circulated, were accepted. Quarterly reconciliation has been inspected and approved by Cllr Blackmore.

All – Proposed: Cllr Blackmore Seconded: Cllr MacIntyre. All in favour.

14) Planning Applications

Application 0413/20 Pomeroys – removal and replacement of existing extension

Cllr Skeaping declared an interest as a close neighbour.

The application was fully supported by all Councillors.

15) Correspondence

The location of the Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) has been the subject of some online discussion since its installation last month. Cllr Tainsh reminded all that this project has taken a considerable time to bring to fruition, largely because of the difficulties created by Devon Highways, and that the present location of the VAS is the only one that was approved by them. 

There appears to be an issue with the VAS receiving “bounced” signals from nearby branches, particularly when wet. Clerk to discuss the matter with Coeval and find a possible resolution. (AP6)

16) Other Business by permission of the Chair

The drains in the car park and beside the railway bridge over the cycle route are both blocked and will need clearing by Highways.

Meeting closed 20:25

Next meeting Tuesday 10th November 2020, 19:00. This meeting to be held online.


AP1Cllrs Squires & MacIntyre to continue investigations into installing charging station 
AP2Clerk to produce different models of cleaning (costed) for public toilets and possible costs of installing contactless payment systems. 
AP3Clerk to ascertain more details of usage of Okehampton Community bus in Lydford 
AP4Clerk to locate evidence of “quid pro quo” agreement with Devon Highways 
AP5Clerk to dispose of laptop securely, and note disposal on asset registerHard drive removed and put beyond re-use. Laptop recycled 20.10.2020
AP6Clerk to communicate with Coeval and find possible resolution to issue of signal “bounce”. 
AP7Cllr MacIntyre to circulate Order of the Day for Remembrance Day 
AP8Clerk to replace existing Union flag with new, before end of October.