Minutes – October 17th 2023


Minutes of the meeting held on

Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7:00pm

Present: Cllrs Skeaping (Chair), Hulett, Lenton K, Lenton L, Gilpin, Moyse. J Bright (Clerk)

  1. Public Session (15 minutes) 

There were no parishioners in attendance. Session collapsed by the Chair.

  • Apologies for absence

Cllr Grigg – accepted.

  • Declarations of Interest


  • Appointment of a Vice Chair
  • Cllr Skeaping proposed Cllr Hulett to serve as Vice Chair to the Council until the next Annual Meeting (May 2024). The proposal was seconded by Cllr. L Lenton. All in favour.
  • Minutes of the meeting 12th September 2023 
  • Cllr Gilpin proposed that the wording of action point 5 be changed from “Circulate” to “Re-Circulate”.
  • Cllr Moyse proposed that references to “DNP” be amended to “DNPA”
  • These proposals were accepted, after which the minutes were adopted by all.
  • Matters arising from the meeting 12th September 2023 
  • There has been no reply from Lydford Primary School to approaches to get involved in action for the 20’s Plenty campaign. Cllr K Lenton explained that the email address has changed very recently and offered to make contact with the school staff directly. 
  • Lydford Emergency Plan (previously circulated)
  • Cllr Hulett requested volunteers to form a working group with him to complete the document and to assume roles within the plan. Cllrs K Lenton and Gilpin offered to help.
  • Housing in Lydford 
  • Cllr K Lenton felt that the issue of affordable housing within the village is an issue of serious concern and should be considered outside of any submissions from DMAT on falling rolls in Lydford Primary School.
  • Cllr L Lenton will produce a paper for information and discussion at November’s meeting.
  • Notice Boards outside Nicholls Hall
  • Cllr L Lenton offered the final decision for circulation. Clerk to circulate (AP1
  • It was agreed that the council should purchase two boards from the manufacturer and according to the specifications suggested by Cllr L Lenton. Proposed Cllr Skeaping, seconded Cllr K Lenton. All in favour. (Clerk to order – AP2)
  1. Speed of traffic through the village
  • It was agreed to respond positively to Cllr Mott’s invitation to order subsidized “20’s Plenty” signs (AP3 – Clerk to contact Cllr Mott)
  • Cllr K Lenton agreed to contact Lydford Primary School directly to invite them to engage with the campaign and install signs on school properties.
  • Cllrs were asked to canvass parishioners to find some who are willing to display these signs.
  1. Playground
  • It was resolved that the council accept the estimate of £325 from Morwellham Sheds and Garden Furniture and appoint them to repair the wooden beam on the swing. Proposed Cllr Gilpin, seconded Cllr Skeaping. All in favour. Clerk to order (AP4)
  • Cllrs were informed that before payment of the anticipated invoice from Morwellham Sheds, the  playground reserves stood at £1,510.79.
  • Cllr Gilpin agreed to act as the link between the council and the Recreation Ground committee.
  • Cllr Skeaping asked why the parish council is responsible for maintaining the playground. (AP5 – Clerk to respond)
  1. Car parking in Lydford
  • Cllrs agreed unanimously that the council remains opposed to the planned imposition by DNPA of charges for parking in the village car park. Cllrs were made aware that DNPA are exploring ways that the costs to villagers using the car park might be mitigated, but as yet no concrete proposals have been put forward. Possible future actions the council might take were considered.
  • It was agreed that no action should be taken by the council until a firm plan could be agreed. Cllr Gilpin was invited and agreed to draft a proposal for consideration at next meeting (AP6)
  1. Request from Lydford Primary School
  • Councillors agreed to delay the start of their December meeting to 7.30pm to allow for completion of the Primary School’s nativity play rehearsals.
  1. Finances
  1. Cllrs resolved to approve the following payments:
  1. J. Bright                            £340.58           October salary
    1. HMRC                                £80.60           PAYE October
    1. J. Bright                             £59.99           Microsoft Office subscription 2023-24
  • Grant application – Okehampton Citizens’ Advice Bureau

Councillors resolved to make a grant of £100 to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau

Proposed Cllr Skeaping, seconded Cllr L Lenton. All in favour.

Cllrs noted the September reconciliation and actions taken under delegated authority.

Opening balance 1.4.23         £10,015.25                                Bank holdings at 30.9.23

Add receipts                              £9,551.78                  Deposit Account         £15,133.22

Less payments                         £4,389.24                  Current account                 £44.57

                                                £15,177,79                                                      £15,177,79

Actions taken under delegated authority since July meeting,

Payments made – 

  1. Transfer from savings to current account 6.10.23 –   £500.00
  1. Planning

Cllrs agreed their responses to applications:

  • 0429/23 – retrospective application to erect a shepherd’s hut at The Cloves, Raddick Farm. Approved.
  • 0441/23 – change of use of garage to annex and holiday let at The Cloves, Raddick Farm. Approved.
  1. Any urgent business not listed on the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.
  •      Cllr Skeaping outlined discussions which have been raised by Devon CC regarding the bus shelter by the War Memorial. DCC were reminded that the shelter was constructed and intended solely for the use of school children awaiting the bus to take them to Okehampton. It was never intended to be used by the public when waiting for the 118 buses.  

The meeting closed at 20.30.

Action points arising from the meeting:

 Action required ofAction requiredInitial outcome
01ClerkCirculate information from Cllr L Lenton re notice boards to be purchasedCirculated 18.10.23
02ClerkOrder notice boards according to specifications and supplier agreed by council. Order placed 31.10.23
03ClerkContact Cllr Mott to express LPC’s interest in receiving 20’s plenty posters when printedContacted Cllr Southcott 18.10.23 as Cllr Mott is unavailable until November.
04ClerkTo place order with Morwellham Sheds for adding bracing to swing, as per estimate 1743Estimate signed and accepted 18.10.23. Chasing email 25.10.23. Awaiting updated estimate following re-visit.
05ClerkTo research and respond to the question “why is the parish council responsible for maintaining the playground?”Response sent to Cllrs 24.10.23
06Cllr GilpinTo produce a written proposal for possible council action on the issue of parking charges in Lydford car park ready for November meeting